They never fucking learn, do they?

6  2018-04-07 by SafeThrowaway691


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Someone in that thread tossed out the term "living space."

They aren't even hiding anymore.

Privileged YT detected!

Do any other people besides whites by self-help books? The only time a book centered around motivating yourself to try to do something with the mediocrity you exude is when it as the house or in the hands of some white person. And the worst thing is, they talk like it's some colossal accomplishment to tread through a 300 page circlejerk of obvious advice you could learn on your own. The people buying these books also share a trait of being of weak constitution or health. Rarely, if ever have I seen someone lean and muscular call one of these novels an inspiration. My point is that the West ruined culture for everybody.

my favorite thing about white nationalists/supremacists is the lumping of all mayos as just "whites", like we all have common goals and get along all chill with each other. The last time one kind of mayo decided it wanted "living space", all the "whites" got together to have the largest war in human history. Western Europe is the poster child for white people not being able to get along until very recently when the largest trans-governmental bureaucracy ever was created to try to stop different mayos from going to war with each other over stupid shit by instead making them argue about the price of cheeses.

Yeah, the whole privilege-baiting schtick worked out really well last election. Keep it up, sport.

The best way to get people to take your side is to shame them for how they were born, and get pissed when they say "no, fuck you".

I'm not a self-destructive retard! I'm not! It's just that you saying mean words to me made me act like a total spaz and, by God, i'll do it again! >:(

Yeah, his policies don't effect anyone else besides the people who voted for him, right?