Annoying coworkers

1  2018-04-08 by [deleted]



Post bussy

I work with a girl


that complains constantly

not surprised

Everything that comes out of her mouth is annoying

stating the painfully obvious



I’m her boss

nice fantasy

but I literally can’t


[can't] control the customers

not surprised that you'revbeat as fuck

who she hates so much


I just wanna tell her if she hates people she should just quit!!

but deep down, you don't reall want that now do you?

I tell her


she needs to calm down


let it roll off her shoulders but it’s a STRUGGLE

your tone is VERY PROBLEMATIC here

After every call she gets

does that make you jealous?

he gets a smart attitude and has something to say

this is <current year> women are strong beautiful and independant, get over it!

She’s killing my vibes right now.

not her problem, which btw is caused by male fragility

I’m to the point where I just wanna run her over with my car!!!

reported to

also white cishet men appropriating muslim culture [vehicle of peace] is literally disgusting

I’m trying to treat her like everyone else

sure thing bud

but I’m pretty sure everyone but her can tell that she’s driving me crazy

everyone else as in all other men. doesn't count.

What can I do to survive these 2 weeks?

turn yourself in to the police.

/u/xb3autiful_disasterx why'd you delete your post???