r/GreatAwakening blows the whistle on r/T_D's (((mods))) (also they don't know how "hints" work)

60  2018-04-08 by fsdgfhk



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Why do you think?

Hint: the mods are israelis

Just so you know, I do t know that as fact lol just guessing they aren't "normal users". I think they are paid to contain that community and direct them where to use their energy

/u/loserofpasswordzz I can confirm that you are correct. They are our Mossad agents.

shecket bevakasha

Wait, they hate Israel now???

Conspiracy theories seems attract people who blame ((them)) when they grow in size. I think its because there's an abundance of people believing in the Zionist New World Order in the conspiracy theorist community, and that they often have a tendency to co-opt other conspiracy theories into their own. When a movement grows big enough there is bound to be someone who thinks they have picked up on the dog-whistle and that everybody really are talking about the Jews.

For example, David Icke might legitimately have believed that space lizards control world, but a bunch of his followers believed the lizards were ((lizards)).

(((they))) while David does love him some space reptiles he also wasn't keen on (((them))) he was clear about that in a couple of different books.

Didn’t he think that the Jews in the other conspiracy theories really were lizards, and held no grudge towards Jews in general? I’ve heard that he’s become a holocaust denier now, but that seems to have happened after his movement got big.

It’s not the best source, and it’s a while since i read it, but he seemed to genuinely not be an anti-semite in the book on him by Jon Ronson. He just appeared to be really schizophrenic (not that those are mutual exclusive).

In one of his early books he was pushing elders of Zion as factual. If that's due to him thinking they are actually lizard people or not I cant remember he's also a Holocaust denier. I don't think he is an actual Nazi or wasn't, back in the day I remember thinking he was textbook left wing anti-Semitic. He definitely had some sort of serious psychotic break.

Elders of Zion was "disproven" by Allen Dulles. He's the guy that ran mk ultra and operation paperclip(recruited Nazis post war).

Not saying protocols are true, just saying the guy who disproved them has a history of lying.

And if it is real, it's obvious it is not a Jewish conspiracy. All the Jews I know in RL are cool. It's like the 1% using their religion as a political front. Just like wahhabists in Arabia or WASP evangelicals in the Bible Belt. I was the guy who made original post btw.

Sup, I'm the guy who posted this originally. I don't really like Israel, but not because they are Jewish. The UN says the are an apartheid state. They tried to false flag the USS Liberty into nuclear WW3. But Jew are cool as long as they dont take the supremacist parts of the Talmud seriously. All the ones I've had relationships with in real life are nice ppl.

Урбан VI

Урбан VI (лат. Urbanus PP. VI; Urbanus Sextus, в миру — Бартоломео Приньяно, итал. Bartolommeo Prignano; 1318, Неаполь— 15 октября 1389) — Папа Римский с 8 апреля 1378 года по 15 октября 1389 года. Последний Папа Римский, избранный не из кардиналов. Известен своим деспотическим характером, вынудившим кардиналов через несколько месяцев избрать антипапу, что положило начало Великому западному расколу.


Первая половина XV века

*Османская империя временно распалась (1402—1415) после победы Тамерлана над Баязидом I в Ангорской битве (1402). Едигей повёл татаро-монгольскую армию на Москву (1408).

*Китай проводит семь крупномасштабных морских экспедиций в страны Индокитая, Индостана, Аравийского полуострова и Восточной Африки (1405—1433).

*Грюнвальдская битва (1410). Литовско-польская армия разбила основные силы Тевтонского ордена в ходе «Великой войны» (1409—1411).

*Столетняя война (1337—1453) возобновляется после перемирия (1389—1415). Битва при Азенкуре (1415). Участие Жанны д’Арк (1429—1430). Битва при Кастийоне (1453) — артиллерия начинает определять ход сражений. Война арманьяков и бургиньонов (1407—1435).

*«Великий раскол» католической церкви (1378—1417) завершён Констанцским собором (1414—1418).

*Гуситские войны (1420—1434; Ян Жижка) — начало широкого применения огнестрельного оружия.

*Империя Кхмеров прекратила существование (1431) после засухи и завоевания тайским государством Аютия при правлении Бороммарахатирата II (англ.)русск. (1424—1448).

*Распад Золотой орды. Узбекское ханство (1428—1468). Большая Орда (1433—1502). Казанское ханство (1438/1445—1552). Ногайская Орда (1440—1634). Крымское ханство (1441—1783).

*В странах Кальмарской унии начинаются вооружённые конфликты за сохранение автономии Швеции от влияния Дании при правлении Эрика Померанского (1412—1439).

*Династия Габсбургов становится во главе объединения Австрии, Германии, Чехии и Венгрии (1438; Альбрехт V) с сохранением внутренней раздробленности.

*Южная Индия объединена под властью Виджаянагарской империи в период правления Дева Райи II (англ.)русск. (1424—1446).

*Междоусобная война в Московском Княжестве за великое княжение (1425—1453). Монголы захватывают Василия II в Битве под Суздалем (1445).

*Крестовый поход короля Венгрии и Польши против Османской империи закончился поражением в битве при Варне (1444). Битва на Косовом поле (1448) окончательно закрепила власть турок на Балканском полуострове.

*Тумуская катастрофа (1449) — монголы разбивают китайскую армию и захватывают императора.

*Иоганн Гутенберг изобретает печатный станок (ок. 1450).

*Эпоха Великих географических открытий (XV—начало XVII). При герцоге Генрихе Мореплавателе (1394—1460) португальцы создают каравеллы, основывают базы на побережье Африки, помогающие в дальних плаваниях и служащие для вывоза рабов.

*Империя ацтеков доминирует в Центральной Америке после объединения трёх городов (1428) и значительно расширяет границы при правлении Монтесумы I (1440—1469) и Ауисотля (1486—1502).

*Город-государство Куско начинает завоевания при правлении Пачакутека (1438—1471) и становится обширной Империей Инков.

*Центральный город Майя Майяпан опустел в результате восстания (1441).

*Племена ирокезов объединены к 1450 году благодаря лидеру Гайавате.

*Написано «Сказание о Мамаевом побоище».

I'm just going to hope you aren't telling this person you are going to rape their mother somewhere in that ping.


The unfication of the Iroquois happened way before 1450, nobody knows when though since they didn't keep dated historical records.

I'm not Russian, comrade

Everybody is children of the Rodina Mat.

If we don't know for sure it's only prudent to assume they're part of a vast jewish conspiracy.

Well duhhhhh that's why we all went to Voat. Ya dunmies

lol. Whats the plan with Voat? Not sure if you know it, but you guys don't seem real popular over there tbh.

Us guys? I dunno (((who))) you're talking about. Do you mean women?

I'm onto your devious tricks!!

Do they just believe every conspiracy theory at once? This is truly peak retardation.

Robert Anton Wilson is smiling upon us.

Peak 'tard checking in

Inner circle Zionists aren’t actually Jewish. They are Khazarian Luciferians who pose as Jews to hide their true nature. They built the Nazi party and ordered them to Holocaust Jews. Real Jews are always protesting Zionism but MSM stays silent. TD just bans anyone who mentions it. Wierd.





It’s funny because he’s also pointed the fingers at the Pharisees as being part of the cabal. Can’t keep the script straight.


It started with Lucifer who is the leader of the intergalactic Deep State.

I wonder if there are intergalactic neighbours who complain to the landlord about loud music.


when the_donald is not explicitly antisemitic enough for you

We are pro-Israel. Israel takes no shit from Islam.

The Donald is pretty pro-Israel. You think they wouldn't like a country that kills Muslim children in the regular?


You're posting on /r/drama. Retardation is a requirement.


Is GreatAwakening basically T_D on crack?

More like like crank. Crack is too "urban" for those guys.

Imagine if T_D was full of evangelical boomers who also all believed in Pizzagate.

Why don't you believe in pizzagate? Just curious. You do not think there are cases of elite pedophilia and there coverups? Wouldn't it suck to be unknowingly complicit in those coverups by shitting on anyone who believes them?

You do not think there are cases of elite pedophilia and there coverups?

Oh boy, reframing the question to make it look reasonable. As though Pizzagate were just about abuse of power and use of power to cover said abuse up (a la #MeToo) and wasn’t about allegations that the Bad People are engaged in satanic cannibalism rituals.

But to ignore that chestnut, it’s because pizzagate’s origins are very clear - it arose as a deflection from the Access Hollywood tape.

After a fucking year and a half of ‘investigating,’ what is the best evidence that the pizzagaters can muster? The same dozen emails, alleged without proof to be ‘code.’ Some edgy punk bands existing. A girl with masking tape. Graffiti. Modern art (some of which Podesta doesn’t even own). A video from a company that produces viral creepypasta shit.

I disbelieve in Pizzagate because it is a transparent partisan smear campaign that is prompted by hucksters and morally bankrupt political operatives.

Fair enough, I disagree but certainly see why you would think that considering the cult like nature of trump supporters, especially online.

I have put countless hours into research for it. Maybe you think I'm retarded for that, but I genuinely think there is something there. Epstein, hastert, wiener, the Haiti shit. Idk. I'm no trump fan but I am a vehemont hater of HRC, Bush family, MSM, and always have been. All I'm saying is give it a chance if more proof is ever to surface. I wouldn't be this deep into this conspiracy just to support the pres, and it bothers me the way some researchers and proponents worship trump despite his own ties to Epstein and Cohn- as well as being somewhat of a sexual deviant himself

Anyway, just hear your 2 cents. Totally understand your opinion although I disagree.