Some dude goes to a sub for mocking people who give retarded out of touch mental health advice to give retarded out of touch mental health advice

74  2018-04-08 by ahbslldud



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TLDR he’s too extra

If giant advice dumps on Reddit cured people of all their problems, I wouldn't be shitposting on /r/drama at 2 am right now

Try drinking more

Surprisingly, that's not among my many vices. Maybe I should give it a shot...

Give it more than one!

If you actually followed the advice it would prolly work.

I never said it would cure people of all their problems.

I got some positive feedback in the form of a lot of upvotes at first and then highly controversial point fluctuations. My hope is that I helped someone see a little bit of hope and maybe make a small change.

You’re a condescending fuckwad.

Please tell me which part is condescending.

That sub isn't for people looking for advice. It's for mocking people who give advice because their depressed and thus scared of changing their lives for the better.

I think it's for people with clinical depression who get told "hey: why not just look on the bright side".

Imagine telling someone with autism "hey: why not get outside and meet more people"

I think it's for people with fat who get told "hey: why not just try eating less. Do you really need a whole pizza, bag of tendies, gallon of Mountain Dew, and 2 bags of chips every day?".

That's here, isn't it?

Imagine telling someone with autism "hey: why not get outside and meet more people"

We tried that, it just results in failed love quests.

It’s for mocking shitty advice like “just change your life for the better”.

u/Swing0nTheSpiral If you'd like to swing on by our sub, I've got my DSM out and I'm ready to diagnose you.

Hello there

I believe you have autism. I'm sorry, there's no cure.

How to act passive aggressive and snarky at people that genuinely want to help you while playing the victim and absolving yourself of all personal responsibility: the sub.

Trust me, we've all heard that "advice" before. The end result? Instead of just being miserable, we are miserable while doing a hobby. Or while lifting. Makes little difference.

miserable while not following the advice of people telling us to change our lives for the better


dude just change your life lmao

I literally wrote several pages of step by step advice, it's not 4 words.

That's not step by step. Many people with depression don't have the drive to do these things or don't get any enjoyment from hobbies and social activities. So they are stuck in the self-improvement phase forever. I personally wasted 3-4 years being social, lifting and learning various skills while hating every minute of it before discovering that LDAR was the way.

Again, nowhere did I discourage therapy or meds or any other treatment. I wrote that in the post itself. I also accounted for the lack of motivation to make big changes with the habit building part.

Bro just form a habit lmao lmo

I can't help someone that doesn't want to help themselves. So yeah, if you can't manage to do a tiny thing every day to improve your situation, nothing I say will help you.

Looks like you finally understand, buddy. I'm proud of ya!

That has never been excluded from anything I've said. You just didn't understand what I've been saying this entire time.

Clearly lying. Let's not fall into bad habits eh

Just like I can't change the fact that you have no motivation, I can't change the fact that you're too dumb to read and understand what you read.

you've beeeeeeeen fooound oooouuut

Take your meds please

replying to assholes on the internet is part of my therapy

So what's your point? Continue to be miserable and do nothing?

I bet 90% of people like that have not ever make a serious effort to get their life in order... they just think about it and say... nah that won’t help

I'm glad that you are here to give your two cents, I'm sure you know them better than they know yourselves.

You mean that sub full of people who regularly mock and trash clinical advice like cardio exercise, meditation, making an effort toward more positive thinking, letting go of past negative memories, time in nature and sunlight, and making a schedule? Yeah man I'm pretty sure they're holding themselves back in a significant way.

I know because I’ve been in that same exact position before. Still kind of am. Have issues with anxiety and depression... really hard to motivate myself to do shit, feel hopeless a lot, etc. but when I force myself to be productive and exercise and socialize, don’t use alcohol/drugs as a crutch etc.. I feel 1 million times better

Yet some people actually benefit and manage to sack up and stop being a pussy, get in control of their own lives and improve.

A lot of it is actually pretty solid advice. Of course the average woe is me redditor isn't going to want to put in the work to uplift themselves or change their situation. Misery is easy, happiness takes hard work


It's solid advice for people who are mildly depressed. The problem is assuming that most/all depressed people out there can manage their symptoms that way.

I explicitly said I was not telling people to abstain from therapy or meds.

And what I'm saying is that you're advice doesn't work for more severe depression, and that it's not at all surprising you got downvoted and called out for being condescending. Don't know what you were expecting.

MDD is not mild depression, it's major depressive disorder. Again, it is not exclusive from therapy or meds, if you need them you need them.

I knew they would be mad, but judging by how controversial the point fluctuations were and how many upvotes I had at the beginning, I know I made a good impact on some people.

If your post even has an impact on one person who changes their behaviour because of it then it was worth it. Respect to you for making it, don't listen to the nay sayers

Thanks man I really appreciate it.

It's really hard to give advice on that sub and get anything but downvotes

Maybe because that's not what the sub is for 🤔

So I'll give an example.

One post was someone saying "I have trouble with motivation" being responded to with someone saying "have you tried keeping a journal?"

and everyone in the comment section was shitting on the advice, claiming it was stupid advice. So I posted about 8 or 9 links about how keeping is recommended by mental health professionals to help depressed people develop motivation.

The sub is largely for mocking advice that a clinician would give you. Every single page has at least a few of those posts and they're often the top post. I'm not trying to be a member of that sub, I'm countering the misinformation on it. There are teenagers on there getting rewarded for shunning good advice and watching people get rewarded for shunning good advice.

It's fundamentally a dangerous sub unless someone starts moderating it.

I'm not saying it's a great sub. I'm saying that if you waltz into a sub and do the exact thing it mocks people for doing, you're gonna have a bad time. The fact that you're so bewildered about it is pretty funny.

Where did I say I was bewildered? I just stated a fact that it's hard to post advice there without getting downvoted.

If it's growing quickly, maybe it would be a good idea to think about why it resonates so well with depressed people. Most depressed people have had the experience of people offering useless advice. There's always the "just exercise" guy, or "I was depressed once" (goes on to explain a sad event in their life that made them temporarily very sad) guy. It just shows flagrant ignorance of the actual condition, which is why the best advice you could give would be to go see a specialist, and not offer trite advice that sounds nice but doesn't help.

Fuck. I serious posted in /r/drama. Time to get off of reddit.

There are a ton of situations where people like things that aren't good for and there are popular groups that spread misinformation. This is one of them.

Good luck on your crusade of unsolicited and unhelpful advice.

Thanks. I got a ton of positive feedback in another thread where it was posted.

Yeah. In a subreddit not specifically dedicated to making fun of people like you, people that are asking for advice and not just bonding over a common frustrating experience, it would go over better. It's not like what you said would be bad for people.

Yeah the sub is for losers to whine about how their completely fixable problems are entirely unfixable.

All I have to do is try to not be miserable? What a fucking revelation.

He's right you know. Stop being a weak beta faggot.

I like how they built the concentration camp themselves.

Long, boring, AskReddit-tier effortposts are downvote-worthy regardless of the subreddit they're shat out on to.

I can understand ignoring it, I don't understand why you would downvote a comment just because it is long.

You're insufferable

I was just saying I don't understand why someone would downvote a comment just because it is long and took a lot of effort.

effort is bad

Op I'm open to any specific criticism as to why you believe some piece of the advice is retarded.

It's not bad advice in all honesty I had fairly severe depression and managed to get rid of it by following similar steps Wrong sub to post it in though

Nah dude, you're obviously like 1000% incapable of hearing it and I sure as shit am not writing a wall of text seriouspost when I can just laugh and call you retarded.

Give even one specific thing that is retarded, because right now it looks like you're just wrong and are avoiding that reality.

I'm glad you're here to save me from the terrible fate of looking wrong on /r/drama.

So you do admit that you're wrong.

I admit that you're retarded. At least that's one of us acknowledging reality.

Says the guy who is incapable of giving a simple rationale of an accusation he made.

I'm not incapable, I'm unwilling. Big difference. Buuuuuuuuuuut I'll actually humor you for a second.

You keep saying "advice a therapist would give" as if that means anything useful. Some people might get some of this advice from a therapist, but there's a big difference between what they'd get from a therapist and what they'd get from your idiotic, smug wall of text. A therapist will actually assess what mental health problems a person has, figure out what's stopping them from getting better, and then give them specific techniques for dealing with that problem. They won't just dump all the CBT techniques they can think of in a wall of text and they won't at all give the same techniques to everyone. It sounds like you just copypasted the specific, tailored advice you got and think it'll solve all mental health problems ever, because you're stupider than a sitcom character whose entire purpose in the sitcom is to be a caricature of idiocy.

Another huge thing that a therapist will do is know how to talk to mentally ill people about their mental illness in a way that's actually useful. This is actually one of the most important parts of their job, convincing someone who has a medical brain problem that tells them they can't get better to do things that their brain is telling them is impossible. If you don't do this right, you can't treat the person. It just doesn't work. You can't verbally beat a mentally ill person into not being mentally ill. If you do it wrong, they have to find a new therapist who hasn't already fucked this up.

I'd say you get where I'm doing with this, but I think you're actually too stupid to. You got better from one of your brain problems (the extra chromosomes are sadly incurable) and suddenly think you know a whole hell of a lot more than you actually do about treating mental health problems. You don't even know what mental illnesses the people in that sub have and you're so fucking stupid that you don't realize why that means you can't give them meaningful therapeutic techniques. And then, when people rightfully told you to fuck off, you did the exact opposite of what a therapist would do and started calling them all assholes who don't want to get better and WAH WAH YOU HURT MY FEELINGS BY NOT TAKING MY RANDOM LAYPERSON ADVICE. There's a reason mental health professionals go to school for a million years and it's not because they haven't mastered the fine art of ctrl+c and ctrl+v.

tl;dr: you're a fucking retard

I'm not saying don't see a therapist, do this in instead. Therapy and meds if you get prescribed them. Your entire rant there is a strawman.

This is just a thing to work on your mental health, not to do as a replacement for therapy if you need therapy.

The illness in that post was specifically depression. You just put up a wall of text almost attacking things that I'm not saying.

Like I said, incapable of hearing it. Your dumb posts aren't fine "in addition" to seeing a mental health professional, they're actually actively counterproductive to improving mental health. I explained why above, but I can't say I'm terribly surprised at your inability to read. Honestly it's impressive that someone with your condition is able to learn how to type at all. Do you have a handler who's helping you get online or did you have to beat them up to get access to a computer?

they're actually actively counterproductive to improving mental health

You never specified which parts of my comment you used for your Op are counter-productive. You only said insulting people was counter-productive, which wasn't part of my advice that you're criticizing.

Oh, I did. I really did. You just need at least a double digit IQ and maybe some basic ability to string an abstract concept or two together to see it.

which wasn't part of my advice that you're criticizing.

Imagine being this retarded. Imagine being so stupid that you stand out as the dumbest motherfucker in the room when the room is /r/drama of all places.

On top of all of this amazing mouthbreathing, I actually just realized that you talked about "depression" up there like there aren't multiple different kinds of depression that need different treatment modalities. You're like if Lenny from Of Mice And Men and Forrest Gump got together and had some kind of chromosomally enhanced homonculous buttbaby. Just admit for once that you have no idea what the fuck you're talking about and go sit in a corner and think about what a general failure you are.

All this sperging out and you still can't name specifics. Ask me if I'm surprised.

Ask your handler to read my post again. They might be able to get you to understand it. After all, they are a professional.

Are you excited to lie awake in bed tonight, wondering if your pain will ever stop? Thinking about those bad memories, wondering if it's even worth it anymore, constantly suppressing the reality that your suffering is all your fault?

Awww, did I hurt your feelings? You don't have to describe your Saturday night to me dude, we all already know how you spend it.

You know it's your fault buddy, you know you're not doing what you could be in order to make things better. There is a way you could make the pain stop you know...

You don't gotta narrate your inner monologue to me dude. I know it gets your dick hard and all but you should probably save that jism for your dakimura.

Lol you're pretty good at this man. I'm not even mad. You're still dumb and wrong though.

Thx 4 appreciatin the hustle fam

what is it with sanctimonious, holier-than-thou shitbirds like yourself that you're obsessed with thoroughly cited and embellished "debate"? PLZ GIB CRITICISM

lol fuck off dillweed, this isn't your high school debate club, you're just retarded

You seem smart.


I detect a lot of dirty rooms in that sub

Your username is a work of art. I just want you to know that.

Thank you, it's probably the best thing I've ever created in my whole life.

lmao im not even some loser with brain problems and i find the dude insufferable. people who cant comprehend the idea of there being a time or place where their opinion isnt wanted are the fucking worst.


But never ever could bad feelings arise from a sincere assessment of your surroundings. It's only because you don't excercise enough