The Ballad of Longfin ($LFIN)

61  2018-04-07 by AnnoysTheGoys

For once I make an effort post.

Longfin ($LFIN) is a shady "fintech" (financial technology) company that IPO'ed on NASDAQ earlier this year. Before their IPO they jumped on the crypto blockchain bandwagon and announced they'd acquired a crypto company (with zero revenue). Over 3 days their stock price catapulted from $5 a share as high as $142 a share in three days.

Meet Venkat S Meenavalli, their CEO:

A company like this wouldn't be complete without a loony CEO. Here's the first CNBC interview he did:

And here's a sound board someone made:

With this thing looking like an obviously overvalued scam, the sharks smelled blood in the water and shorts & puts (ways to profit off of a stock price decrease) on the stock skyrocketed. Three days later their stock tanked back down to $41. Since then, they'd been bouncing around the $30-40 a share range.

The thing with high levels of short interest, is that it can create a "short squeeze", which leads to a stock shooting back up as there's now such a high premium on borrowing the stock to short it. In mid-march, this caused LFIN's stock value to jump back up 100% over ten days. At the obscene price of $72, short interest rushes back in and it tanks back down to ~$10 in a week. Another short squeeze starts up and it's price starts jumping again.

On Thursday, the CEO gives another nutty CNBC interview as it's also been announced that they're under investigation by the SEC:

Choice quote: "I am a profitable company!"

Also he basically admits to insider trading with his wife.

Enter yesterday:

Their stock shoots up by 50% in the first half hour of trading. Suddenly NASDAQ pulls the plug and halts trading. Now, with how volitile Longfin's stock price has been since it's IPO, it's been halted many times under the halt code LUDP. When a stock price jumps up or down too fast, it gets put on a five minute time out, in hopes that traders will chill out.

This time it was different, the halt code read T12. This is the equivalent of a stock being called to the principal's office. Basically, NASDAQ is requesting more information from the company before trading can resume. The two most common scenarios for this is either the company was just bought out by another company or the stock has been trading at such a low price that NASDAQ is kicking it off it's stock exchange.

No one was buying out the company and it wasn't trading for pennies either. It got halted because the SEC obtained a court order related to insider trading:

The fallout drama so far:

You of course have your suckers who "believe in the company" or those who just wanted in on it's recent crazy jump in value. These guys bought shares and they're the most screwed. For some schadenfreude I recommend:

There's another group that's stuck in purgatory though, owners (yours truly included) of LFIN put options. Put options are another way besides shorting to profit off of a company's stock value decreasing. Basically each put is paying a premium for the right to sell 100 shares of a stock up to a specific future date for a set price. So the more the stock value decreases below that set price, the put contract becomes more valuable.

These puts have an expiration date and just like the stock, cannot be traded during a stock halt. There's a lot of puts that expire on 4/20 (blaze it!). The T12 halt that the stock is under lasts up to 10 business days. No one is really sure if it will resume before the halt expires. With the SEC involved, there's potential for the stock to be held up even longer. So owners of the 4/20 put options (again yours truly included) are either sitting on a potential gold mine if trading resumes in time or for them to expire worthless or to attempt a very risky, manual, and complicated process where you execute the put option and hope it's worth more than the stock price once trading finally resumes.

Here's a handful of Reddit thread with everyone trying to figure out what the hell is going on:

And for a last stroke of irony, El Fin (LFIN) is Spanish for THE END



This is good shit Ed, get your shit together

I'm need someone to eli5 this 😓. I'm super fuckjng sleepy. These aren't random ass-emojis.

Silly and obvious scam company with goofball CEO finally gets busted. Investors ripped off. Those betting on it failing are also stuck in a weird limbo where they're either going to make buckets of money or lose money, but nobody knows exactly what the rules are.

Thank you bb

Reading between the lines, is it true the CEO also did 9/11?

No he obviously did 7/11

That whore!

I dont understand it that well either, but it got me going

From what I can tell, this volatile controversial stock is frozen because the CEO was insider trading, also the CEO is absolutely insufferable I could only watch 2 minutes of his interview. So were sort of waiting to see what happens. I think /u/annoysthegoys may become rich also.

Goys, can you do an edit or explanation for dummies? I.e. me and Ed 😊

You're not dumb honey, you're just a woman 🤭

Can't say the same for ed tho

Does Ireland even have currency yet? I imagine this is all jabberwocky to you 😚🦍

Umm yeah obviously, tho were going to repeal womens right to vote and use them as currency instead.

Much better use of you 🤩

I'd be careful, they're still too dumb to figure out currency (this is why they use Euros), but they've mastered the art of drunken wifebeating.

We can beat our wives sober too jewlet

That's only theoretical tho

I'm very confident

My favorite thing in all of this: The reason LFIN's stock skyrocketed in the first place is because they put out a press release that they used like half of the company's stock to buy a blockchain company.

That blockchain company...was owned by the CEO of LFIN. Doesn't get much more insider than that.

My favorite thing in all of this: That crypto company they acquired that caused LFIN's stock to skyrocket in the first place? was owned by the CEO of LFIN. Doesn't get much more insider than that.

This and there's so much more in the complaint the SEC filed. I'm too lazy for that level of effort tho.

Good bot

I'm glad that thread got immortalised

when the meme stocks on /r/wallstreetbets end up on /r/drama.

From $33 to 0.33!

Buy high sell low

Buy Chad, Incel

The most important thing I gather from this post is that you visit /r/wallstreetbets in order to take advantage of them.

Why is that shit private now?

They do that from time to time when they come under investigation (or the mods throw a tantrum)


Put all your gains in BitConnect

The world is not anymore the way it used to be! Mmm mmm NO NO NO!

For real tho, I'd hire that guy to do commercials

/r/wallstreetbets went private lol

Lol. Are you in their discord? Why did it go private?

Idonno, I imagine the discord is just a bunch of people reeing. I wanted to listen to a podcast someone posted and I got stonewalled.

The thing with high levels of short interest, is that it can create a "short squeeze", which leads to a stock shooting back up as there's now such a high premium on borrowing the stock to short it. In mid-march, this caused LFIN's stock value to jump back up 100% over ten days. At the obscene price of $72, short interest rushes back in and it tanks back down to ~$10 in a week. Another short squeeze starts up and it's price starts jumping again.

This spike was not caused by a short squeeze. It happened because LFIN was mistakenly added to the Russell 2000 and 3000 indices, despite not meeting their minimum liquidity requirements. This led the index funds that track these indices to buy up LFIN to balance their portfolios. This sudden buy pressure, combined with the extremely low liquidity of the stock, is what caused the drastic spike in March. These funds bought up something like 30% of LFIN's publicly traded shares during that period.

It was removed a few days later when Russell realized its mistake, and all of the funds dumped their shares at the same time, causing the stock to crater.

Ah, thanks. I wasn't paying much attention to LFIN at this time and it was just what an article I read said.

If I walk around outside people's offices saying "blockchain" at lunch-time do you think people will give me money?