TheGamerFromMars defends Channel Awesome... and makes some actually good points

4  2018-04-07 by Bronyficent



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drokelertalk - Credibility only goes so far. Valid points mean far more. I guess it's up to the individual to decide which is valid and which are not. My point being we all need to take a step back and await the full story before jumping to any conclusion, and this video helped me see that.

Who cares? Everyone, including Doug, involved with channel awesome was an autistic faggot retard who should have necked themselves.

Or became mods here. One of the two

This was posted to Ghazi, lmao. As you might guess, it went REALLY well.

You know what, fuck off, you're gross.

That's not how abuse works. Stop doubling down on being a victim blaming asshole.

Yeah, most of it is petty shit. Even the sexual harassment of that fat dude is BS because, I mean, leave the fucking Skye chat.

Literally the only person who might have any real complaint is the PR chick. Most of these fucking cucks stayed with the channel until they were let go. They were too autistic to speak up like a normal person and are now butthurt they got "fired" (even though they weren't fucking employed lol wat) 5 years ago.