Anthony Fontano is fucking horrible and seeing his stupid fucking face literally makes me furious

15  2018-04-08 by ScootinFruity

Fuck that stupid bald egomaniac fuck. I hate him and his channel and his stupid fucking pretentious opinions.


Literally who? 😒😒

Stop looking at him? Whoever the fuck he is?

Triggered by a melon. Smhtbh

Unkle Adams, is that you?

RIP thatistheplan

Feel like absolute shit. Just want meme reviews back.

that article can rot in hell holy shit

Logic sucks and there's nothing you can do to change that.

Logic does suck, big agree

He 100% reddit

to be honest my biggest problem with him is that he sucks the dick out of death grips and the same goes for kanye west.

You're just jealous of his perfectly spherical head.

Head like a fucking orange

i agree

Hes not that pretentious, just is able to verbalize his interpretation of music in a way that pisses off normies

Hes not that pretentious, just is able to verbalize his interpretation of music in a way that pisses off normies

I give this post a strong 4 to a light 5.

He's a fukken bugmen now