"The top comments reveal the user's ages" post.

2  2018-04-08 by SonyXboxNintendo11


You may like gobbling up the same shit content, that doesn't mean the rest of us need to like your shit sandwich.


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"But houses only cost 15 nickels and a shiny half-dollar! Lazy kids these days, ouch my shingles."--Boomers

I'm 32 own my own house and owned my first one at 24 years old. People are fat, lazy, and don't get practical education for the real world (eg a Gender Studies degree).

Oh yeah? Well check your white prizzilege, shitlord!!

I'm Mexican and Filipino.

A.K.A. white. Mexican == hispanic == white. Filipino == not real Asian == white. Privilege is 8 equals signs plus owning at least one home.

I grew up in Detroit though, so obviously I was better.

Where do you live mr bootstraps?

He lives in the Philippines, a quality nation with high living standards.

It is when your a rich American, further proof income inequality is s feel good myth.

Oh I remember you.