Don't call cops on criminals, talk to them, maybe give them a hug

22  2018-04-08 by ExterminateWhiteMen


Well done. Here come the test results: You are a horrible person. I'm serious, that's what it says: A horrible person. We weren't even testing for that.


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I honestly thought the "walk up to the vandal and explain how it has the community" was satirical at first.

I did too. I mean, how retarded can one person be, let alone everyone who agrees with him?

Even reform programs like restorative justice don't suggest not arresting people commiting crimes.

folks we've reached peak mayo

I just shoot them.

I had a guy on here tell me I shouldnt call cops on black people I see committing crimes. But to ask them and make sure they arent just stealing or killing something they are allowed to.

/u/SingMeSomeEidolon What if the vandal is a skinhead spraying a swastika? Should you just approach him and explain why that is wrong too? Or would it be okay to call the cops then?

Lol all of you are such fucking dweebs

That's not an answer kiddo