wtf is going on with these two /r/drama users right now?

44  2018-04-07 by snallygaster


Humans did 9/11


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girl gamers lmao

Whats even the context of all that.

No idea whatsoever.

I assumed someone made two bots and tried to see who can out retard the other.

They're console gamers, so they're one notch above tardbots.

/u/Zerohaven /u/q2ctfone... Both of you are too retarded even for /r/drama. Keep yourselves safe

Ya idk. This guy posted a comment about ps4 games on r/xboxone and got upset and tagged me here and all that shitty drama came out. I'm not even a user here lol. I just got dragged in.

It's time that our White Allies, get their cards pulled and verified. Some of yall were quick to throw Black people under the bus because we didn't show up to Vote for Hilary when she hasn't done shit for us. These same allies be the ones that think because they don't say Nigger or because they hate Neo-Nazis or have a Black friend that they aren't susceptible to a lot of the same bias' and prejudices that plague many of their conservative counterparts.

This is exactly why a movie like Get Out was needed. Just because you're a democrat doesn't mean you're the ally of my people. Just because you would have voted for Obama a 3rd time if you could doesn't make you any less of a threat than the KKK tikki torch motherfuckers. You think all those white people gentrifying Black Neighbourhoods aren't a threat? You think Culture Vultures like the Kardashians, the Taylor Swifts or the Katy Perrys are any better? Nah in many ways they are worst. At least the KKK is blatant with their shit. Those progressive liberals are the type to stab you in the back, smile in your face and steal your lands, people, culture and belongings all under the veil of friendship.

Fuck that noise. Everyone needs to explicitly prove that their part of the solution otherwise YOU ARE just part of the problem.


I'm assuming the comment is the one on your edit, yeah?

Not entirely sure which? The original was deleted or taken down

Ah ya it was in that thread and he replied to it but it's been deleted or taken down. Look at the replies and one of the comment threads is tanked.

removeddit link, scroll down a bit for the argument

Looks like you're the one that is still upset about this, lol holy shit.

Ahahahahaha holy shit you're so upset about losing your precious videogame argument that you're still crying about this a week later? Bahahahahaha if I knew I was going to be able to get in your head that easily, I would have charged you :)

lol so mad about this you're still screeching about it 5 days later


Idk, cause I'm not reading all that shit

It's a bitter nerd who lost an internet argument pretending he still isn't mad about it a week later, when he is


What about the bitter nerd who ree'd so hard that his account was suspended?

It's still you, you're still the bitter nerd crying because you got put in your place.

But lol you needed to cry for the mods to delete a 6 day old alt account because you were too much of a pitiful loser to do anything about it yourself :)

rent free :)

Right now
3 days ago


I'm guessing you're older, overweight, but educated, a semi-dikey woman, or less endowed man, neither fulfilled, who after living their life like its the alphabet thinks they can still sympathize or empathize with people who aren't like them. Fire is dangerous, but some people work in demolition. Jumping out of an airplane can kill you, but still some people parachute. Just because another hasn't chosen, or chose not to live their life like you, because they're not like you, doesn't mean they aren't intelligent enough to adapt to preserve themselves. Not that you're interested. People like you classify other lives, that they know nothing about, as what you deem as fact and true. Your smug, clean hands bs is what contributes to good hearted, innocent people always running to hide themselves in the corner and call themselves freaks in their mind. Because they're not alive the same way as your colleagues, or neighbors, church buddies, or whatever are. Maybe you feel you're just making a friendly, and very, very obvious roll-in on something, but something alien, and completely unknown to you. The original post wasn't about anatomy. It's about something inside the human consciousness or soul. Maybe something you don't know about, no matter how much you know. So read more books, write some. Practice what you read and write. I'm sure it will matter. But you killed Hemingway.

Anyone can judge, but some don't.

It's a pun on the original title.

I like the part where u/zerohzven tries to pretend it's the other guy that is mad and yet he literally needed to use an alt account to bring it up 3 days later, lmao

he literally needed to use an alt account to bring it up 3 days later

Are you saying that /u/snallygaster is /u/Zerohaven's alt?

I'm sure you are too, you sad nerd. Why else would you be responding to my comment 3 minutes after I made it (and not even to you) if you weren't desperately trolling this

I'm sure you are too, you sad nerd

You know who else are nerds? Pretty much my entire residency class...a group of people on the verge of making a TON of money. Most married, all happy.

Know who aren't nerds? The now-divorced jocks at my high school, who grew up to be bank tellers and grocery store clerks.

Being a nerd isn't an insult any more; it literally pays to be a nerd these days.

You're not the good kind of nerd, you're the kind that gets his head dunked in the toilet.

Deal with it.

Why do you support violence against innocents?

You're not innocent.

What did I do?

Well for one, you're a terrorist

An autistic terrorist

Well for one, you're a terrorist


probably the terrorist flair next to your name?

you fucking savage

probably the terrorist flair next to your name?

you fucking savage

Wow, racist. Do you just assume that everything in Arabic has to do with terrorism?

Go rape some european women you demon, and maybe next time don't be so obvious with the terrorist code

Nerds can't buy a functioning penis for any amount of money.

Reads like one of you guys arguing with their alt to manufacture drama. Pathetic. يوفقنا

/u/q2ctfone is there a closing argument you'd like to make?

Looks like he already beat the fuck out of the OP considering the OP is the one still crying hard about the entire thing, lmao

But I'm not Op lol. I'm just here for the ride :D

I thought you didn't post here? Yet you know who the mods are?

lmao sorry you're still mad about losing an internet argument a week ago that you need to resort to this




Just get a room already. And a camera.

Sounds like they've ready been married for a few years.

Looks like u/zerohzven is still really upset and crying about the other guy anyways so


You spelled his username wrong, by the way.

The world will be much better once all the white people are dead. All of the tribalism, torture, rape, enslavement, and genocide will be a thing of the past, because brown people NEVER did that sort of thing to eachother unless white people made them..... or something.

Technological advancements will be progress as a breakneck pace once all the scientists are black homosexual, transgendered, females, without all those white males hindering progress. And just think about all the transgendered girls who love to code but can't because white males cut off their fingers and stuff. Once all the coders are brown and transgendered, we'll have like quantum AI and shit, last digit of pi and prime number sequences discovered in no time, fucking time travel algorithms, shit that the ancient black Egyptian civilization was working on before the white Romans came and fucked it all up.

They pissed me off by reporting their arguments a day after everyone was already gone and they were still going at it.

This is your brain on /r/drama

I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:

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/u/Q2CTFONE spammed the same comment over 800 times after getting into an argument with /u/Zerohaven on another subreddit. What an autist.

Are you one of zerohaven's alt accounts? I can't imagine anything more autistic then you needing to cry about this days later, lol holy shit.

Are you one of /u/Q2CTFONE's alt accounts? It's awfully strange of some random user to come and defend them.

Yeah, u/zerohzven alt account confirmed. It's funny, why are you responding to every comment defending this totally "random" person?

You literally responded to a post a made within 3 minutes, and it wasn't even to you.

lol how sad.

You replied to one of my comments, so I opened the whole thread and saw your other comments. Is that so unbelievable?

Whatever you say bud.

Hint: No one believes you

Imagine being autistic enough to ree about an argument across two different subs with two different accounts.

Just LMAO @ u

whew that irony, imagine being enough of an autistic basement dwelling pussy that you need to continue crying about an argument you lost on the Internet 5 days later because you're still upset about it

this is why everyone laughs at you fatty, lol

How'd you find this thread?

this is why everyone laughs at you fatty, lol

Actually, they're laughing with me, not at me.

You'd you find it?

In fact, how did you find the 5 day old thread in the first place?

Oh, right.


You'd you find it?

In fact, how did you find the 5 day old thread in the first place?

This post (made 14 hours ago) links to it, and I regularly participate in this subreddit. On the other hand, you've never posted here before coming to this thread and reeing all over it.

Now, how'd you find it?

Oh, right.


Yeah, no one believes you.

Still so SAD :(

What is there to not believe?


Can you be more specific? If you can't, it's okay. I understand that you suffer from autism.

lol more of that irony stuff you don't seem to get

you are autism incarnate kiddo, and you know it

It's okay to be autistic, don't worry about it.

Tell us more about being autistic and how you deal with it

I distract myself by posting on /r/drama, as many autists do. You don't post to /r/drama, though, so it's kind of weird that you stumbled upon this thread.

Nah I lurk all the time, but I would never post here with my actual account.

Because of autists like you. You're scary.

lol pussy

You're not the good kind of pussy, you're the kind that gets his head dunked in the toilet.

lame, you're regurgitating MY old insults already?

I thought you top tier autists had a little more to give.. I guess not.


Don't you lurk here all the time? Shouldn't you know what we do and don't have to give?

Are you implying that all drama posters are the same? You should know that is not true. You personally are very unique, like a snowflake.

Are you implying that all drama posters are the same? You should know that is not true

not being part of the /r/drama hivemind

You personally are very unique, like a snowflake

Is that a compliment? If so, thank you! 😊

It is a compliment. Let's kiss.

It is a compliment. Let's kiss

post bussy first

but im a boy

I'm not sure what happened here but lol

Nah I'm here with my actual account. No need for alts here :D

lol no one believes you, how did you see this comment in the first place?

oh right, you're still really bitter about losing an internet argument a week ago, lmao

What do you mean? My username has been tagged here and it's a post where I'm involved. How can I not see these comments lol?

My username has been tagged here

No it wasn't.

You would not have been alerted to any posts made in this thread unless they were made to you.

I didn't even tag your name, yet somehow you're here, responding to comments you would have never seen.

lol sad

Uhhhh....okay? That's not what I meant. I'm checking on the post cause I think it's hilarious?

lol oh yes, surely you think getting shit on in an internet argument you clearly lost is a thing you find "hilarious"

everyone is laughing at you because you're still screeching about it over a week later, but lol please tell us more about how you "love this"


Lmao whatever you say man.

lol yeah, see you again in week when you create another thread about your previous losses and how you're totally not still really bitter and upset about them, lmao

You really dont believe im an alt account to one of the mods in this very subreddit do you? The mod who posted this post? The mod who's post you originally tagged my name in?

Hey guys check out this thing that just happened

posts a 5 day old thread

totally not be showing how I'm still really upset about losing that internet argument 5 days ago


Lmao you're right. Caught me. I'm a mod here

Hey guys check out this thing that just happened

posts a 5 day old thread

totally not be showing how I'm still really upset about losing that internet argument 5 days ago

You're making this too easy.

Making what easy?

Wow, we knew your reading comprehension was bad, but yikes

so sad

Okie dokie lol

lol stay mad, you can't seem to do much else :)

Lol yep.

lol maaaaaad

Yep lol you got it. And I'm snallygaster! Don't forget!

lol i like the part where you started posting in this thread before you were ever tagged in it

Its cause I'm snallygaster my dude

lol even better how you are desperate to not address the factual claims made here that show you fucked up

I fucked what up?

whew there's that terrible reading comprehension again


stay mad

And snallygaster!

lol ignore all the facts that expose you, you can't do much else :)

Yep lol!

lol and then desperately keep shitposting

see you in another week when you come back to continue crying about your losses


Actually another snallygaster thread continuing from this one would be even funnier lol See ya I guess :D

lol yeah another "check out this thread"

from 5 days ago

post where you get exposed again would be just as funny as this one was

Yeah lol. See ya then man!

lol it's not like you won't be desperately refreshing this thread until then, lmao stay beaten :)

Lol yeah you're right! Okay!:)

thanks for continuing to prove me right :)

Lol you're welcome!

stay mad :)

Okay then!

lol look at you go, being all mad

it's hilarious :)

I know! I'm laughing too !

lol no you aren't

you tried to lie about this before, and no one believed you


Lmao I know right!

lol look at you go, this is how you lost the last time, looks like you're still trying to double down on your losing strategy


Yep I know lol

lol we're all still laughing at you :)

Lol okay then!

lol stay mad, you can't seem to do much else

a week later still crying

lol we love it :)

Yep lol!

lol so mad

no wonder everyone loves to laugh at you :)

Lol i know right

lol so mad

no wonder everyone loves to laugh at you :)

Ya haha

lol stay mad :)

I am! Lol

we know

stay mad :)

Lol okay:D

lol stay mad, see you in a week when you're still crying about losing that internet argument


Lmao see ya!

lol but you never leave, this is your life

as sad as that sounds

so it's no wonder you get so upset when you get dominated with facts you can't dispute

lmao sad

Yep lol!

lol your bitter rage will never stop being hilarious :)

I know that's why I'm laughing! Lol

lol no you haven't, you been pretending to laugh while you cry hard about this :)

like usual :)

Lol yup!

lol we can tear your tears hitting the keyboard


Lol yup

lol look at you go, still so mad about this

no wonder everyone laughs at you :)

Lmao I know! No wonder!

lol every time you shitpost seconds after it just reminds everyone how mad you still are about losing :)

I know lmao!

lol thanks for proving us right yet again, kiddo :)

Lol you're welcome :D

lol you're still really mad about this, and it's amazing :)

I know! Lol!

lol we can tell how upset you are by the frequency of your shitposts

That's true!

Still mad :)

I'm not disagreeing with You! Youre right!

I know, you know it too :)

Lmao yup!

lol mad af

As fuck! That mad! Yup!

lol look at you go

i'll still be laughing at you when you finally accept your newest loss and scurry off :)

I've accepted it! Lol!

have you?

Lol yup!

mad :)


lol still so mad, I love knowing that I own you like this :)

Yeah lmao!

lol look at how needy you are, lol holy shit this is why you got laughed at in the first place

I know! Lol!

lol so mad

Lol yeah

lol look at you

Lmao I know! Look at me!

lol crying so hard

Lol right??

lol yes, right

lol right

Lol yes!

lol so mad

imagine being you

Lol yeah!

lol try harder

Lol okay!

lol keep proving me right, I love it :)

lol ok

lol wrong account


lol you fucked up, again


you logged into the wrong account to reply to me

I'm not /u/Zerohaven.

lol whatever you say


lool you just can't help but get beat up

and then you stop replying with your other account

lmao another loss

Another one! Get this man a medal!

lol another beating

sit down :)


lol you just can't help but get owned

lol you just can't help but get owned

lol you just can't help but get owned


lol reply to yourself again, do it


lol another loss

Sure mam

lol you just can't help but get owned


lol everyone is still laughing at you :)

Lmao if only you knew

lol i mean everyone knows that it's great to laugh at you

it's why everyone loves to do it :)

Hahaha yep got me.

clearly :)

it's why you keep desperately posting here, lmao

imagine being this upset about losing an internet argument 5 days ago


Hahaha imagine

imagine being this upset about losing an internet argument 5 days ago


imagine being this upset about losing an internet argument 5 days ago


imagine being this upset about losing an internet argument 5 days ago


oh wait we don't have to imagine, we can just look at you


Cause I have an alt here! Posting for me! And it's not like you're q2s alt in his thread screeching! Obviously! I'm also a mod here lol!

lol ouch, here comes more rage, and you know it's not even the first time you've been exposed for using alts to circle jerk your own failures :)

tell us more about being so upset about losing an internet argument you needed to keep posting about it 5 days later

but yeah, everyone who laughs at you for this is an alt, lmao, keep trying :)

Hahahaha okay man

lol yeah man, just keep posting about this, really remind us how you totally aren't still upset about losing the previous time, lmao

Hahaha okay man

lol yeah man, just keep posting about this, really remind us how you totally aren't still upset about losing the previous time, lmao

lol scurry off pussy :)

lol still mad about getting your ass beat, eh little girl?


Is it true shallow? Are you really me? Am i, you?

I'm not sure, this is getting 2deep4me.

I'm having an identity crisis right now. I asked my girlfriend to call me shallowm now

lol I don't know what's more funny, you replying to yourself with multiple accounts, or you pretending to have a girlfriend, lmao

Yeah no the funnier part is that you think this is me and everyone here is laughing at you about it lmao. That's the funny part.

LOL "I'm blocking you, WAAAAAAAAH"

and you couldn't even muster up the courage for that, LMAO

and you wonder why everyone can't stop laughing at you, no matter where you end up sperging out

ahahahahahahahaha :)

Yawn. Are you done being angry about this kid?

Keep projecting, we're not done laughing at you about this kiddo :)

Hey, tell me more about blocking me, how's that working out for you?

lol still there pussy? of course you are :)

Nice to see you've realized your place and decided to shut the fuck up and accept it.

Yawn. Why do you like me so much? Is it cuz you cant win an argument so you spam the same comment 100 times like an autist?

lmao here's that badly beaten shitlord that tried to pretend he was going to block me after losing a dozen more arguments


sorry you're still so upset about losing that internet argument a week ago that you literally needed to continue crying about it a week later

It's not even the first time you've been exposed for using alts to upvote your own shitposts, but by all means, keep going here, which you flail around impotently as you get beaten over and over will never stop being hilarious to people

it's why they can't stop laughing at you, and you can't do shit about it :)

see you soon bitch, it's already been proven you don't have anything else in your pathetic life besides getting dominated by your betters on reddit and then spending months crying about it :)

lol too much of a pussy to respond in public now, gotta run back to pms where you cry pathetic shit like "I'M BLOCKING YOU NOW!!!1" AND THEN YOU PUSS OUT


Are you 15?

whew that irony, how mad are you for getting put in your place over your lie about trump's "amazing economic policies"?


lol i love how you're such a cowardly, badly beaten pussy that you literally had to go back and edit this comment as well, because you're too much of a bitch to respond properly, lmao

p p p p p p pusssy

lmao :)

bahahahahahahahaha oh this is too good, ahahahahahahaha

tell us more about your fictional girlfriend though you pathetic loser, bahahahahahahahaha

this is why everyone laughs at you all day long, bahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :)

Lol yep

lol so mad

lol you logged into the wrong account


lol you failed, again

Oh lol nvm I get it now. Lmao

lol yeah i bet you do

lol ok

lol so mad

lol you're still really mad about this, and it's amazing :)

lol you're still really mad about this, and it's amazing :)

lol so mad

no wonder everyone loves to laugh at you :)

lol so mad

no wonder everyone loves to laugh at you :)

nice report, are your feewings really that hurt

Eh I'm not really upset. I just think it's unnecessary.

Lol wrong that's hilarious.

lmao you logged into the wrong account to respond here, champ :)

sorry you're so upset about losing an internet argument a week ago you needed to resort to this

lmao so sad

I don't even know what this means l

lol okay, stay mad about losing an internet argument a week ago and need to continue crying about it, lmao