0  2018-04-07 by Tricitiesdrama

Hey! We must respect the law and the police! Mostly because I’ve built my identity around being a “good” person and I therefore need “bad” people to contrast myself with.

See, I say it’s about respecting the law, but clearly it’s not. I only respect certain laws, those in accordance with my socially conservative upbringing, and only certain people are “qualified” to apply the law. This allows me to position myself at a hierarchy of people, most of them below me. It’s not about the effect of the law, it’s about being better than the “thugs” and “gangbangers” and “other-word-that-I-definitely-use-with-racial-overtones.”

Thats why, if marijuana was legalized tomorrow, I would still consider it a crime, and when Barrack Obama made decisions that expanded the prison-industrial complex, bombed Syria, or didn’t hav an affair, I complained about him being “soft on crime, family values, and making our country look weak.” It wasn’t about the action, it was the fact that a liberal was doing it. And if the people on the bottom of my hierarchy, liberals, did a good job running the country, well then that threatens the established hierarchy of things. Maybe it’s appropriate for the government to provide cheap healthcare, maybe it doesn’t have any bearing on how much of a “man” I am that I can’t afford insane deductibles for almost no benefit: these are the kind of thoughts I can’t be having because I established my answers in the 1970’s, and refuse to update based on how other countries do with other models.

I will talk about individual freedom, liberty, and government oppression til I’m red, white, and blue in the face, but I’m only talking about old timey Prohibition, gun rights, and the religious liberty of firing homosexual employees. I don’t understand that individual liberties in this day and age are a complex network of different rights, each of which carries responsibilities. No instead I see the 2nd amendment and see being asked to keep my firearms secured when not in use as a personal attack on me. How dare you question if I’m responsible gun just because I often hunt drunk, andleave one unsecured in my dresser where my toddler can access it? Don’t you know there’s a chance that not having a gun safe gives me the millisecond I need to kill the communist/antifa/terrorist/liberal-coming-for-my-guns? So instead I blindly exercise my 2nd amendment rights with no regards as to the consequences and risks of my actions, and then praise the president when he tries to use his position and influence to squash the voice of a controversial football player. Because he chose to stay seated and not participate in something optional.

I’m all about your freedom to be just like me, to talk like me and dress like me. But if you disagree with me I will try to silence you, get you fired, I will tell you to go “back to where you came from”. I make virtually every debate have racial overtones, but god forbid someone calls my shit’s racist. Because that’s the worst thing you can say to somebody. That they’re racist. It’s like not even true, my friends just have close ties to the Michigan Militia and are racial realists, see? Totally different thing.


this jif is shit

