Can u/AnnoysTheGoys verifiy this?

257  2018-04-08 by Cat_Waffles


You may like gobbling up the same shit content, that doesn't mean the rest of us need to like your shit sandwich.


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I hear that if you say Snappy's name three times while standing in front of a dark mirror you will get an link that will never load.


What the hell is /r/MDE even supposed to be now?

a sub for teenagers

hey u/hitlersfidgetspinner, how's it feel that dad's never coming back?

a sub for retarded and bullied teenagers


I used to go there (when it was still about MDE and not epic maymays), and every other day there was some kid complaining about getting bullied by the black kids at his school lmao

Sam Hyde's feud with Tim Hidecker is classic. It's funny listening to a libertarian meatball get all but hurt about not being able to afford their testosterone hormones because they got fired and lost their healthcare.

I just read up on this yesterday. So, i thought Sam blamed Eric Wareheim for Adult Swim canceling his show, and like pushing him out, for being a trump supporter but then I read that tim and eric were republicans? And Sam called into Tims show and was like going off on how him and eric have 14 shows on the air, (its only 4 btw) and how tim and eric got their fanbase to attack him or some shit. Im still confused or maybe im getting my stories mixed up? Idk.

Alright, I can't be arsed to look up the names, so I'm doing this in the most non-PC way possible so I don't hurt any Nazi's feelings.

MDE got flagged by some SJWs for being Trump supporters and then the Jewish leadership of Adult Swim got word MDE hid swastikas in one of their skits, so the Jews canceled the show. Sam Hyde got sad, but then pumped some iron and drank 2 gallons of water and started calling out for support for freeze peach. Tim said, "no thanks. I want to keep my shows on the air, not really interested in getting in the middle of this, okay bud? Good luck."

Then Sam Hyde got onto the twitterchan and blasted some saucy memes that all the alt-right Trump boys who, doing what 14-year-olds do, took to the internet to decry their love for Tim Heidecker.

Tim had a very DGAF attitude, but the alt-right boys were unrelenting. It came to a head when Sam called into Tim's pocast: Office Hours. and got very sad that Tim had no fucks to give.

Ah okay, yeah this is a great summary of what I read. From what I read eric wasnt involved either, just his name got thrown in there. Thanks for the clarification!

Sam Hyde single-handedly drank enough water to end the drought in California out of spite. He's such an asshole. I'm dying of thirst out in the desert helping illegals cross the border over here, and the dude is on his 6th gallon of water for the day.

lol all it was was that buzzfeed guy wrote an article calling them nazis and then bret gelmann had a tantrum and refused to work until it got removed

also tim and eric were jealous because their version of lol so random was outdated and not actually funny anymore

I saw /r/MDE at a grocery store in Boston yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, "Like you're doing right now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off.

When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw that forsaken subreddit trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first /r/MDE kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.

When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, the subreddit stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.

are you implying that mde subs aren’t bullied nerds

Wait a minute, you're not under the impression this sub is any different, right?

nope. Except for me. I’m the hot chad

same, dweebs like /u/Oh_hamburgers_ BTFO

he fat

"MDE subs are so stupid.."

"how stupid are they?"

".. they clean the plates and silverware before dinner so they won't have to be washed up afterward, and plant boiled potatoes so the harvest won't have to be cooked when it's dug up."

its literally this sub but self aware and less faggy lol

so, r/drama?

I'm pretty sure we are not allowed to tease white trash who's only future outlook is dodging fentanyl bags.

lol youre acting like ahs does

"omg how does this exist do they really believe it unironically??!?!"

idk. i accidentally commented there because i thought it was /r/drama.

the appreciation big khazar farts interspersed with cool, relaxed clipart gifs to admire during refractory periods

dad stopped making content for us and now just stickies schizo rantings whenever he pops in

i am re-reading chapters of culture of critique at 12 am while waiting on my Redwall (E)RP partner to come back from vacation

/r/me_irl + /pol/


We should take samples from that for cancer research

Meme nazis

It's mainly a zoombear subreddit.

safe haven for pro-israeli feminist schoolshooters. all i know is i got a 777 day ban from there for being a shill

What was it in first place??


No way. That fella is obviously a Chinaman.

He's clearly Moe Szyslak.

A notorious Armenian

Chinks are the jews of asia

is mankind the jews of the solar system? 🤔

Wow you just wrinkled my brain

well simpleton. if you will not upvote my 审美 right the 他妈的 now, you will suffer myeternal anger. you do not deserve my or anyone's 尊重. go eat 拉屎, you uncultured swine. if 您 will downvote, you will be sentenced to 死 in a capitalist, patriarchist 监狱. thank you for understanding, 同行的人.

teleports behind jew

nothing personnel goldberg

There are too many Chinese for them to be the Jews of Asia. That honour goes to the Japanese.

Except the whole plummeting demographics thing woops hehe #silly

Are you implying that playing nintendos all day long while being in a "relationship" with a cartoon themed body pillow is regressive?

No, because that would equate China with grorious nippon.

It's probably true.

But Recess is a great cartoon so who cares.

did your parents stop you from watching cartoonnetwork or something?

I'm just saying that the trading card episode was pretty good.

They were stickers you casual.

Saturday morning cartoons on network TV were for poors but kids raised on the Disney Channel are the lowest tier of all

Wow TIL. Thanks OP

Fuck that kid

You might be onto something, Disney did hate the jews


seems plausible tbh


It's the slightly kinky hair that should give it away.

This is retarded.

Is this 4chan?

Sounds like something a small jew nerd would ask

The Disney picture has NONE of the racist Jewish steriotypes.

Hunchback is not a Jewish steriotype.

The only thing the two images have in common is the hunchback and the size.

"Waaaa Waaaa! teh Nawzies are making jokes about muh J00s. I cry. Mommi Mommi! help meh."

yeah but we aren't mayos

Say that to my face you little brown pussy

I said it to your mum's face

If you'd actually say that to my moms face I would stab you.

sounds like something a fentanyl mayo would do

but what can I say, you're mom gay

Learn to spell you low iq scum

sorry I couldn't be liek a Rigor Mortis watcher

wtf is that supposed to mean

you watch Rigatoni

You're just saying random shit, bye

its tradition to sneak a jew in