Teenager on /r/nofap laments over having to live in a first world country which doesn't vilify porn and masturbation

95  2018-04-07 by YameteOniichanItai




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Fear not u/ProMemeAnalyser when Norway inevitably becomes Islamic porn and masturbation will be vilified. To further this social progress I recommend voting for the far left pro migrant parties. Inshallah brother.

looks like something out of a school shooter’s manifesto

I have seen some of them having the bad effects of porn and i’m shocked in the way they treat females.

Current nice guy, future Elliot Rodger?

I see many vanilla lattes in his future

That whole sub is like that. That particular thread has more hyper-repressed righties in it than an airport restroom gloryhole.


That sub is a mass gathering of future rampage killers, and it's just one of many on reddit.

I love this website.

I’m in 9th grade and almost every single boy masturbates

That's not true, /u/ProMemeAnalyser. It's every boy. The ones who say they don't are liars.

You should redpill your classmates by writing a spicy paper for school detailing how (((pornographers))) are trying to rob white men of their vital essence so they'll be easier for the (((globalists))) to enslave and stuff.

That's not true, /u/ProMemeAnalyser. It's every boy. The ones who say they don't are liars.

They could be dual amputees.

True. But those guys are one-in-a-million super Chads who get handies from their mommy.

Wouldn't stop them from humping the pillows like a dog.

Is it still masturbaing if the pillow is a hottie?

That's not true, /u/ProMemeAnalyser . It's every boy. The ones who say they don't are liars.

There are probably a few who don't. You know what they do? They sure as shit don't frequent a sub about not masturbating.

I honestly didn’t masturbate until like 11th grade. It was a tougher breed back in 2006.

Some people don't learn how until a few years later


Now, now. It can't be spicy. Like Mr. Kellogg always said, spicy foods make people horny.

What's the deal with calling women females. Is it supposed to be more elevated, or cold and scientific. Then they go and call their xlassmates boys

I'm going to seriouspost here on /r/drama for a second, and I do so in the knowledge that I am a terrible person for it.

/begin seriouspost

Guys who call women "females" but don't call men "males" are typically both sexist and insecure in their own masculinity. They're almost always woman-hating incels who obsess about "alphas" and "betas" and "soyboys."

/end seriouspost

Sounds very gross and icky.

No need for the disclaimer, seriousposting is the shit

No no, the disclaimer is warranted and appreciated. Sometimes when I see someone balls deep into a serious post I like to step in and call them a fuckin fag and to go back to their sub of origin. To remind them where they are and who their audience is. But thanks to that disclaimer I don't have to do that in this instance.

Makes sense

Imagine watching Star Trek and identifying with the Ferengi.

Yeah it's intentionally dehumanizing language. It's some form of "they won't touch my dick THEY'RE A DIFFERENT SPECIES REEEE"

It is useful to go through a phase of intentionally dehumanizing women at least once in your life. It teaches you that you are capable of maintaining emotional distance and keeping your own counsel when necessary.

small brain: women

regular brain: girls

shining brain: females

cosmic brain: femoids

galaxy brain: property

every time i see some dude call them females i'm all like "virgin spotted"



The female homo sapiens species is quite desirable to me.

lol gay

Your degeneracy sickens me.



You are a prude. As a fellow Norwegian, I am going to set you straight. Norway does not glorify porn. We are educated to not feel ashamed about it, and are explicitly told that porn is acting, not real life. Just because you're not getting any doesn't mean touching yourself is bad.

I am sure you don't remember this, because the most pressing issue for you at the time was the shitstains in your pants, but 3 years ago there was a national controversy because of a single pornographic clip, featuring Kari Jackoffson. Porn is not considered good in Norway. We tolerate its existence, and we don't shame people for watching it. But we don't encourage people to watch it either.


That was her (his?) porn name, it's actually Jaquesson. I knew there was no way that was her actual name.

She’s also woke af.

he is muslim

Then it's even worse for him if I vote FrPm

Do you mean the OP of the /r/NoFap thread? I didn't see him mention it, but if he is, then he would probably like /r/MuslimNoFap.

Also, TIL that /r/NoFapChristians exist. What's the point of splitting nofap by religious group?

Before you masturbate, think: what would Jesus do? Remember that God is watching.


Before you masturbate, think: what would Muhammad do? Remember that Allah is watching.

Do you mean the OP of the /r/NoFap thread? I didn't see him mention it, but if he is, then he would probably like /r/MuslimNoFap.

Also, TIL that /r/NoFapChristians exist. What's the point of splitting nofap by religious group?

Before you masturbate, think: what would Jesus do? Remember, God is watching.


Before you masturbate, think: what would Muhammad do? Remember, Allah is watching.

I guess your teachers are better than mine then. From elementary school to youth school my teachers haven’t said a single shit about the bad side effects of porn or that porn is acting.

Homosexuality is not considered good in New Rome. We tolerate its existence, and we don't shame people very much for it. But we don't encourage people to engage in it either.

Fun fact: Your body can't tell a difference between sex and masturbation.

Except for the fact that it can. Oxytocin with a partner balances out the dopamine dump from orgasm. I'm not sure looking at internet porn is the best idea for the psyche either. Masturbation is probably OK, but obviously like everything else - in moderation.

thank you for you advice dr kellogs

Thanks for the insult.

you are correct that real sex stimulates different amounts of hormones and brain chemicals, but you are assuming that the amounts "dumped" from jerking off are harmful, and need to be "balanced out" by sticking to real sex.

that isn't remotely proven and is just myth and pseudo science from nofap and nofap related places.

as for "everything in moderation", yes, obviously, but no one even needs to be told that. if you jerk off for hours instead of doing things you're supposed to do, or you've watched so much porn that you're desensitized and becoming a furrie or other degenerate shit, then yes, you have a problem.

but i've not seen a good single shred of evidence to date that jerking off a few times a week to regular porn is remotely harmful, though i guess that is up to the individual, what they get out of it, why they watch it, and what exactly like are watching, which can't be summed in any general rule, such as "porn isn't good for the psyche". it actually might be good, depending on various factors.

Oxytocin with a partner balances out the dopamine dump from orgasm

not having a waifu to balance out your oxytocin

False. Your body produces different amounts of sperm based on the nature of sex act and identity of partner.

source? That seems bullshit cause when I nut to somethin' good it's more than with a thot 😎😎😎

idk man seems like bulshit

it is science.


He's a biology professor at the University of Liverpool.

People from the government are wanting us to learn that porn and masturbating is good and normal

but why the government want you to masturbate?

Your government wants you to become dumb and numb, also emasculated enough so you look stupid if you question anything, and tied to a medium wage, services job so life can fuck you up worse than it'll fuck up the elites.

oh ok


Exactly this, as they give your country away to refugees and savages. They want the men weak, and afraid.

You named it. /NoFapol when?

That's the age when you are expected to masturbate alot. When I was in high school I made the eggman cry so much I thought I was gonna get carpel tunnel.

Good times, indeed.

Everyone here seems to think internet porn is OK. That's odd. It seems near impossible to think that watching other people have sex is healthy for one's mind in the long run. I'm sure masturbation is OK within moderation, but still. Sex with a partner seems infinitely healthier for one's mental life.

Shame you'll never get to find out.

Lol projecting much? I'm assuming you're the guy who jerks it everyday, plays video games hours on end, and doesn't have anyone who'd even intimately touch him with a 10 foot pole. Amiright or amiright?

Only a 25 year year old virgin like yourself would think masturbation was similar to partner sex. Just being frank, dude.

youch had to go all the way up to 25 because you lost your virginity at 24? thats pretty old dude

Yes, your mother was a lifesaver.

God, I wonder how disfunctional you have to be to think masturbation is immoral and government mind control and make yo momma jokes at the same time.

Masturbation is immoral? Noone here has even mentioned that, junior.

Edit: Also, your mom.

You're really trying too hard here.

Try harder, boy.

The irony in getting called a boy by what's obviously a 14 year old trying to sound older on the internet in a feeble attempt to make his argument sound a tad less retarded. Wait, I'll come down to your level:


Let no man pull you so low as to hate him.

Yes I'm 14. Good job, you're very smart. Youre triggered? Yes, obviously so.

bruhh XDD that's lit fam

say no to druggz and sex kiddos stay in school 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Ouch, you cracked like an egg.

thats seriously hella uncool dude wowzers

Trying to play cool like you're not emotionally unsettled. It's okay man, I'm here for you.

Can you stop replying? You're clogging up the actual drama.

Only a 25 year year old virgin like yourself would think masturbation was similar to partner sex.

masturbation is better tbh

You are correct on half of that, yes.

1) I don't jerk it EVERY day, but pretty often.

2) I do, in fact, play video games for hours on end.

3) I've been living with my girlfriend for six years now, and we're coming up on our twelth anniversary, so I'm afraid you're off on that one.

4) I'm 42 years old, not 25.

How's Stellaris since the update?

Actually, I just picked it up for the first time last night. I am quite impressed with it, but I couldn't tell you anything about older versions.

Too bad. I really enjoyed it for a while, but quit playing when I saw how shallow the warfare was. 2.0 was supposed to fix that, but the reviews are mixed on whether it's better or worse now.

And I don't have twenty hours to spend figuring it out for myself.

Finally did a bit of fighting... yeah, that's the game's weakest point so far. Usually I don't like the combat in most 4X games anyhow though. The original MOO might have done it best.

Studying for what? You're 42

CELTA cert.

I've been living with my girlfriend for six years now, and we're coming up on our twelth anniversary, so I'm afraid you're off on that one. Sometimes we watch porn together, that's pretty fun

Tbqh that's pretty gay.

I'm 42 years old

There are way more old people on /r/drama than I thought there would be.

I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Hot Grits posts on Slashdot. I watched flamewars rage across multiple board on Usenet. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Only a 25 year year old virgin like yourself would think masturbation was similar to partner sex.

Can you tell me the secret to making such gigantic and hyperbolic leaps? Going from someone insulting you to a full manifesto on what they think and do is pretty impressive.

YEah sorry masturbating even everyday has been show to have pretty positive effects on the human body


Ravaging gussy every day has even more positive effects.

You got to do both really. Not cucking your partner by watching porn with cuter East-Asian girls when she's not around is quite gay.

Porn =/= watching people have sex. Solo girl stripping section is the patricians choice and btfos nofappers.

porn and masturbation have absolutely 0 effect on my sex and love life. like no shit physical and emotional intimacy is good for you, but no one other than you thinks of masturbation as a surrogate for that. whats so wrong with watching people fuck? if it was a family member or your significant other i can see why it might be psychologically damaging, but if its just two people you dont even know youd have to be pretty repressed for that to do any real damage to you

jews invented porn to turn men into cucks, by training their brain to orgasm to other men fucking girls.

stay woke.

Have you tried not being retarded?

Elaborate? Not sure what retarded means.

Porn is amazing, it completely removes the urge to even talk to roasties. Miss me with that #metoo shit, brah

Oh the excuses people come up to hide the fact that they're just not likable enough to get fucked are hilarious

Let me edit your title:

Most of Europe is fucked

Damn Europeans with their pr0n and faps, at least we have the US and Japan to save our childrens souls.

Tentacle hentai should be mandatory for all schoolchildren


You should change your title to "I'm not getting sex"

In the United States it's illegal to view pornography under the age of 18. So if any of you are underage and have watched pornography willingly then you are criminal scum!


I just had a great wank.

I was watching this while I did it. I had a thoroughly good time and have suffered absolutely no ill consequences from my onanism whatsoever.

that's some normie shit though.

lol you watch porn with black guys, gross.

Part of me wants to point them at /r/GenderCritical just to watch the fireworks.

... the other part just wants to praise OP for his username.


There are a lot more religious people there than I expected.