Feds have seized Backpage.com.

74  2018-04-06 by Joan_Wayne_Gacy


This is why we need mayocide.


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Now /u/Masterlawlz will never get laid :( :( VwV

And OntiTan will have to be more proactive in his hunting grounds


Dear FBI, please blow the intercontinental cable trunks as communications through those have been used to organize terrorism, kthx

Oh fuck bb, your right! I bet the intercontinental cable trunks were involved in 9/11 too!

AND all interference in the 2016 election would have come over the transatlantic cables, so at the very least in the interest of preserving democracy we need to cut communication with Europe.

Is this Trump's alt?

five bucks that tweeter is a juggalo

The track gonna be busy tonight.

Better get that bussy on the stroll

Oh shit Craigslist personals are down too. The Feds are coming for the pedos

Pedos, you gotta be like 50 to be posting in craigslist personals.

Craigslist was voluntary. Backpage thought they could get away with just letting people post pics and phone numbers without explicit text, but that apparently wasn’t enough.

Theeroticreview took down their ad discussion boards where providers posted ads, for US cities/states.

Advice for hobbyists: Use WYP, Eros, rubmaps, eccie, usasexguide.

Source: I pay for companionship because I’m like 400lbs and a nice guy.


The White Yellow Pages?

Lose weight


Just call it shagging a hooker you autist.

Calling it shagging instead of Forcey-worcey fun times.

You have to keep your language dumbed down for the burgers in the audience.

But I don’t usually have sexual intercourse. It’s usually me being hard for a minute, going soft and crying for the rest of the hour.

Craigslist was voluntary.

Not exactly, they were responding to the new law. They didn't have a realistic choice.

Advice for hobbyists: Use WYP, Eros, rubmaps, eccie, usasexguide.

Eccie has also been taken down now. All these sites are going to have trouble with this law, unless they police their platform heavily. One of the provisions of the new law is that online services are no longer "immune from civil liability for the actions of their users" when it comes to sex trafficking. Any online provider of personals now has to make very sure their site isn't being used for sex trafficking, which implies verifying and even investigating users. None of these sites have the kind of margins that would allow them to do that.

Craigslist personals have been down for a while.

I can't believe the peso argent is so damn efficient. I've seen the site many times. Two of my friends used it quite frequently. I've used it in Canada lol. I think the peso thing is highly overstated. I mean logically you can't argue with "think of the children" but the shit wasn't really bad enough to spook all these other sites

What is that? Peso argent?

There's a name I haven't heard in years. I always figured they were an online sting operation anyway

What's that?

An even seedier version of craigslist.

It was the de facto place for escorts to sell their wares. Recently congress passed a sex trafficking bill that holds online platforms accountable for sex crimes that happen due to arrangements that occur on the platform because they're too cheap and lazy to target the people who actually facilitate sex trafficking and indirectly want to harm the sex industry because 'personal freedoms' don't matter when it comes to things that republicans outwardly dislike.

Didn't that bill get bipartisan support?

The one thing that Family Values Republicans and Feminist Moral Panic Democrats can agree on is that sex is bad.

Sex is only bad if you aren't plundering trussy strictly within the bonds of monogamous marriage, in the missionary position, for the purposes of procreation, with the lights off.

Both parties are into orgasm denial on a massive scale.

Both shilling for big fleshlight.

just proof that partisans are retarded

Bi partisans.

This sub, despite its protests, is extremely partisan. They'll make fun of commies, but don't you ever insinuate that maybe Obama wasn't the best President ever, or that turning their party into a subsidiary of Goldman Sachs was a bad idea following the crash.

Recently congress passed a sex trafficking bill that holds online platforms accountable for sex crimes that happen due to arrangements that occur on the platform

It's not law yet though, right?

Sounds like stressful news for sex workers and reddit admins.

Oh yeah, fuck Congress

Gotta legalize selling but not buying

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/69xjy0/comment/dha6a8d

When you search for the "Backpage" trend on Twitter, it's just an endless list of syphilitic thots pounding ground, losing hope




This comment has unusually appealing rhythm and sonority. "endless list of syphilitic thots" and "pounding ground, losing hope" are nearly prose poetry.

Tough break for aging whores like /u/joan_wayne_gacy.

Oh well, if I want a whore I guess I'll have to just pop in to the massage parlor, I have dozens to choose from in my city alone.

rubmaps is probably going to be gone soon too, don't count your lucky stars. Or is it tugmaps? Either way it's probably gonna die.

Remember to pick the sad ending https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=me5rX7Y9XKU

watch yourself with that shit.

A few dudes in my town just got rekt cause the massage parlor they went to had video cameras. So when the cops raided, they got the video and started charging everyone they saw.

shit, that place was always a great browse when for you wanted to feel better about yourself

browsing drama isn't enough?

reflect on how pathetic you have to be to browse here in the first place

Just use SRD for this like the rest of us

browsing srd makes me want to nuke the entire human race

You always have incels.

Well, we all knew this was coming. They had a good run i guess.

Explain this like I'm a child molester who doesn't know what this is

Oh man did you miss out

Why is the federal government using a screenshot of their notice overlayed over the website as the official seizure notice? It's not even a .png, smfh

Backpage owned by Village Voice Media - splinter far left Newspaper conglomerate (CIA ran) #MAGA #QAnon #TQFam #8Chan #TheGreatAwakening #TheStormIsHere @POTUS #InternetBillOfRights #FreeTheInternet

Why do people like this exist?

Holding websites accountable for the actions of individuals they have no influence over

Don't even mention the official sex trade justification. Congratulate because it censors a "leftist" source.


Doubleplusgood censorship for freedom!

These are old as fuck retards who don't know how the internet works

Clearly they've learned just enough to activate the collective boomer destruction hivemind. It's our fault for insisting on supporting Internet Explorer 9 for the modern web.

Kind of like assuming every democrat is some chapo traphouse freak, or an /r/politics user.

Back in my very boring office job I downloaded one of those texting apps and always used to text the numbers on there and just have casual conversations.

Many were rude and were all about bussiness.

So what is it, craigslist for pedos?

No, Backpages was kinda like Craigslist all the posts on Backpages I saw were 20+ yr old black chicks looking for rich old white dudes.

God damn government, trying to force me into normie relationships to meet my sexual needs.

😔 now where will losers like me find prostitutes in a small town it's not like they're on the streets like in big cities.