A Chapo mod does something intelligent for once and mass bans a bunch of tankies. Chapo collapses into chaos, slap fights and more 'Not true socialism'.

213  2018-04-09 by Deity_Of_Death


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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People who punch left make me angry

If sane lefties didn't punch left the commies would run the show.

Commies are the nazis of the left.



The rightists thought the fascists were just some funny guys who would never go anywhere, and now look at them. Mainstream leftist communities have relied on the sanity of the masses to downvote insane opinions too long, the tankies are taking over lefty subs just like the alt-right does to right wing subs. Put your foot down and snuff them out. They belong in /r/communism, nowhere else.

Lol, why?

It was a ruse

Nobody fucking gets me man

fake news

Hi broden


You made this comment just to bait me, bad NG, bad. No cute baby animal pictures 4 you😋

Well I don't see anyone else here so I must be talking to you

Lol, I ignore other people who are not from our chats.

The purges have began


Sanskrit? Wtf curries OUT OUT OUT 👉👉👉


Zoop 👈😎👈

Bad boy

Sandslash >

All in with BA, LMT, and TXT. Buy buy buy!

It's a disgusting violation of their free speech. Oh wait, tankies don't believe in free speech so I guess they're OK with it.

Free speech is just something the alt-lite uses to say hateful things, but tankies are punching up so they don't need free speech, it's automatically protected by karmic law.

People on the left abandoning free speech because people they don't like started championing is my absolute favorite part of Trump hysteria.

Free speech is more a liberal (center-left and center-right) value. Leftist thought has always been illiberal.

Maybe if the center is freaking huge and contains everything from neo cons to soccdems. Basically everyone outside of the far left and far right support it.

Yeah reddit has a disproportionate amount of extremists.

You're thinking of the fucking tankies again. Most libertarian socialists support free speech maybe with the exception of large organizations like the government and corporations abusing that right to limit the free speech of the rest of the population through propaganda and manipulation of communities (you know like it happens here on reddit).

Intersectionality is not a specifically tankie doctrine, although it is supported by most tankie communities (outside of garbage like leftypol). Ironically most of the dictators they worship would have nothing to do with the topic... especially North Korea, which is ethnonationalist.

Well, intersectional "theory" was invented by actual tankies, it's allergic to debate and is ingrained in authoritarianism so imo it's pretty close to tankies. Anb regarding leftypol, isn't it libertarian, I thought it was otherwise it wouldn't exist in such community.

As for North Korea it's a blessing, it truly exposes the true colors of these lunatics.

I just looked it up... it was apparently developed by feminists and elaborated on by Marxists. Not tankies though, tankies are Marxist-Leninists, not just Marxist. Practically every actually Marxist regime that's ever existed has been Marxist-Leninist, but the two terms aren't synonymous (Leninism adds in all that stuff about building a vanguard party of the people which will "guide" the people into developing communism, essentially seizing control of the country to establish a dictatorship to institute communism; Marx himself was rather vague about how socialism would actually come into power).

Not being able to post NP here is violating my free speech.

it's the good kind of purges tho.

The best purges abolish free speech because free speech is a Nazi invention.

/u/zb4 could you elaborate on your views that people who revere running a nation state like a slave prison is preferable to people who dont think curating/outraging over language is activism?

No, both are equally shitty.

Being for identity politics is equally shit to being a tankie mate

Read what I wrote moron.

You are legit retarded.

Write better then, you wrote this:

Being against identity politics is worse than being a tankie.

No. Learn to read. The fucking comment I linked stated that "being against idpol is worse than being a tankie."

It wasn't my opinion.

It was the opinion of the person linked.

Not a fan of Bill Clinton I guess?

Lmao imagine supporting idpol.

Calm down Mao.

I may be living a forced work camp where I'm beaten and starved regularly, but at least I don't have to see annoying tweets made by mayo liberals!

Ok, you may have a point.

Good and I hope that said mod uses that thread to identify and ban more.

Thread is already full of "Nazis made up Holodomor" bullshit.

Holodomor was a /u/HodortheDoorHolder prank

Thread is already full of "Nazis made up Holodomor" bullshit.

Wait, is that something commies actually believe?

Oh, you pure soul.

The reddit tankie - "Woah, please don't say rude tweets and posts otherwise you will be judged." > "Holodomor and the Mao's land reform was actually really a good thing and helped out a ton of people!"

They're probably more along the lines of "the kulaks deserved it

Nazis made up the holodomor, that's why American journalists reported it independently before the Nazis even came to power.

They are complaining about brigading from cumtown lol. I don't think any sub brigades quite as much as they do these days just look at the Sam Harris sub or even the Joe Rogan one.

Also banning like three users isn't gonna make that place any less retarded.

These leftist communist scum are tearing apart the minds of our most vulnerable and powerful demographic, the white college students. They poison and seduce the minds of our children- brainwash them really, into supporting the welfare state. I have sources in the government, really high level top secret sources who tell me that these professors are all mostly globalist shills determined to destroy our great nation from the inside. WE ARE UNDER ATTACK BY THE GLOBALIST CORPORATE CONTROLLED MEDIA. They are hell bent on destroying our morals and seducing our children.

Show those scum that you are wise to their tricks and that you will not bow down to their immoral ways by ordering some MaleVitality Brain Broth now available at infowars dot com for 499 a bottle. It contains fresh semen donated to us by our friends at The Heritage Foundation and is 100% GMO free.

our most vulnerable and powerful demographic, the white college students.

cumskins out

user reports:
1: if I can't say shitskins then this faggot can't say cumskin

You can still say racial slurs here, kike. It’s just uncouth.

user reports:
1: You will get 40.000 Soros-bucks transferred to your account if you remove this


Can you give them to me?

Can’t. I’m dangerously close to not being able to make my monthly Chapo Patreon pledge.

$40k in globalist money is only like $6.75

I’ll take it for a one second, one click action. But then (((Soros))) would own my soul and first born child. That makes it more or less a wash.

FYI In brazil they give out human babies when you fill up your tank and in boxes of cereal...

That said 40.000 you publicly "educated" southern-American Mong.

I was using the European system because I want Viking dong

I think this subreddits strength is being a good bridge into leftism gulags for normies

/u/JohnsDoe There FTFY.

ffs, cth and the alt-right both just need to leave normies be.

As the “anti-tankie” “left” slowly but surely gives into the anti-Russia war propaganda on the grounds that “well really, Putin, Assad, Juche, Iran, Cuba, America, the Soviet Union are all equally bad...” and devolves into liberal both-sidesism, I hope you remember that you’re responsible for helping axe a principled commitment to anti-US imperialism.

/u/vris92 It really pains mefeels good to see that commies like yourself have been reduced to shill for Russia, which is not even a communist state. Hope you keep yourself safe and sound.

rania is still bad for posting terf shit but that one post yikes

I hope that whatever future fascist government we get puts everyone who says "yikes" in concentration camps. They'll get a badge too, like the prisoners of the Nazi camps. Their badge will say "yikes".


Gas the yikes, phrase war now!

Oooh, can we also throw in the people who call every stupid joke a "dad-joke"?

Dad-anything is retarded. Dad-bod, dad-joke, dad-reflexes.

I admit I've never quite grasped what daddy issues are or what that expression means, but a lot of people on reddit seem to have them.


Who knew the right wing death squads were coming from inside the house.

The horseshoe is real!

Lol honestly fuck you. Anticommunist social democracy does it again! Just go ahead and fucking ban me. As the “anti-tankie” “left” slowly but surely gives into the anti-Russia war propaganda on the grounds that “well really, Putin, Assad, Juche, Iran, Cuba, America, the Soviet Union are all equally bad...” and devolves into liberal both-sidesism, I hope you remember that you’re responsible for helping axe a principled commitment to anti-US imperialism. I was never being ironic, fuck you and fuck this sub. You idiots have made me like Stalin more (who I literally think is bad) because I realize now he was essentially right about social fascism.

Mmmmmm pasta a la chapo!

But really, I don't understand Chapo and the so-called Dirtbag Left's reason for existing. The major and obvious problem for hard Leftists like this is that most people who are fine with identity politics and who benefit from it are real Leftists yet they don't necessarily want to get on board with Commie leftism and Bernie's brand of economic/international workers of the world unite! Leftism.

You can't really get all dirtbag-y, foul, and "real" about stuff when there's a good chance that by not toeing the Democratic party line of identity politics uber alles, you're setting yourself up to offend some protected member of the proletariat like an undocumented transwoman mother of a half-Mexican, half-Muslim bisexual anchor baby.

It's pretty hard to call-it-like-you-see-it when half of your party's voters or potential listeners will call you racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, ableist, Islamophobic, etc., if you refuse to drink the liberal Kool-Aid these days.

There's a great schism there.

the sub is not at all representative of the podcast.

theyve spent hours over the years talking about how idpol is bad, about how theyll never publicly apologise for anything because its a trap, etc etc.

HamNo lives again in semi-retirement.

It's pretty hard to call-it-like-you-see-it when half of your party's voters or potential listeners will call you racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, ableist, Islamophobic, etc., if you refuse to drink the liberal Kool-Aid these days.

Hey retard, has it ever occurred to you that it's possible to state your opinion without using offensive slurs? Try expanding your vocabulary you fucking brainlet.


Dirtbag left loves people, warts and all. It’s a needed corrective to the Puritanism that’s dominant in left circles these days.

Go on.

It's pretty hard to call-it-like-you-see-it when half of your party's voters or potential listeners will call you racist, sexist, misogynistic, transphobic, ableist, Islamophobic, etc., if you refuse to drink the liberal Kool-Aid these days.

Pretty easy actually, just don't be a racist POS. Some people have trouble with that for some reason.

The funny thing is Chapo only started banning them because tankies started getting significant amounts of upvotes - which was a really bad look for them.

Free speech is fine until you realize that the lunatics are actually popular now and you're community is a community of lunatics.


Who the fuck even listen to podcasts anymore? What is this, 2003?

The sub sure doesn't.

Real Time with /u/FratboyGenius though, the left has this reputation as of late of being the no fun allowed ideology and the alt-right as the place you can go and be free to say whatever stupid shit you want and get encouraged.

It's no surprise who's winning hearts and minds and who's cannibalising itself.

Sure we don't want to encourage anti-social behaviour or the slippery slope of jokingly offensive free speech communities being overrun by straight up nazi opportunists (4chan, the CringeAnarchy subreddit .etc) but maybe don't throw every tasteless joke into the gulags.

Context and intent are important and anyone who says they aren't are looking for trouble and idpol shitflinging.

That being said, this one wasn't funny or ironic enough to save it, but contextually and intentionally he just said it to upset you all here on the subreddit.

tl;dr whatever dude this shit is boring who cares

It's the same thing with /r/drama, so be scared. Really scared.

spooky sounds

suck my fucking dick dude

present it

what's your address, my parents are home so you can't come to mine

I'm not going to suck your dick unless I know what it looks like, that's fucking gross.

I completely misread your intentions, I thought you were dragging me in here to talk shit. Sorry for the misunderstanding, I'll finish myself off.

Come now, no need to apologise. I cheekily took the last bit of your post and made it look like it was my own comment.

For anyone watching, the original comment is linked in the ; of the tl;dr

I cheekily took the last bit of your post and made it look like it was my own comment. Also I'm retarded.

Don't go messing with folks' comments like that.

No cheeky fun

Are you sure you're the same person who made the comment we're talking about?

tl;dr whatever dude this shit is boring who cares

the children deserved it though

Guys guys guys, Applebee's exist for a reason

Frat boy that lives with parents? Lol ur mom gay.

Now explain Ghostbusters.

Both versions are bad, the 80s one is funny but you have to be a waterhead to care about ghosts.

How much higher than 75% water does your brain need to be to be classified as a waterhead?

If you're worried about that I'd contact your doctor.

Is enjoying a comedy the same as caring about it?

Lefty insults are so weird. What the fuck is a waterhead? Sounds like a third grader that just learned to cuss, "You're an ass bitch that likes shit bastards!"

What the fuck is a waterhead?

Sounds like a third grader that just learned to cuss, "You're an ass bitch that likes shit bastards!"

Thanks for answering your own question!

Waterhead is a kind of retardation where your head is literally full of water. Also the right came up with soyboy.

Now explain Ghostbusters.

I pray every night for these leftists to all be purged. they made their bed by siding with Assad.

Hahahaha that’s some good stuff. Love when the left eats its own

Love when the left eats its own

*whom's own, ftfy

I stand corrected