Powermod and sperglord /u/ZadocPaet still completely butthurt over some idiot rejecting his advances, now has a YouTube channel dedicated to ripping on him

3  2018-04-06 by [deleted]



Good bot

Aw... man. I hate when I miss threads about me.

OP hit me up I wanna know what this is about OwO

He deleted it to early for removeddit and the archive sites are being assholes. REEEEE

lol ye

I'm just curious about this one but it's not a big deal

I'm just mad at the archive sites. Archive.org gets rate limited super easy, because fuck reddit, and archive.is kept crashing the script (hence the picture).

ahh yea it may have been because it was so many links at once on this one or something

I just need to make the bot pause between archiving each link. It will happen almost every time there are two or more reddit links in a row.