MillionDollarExtreme extremely triggered by a picture of a black man

121  2018-04-09 by normie_girl


He is worse than a Jew, he is—may Allah forgive me for saying this—a SRDine.


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اَسْتَغْفِرُ اَللّهَ 🤢🤮😷

normie_girl, did /u/jabajawdoo ban you too from MDE for being Jewish, or do you still get to comment?

I wouldn't go on that sub even if they wanted me there which they don't for many reasons

/u/InternetNapalm called me a slore, banned me because he’s afraid of my high verbal IQ, and sends me Richard Spencer videos on the reg

😢 oh my g*d, that’s just awful

Is a slore a slutty bore?

But mostly because you're Jewish, right?

I'm jewish and triggered

That's called neurosis, sweetie, it's normal for you people. Go see your therapist.

My therapists are the people on the drama chat


? We love Jews

can u unban me then? I dindu nuffin.

It is hilarious that a basketball american doing something not criminal gets this many upvotes.

Yes but the triggering of mde is even more spergy imo

they are hitting this thread hard, it's hilarious how sensitive those little bitch boys are

They can dole it out but they can't take it

They can dole it


It's not quite as bad as when the manlet pedophile fans felt insulted, but it's still a very embarrassing sight.

Literally nothing wrong with being short. stop embarrassing yourself.

I won't have this argument, as it's unlikely you'll take away anything from it.

So I win then

Gentle reminder that you're a worthless human being and should kill yourself!

u/normie_girl You've got a fanclub!

there's more of them lol

I like this. I like you.

That's fucking illegal

God, how passive can you get?

Choosing your battles is not passive, what's the point of having an argument with someone whose stature makes them unable to learn?

whiteknighting for mde

Jesus get some help lmao

lol you wish you could even compete, this is sad tbh

Oh I see you're having a nice sulk in this thread. You totally don't care about any of this though right?

lol says the guy unironically complaining about mde

the right is better at memes than the left and mde is better at what they do than people in this sub, it is what it is

wow you really don't care about any of this nor ever have a serious cry when people laugh at nazi larpers

i enjoy that you think you make other people upset

i enjoy

come on m8, you clearly don't enjoy anything in life as you're always outraged 24/7 about how hard white people have it in this world for some crazy reason

lol white people dont have it hard shit is great

but also no race has it hard the ones that struggle are just incompetent and should prob be genocided for efficiency

the ones that struggle are just incompetent

You sound like somebody who's been kept perfectly comfortable by their family and society.

nope im just great and have perspective

and fucking lol at the sequence of events here

  • sperg at mde

  • make low effort mayo jokes

  • get seriously offended at me shitposting back to you

get a grip ay

Nobody else would be retarded enough to suggest that groups of people don't have it hard.

nobodys oppressed in the western world least of all women and darkies, some groups are just dumb as shit

and fucking lol at the sequence of events here

sperg at mde

make low effort mayo jokes

get seriously offended at me shitposting back to you

get a grip ay

?? The comment you replied to is the only thing I've posted in this thread. You, on the other hand...

nobodys oppressed in the western world least of all women and darkies, some groups are just dumb as shit

You really can't complain about 'low effort' posts when you spout opinions that more or less every 14-year-old boy holds at some point.

He just got through reading "the bell curve for dummies" so he's feeling super smart right now

Shame he can't even use crime statistics copypasta like the average stormcuck. The lowest of low-effort posters.

You, on the other hand...

yeah i legit find it funny how bitter some of you are about better internet trolls than yourself

like if you want to be better just practice or get better jokes or some shit

You really can't complain about 'low effort' posts when you spout opinions that more or less every 14-year-old boy holds at some point.

sort of like how you cant really post on a shitposting troll board if youre going to believe everything at face value and start trying to moralise?

better internet trolls

It's not trolling to complain about trannies and bugmen in your own safe space. Trolling is the act of targeting something at an unwitting audience to elicit a strong emotional response. And even if it were 'trolling', everything on there is a cheap imitation of /r9k/ and /pol/ combined with 'I'm not like the other boys!'. It's a tired attempt by a bunch of kids to try and capture the spirit of '07 4chan. Nothing new, not the first to do what it does, and definitely not the last.

sort of like how you cant really post on a shitposting troll board if youre going to believe everything at face value and start trying to moralise?

Nobody's moralizing, they're just marveling about how mad you're getting because people are making fun of right-wing /r/teenagers.

>mde is better at what they do

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand this level of smearing shit on walls and eating paint chips

he says in a sub where pretending to hate white people and be gay is the height of wit

dude someone literally gilded the word "nigger". you have no hope of claiming the high ground here.

dude someone literally gilded the word "nigger".

yeah and probably created 3 ahs threads in the process

meanwhile what are we doing to cause drama? the only people that care about the stuff you guys do already know its just spite

awesome style

mde is better at what they do than people in this sub

i would encourage you to A) spend more time at MDE and secondarily B) off yourself.

MDE is a failed project from the latest in a long list of failed right wing comedians. Why you're proud of anything that comes out of there is beyond me.

lol why did you go in there and attempt to troll? thats not going to work

MDE is a failed project from the latest in a long list of failed right wing comedians.

it got cancelled because jews were scared of it

better just watch jon oliver right

John Oliver is actually funny

haha you wrote that

The absolute pathetic state of you hahahaha. Your meltdown is glorious!!

cringe dude i know you started last year or whatever but this isnt any good

For me it is. It's fun seeing you this buttmad at the stupid things in life. Imagine white knighting for MDE lololol

I mean I've seen retards whiteknight for CA so it's not like I'm surpirsed or anything.

but if you just say someone is mad thats not really the same thing, you dont even need other people if youre going to do that

im trying to give you tips i used to be like you as painful as that is to admit

🍿🍿🍿 (っ˘ڡ˘ς)

I be you unironically think that the new Ghostbusters was not funny. You clearly have shit taste in comedy

what brilliant well thought out bait youre clearly an expert that can trick people

MDE is more scared of Jews than Jews are of MDE. Nuclear meltdowns like yours make that readily apparent.

nobodys scared of jews theyre just disgusted at the ritual pedophilia

From people like Roy Moore and Donald Trump? The former was banned from shopping malls and the latter straight up admitted to some nasty stuff.

I mean... Come on. Don't be a hypocrite. The left can be (nay, is) hypocritical and annoyng as fuck, but don't discount the visible crazies and pedos you have on your side.

lol roy moore isnt a pedo and neither is trump, but jews suck baby dicks

lol roy moore isnt a pedo and neither is trump

Boy you sure proved me wrong with that impenetrable argument of yours! Except that Trump admitted to walking into the dressing rooms of teenage girls and it's been established that Roy Moore, at roughly 30 years old, went on dates with 15/16 year old girls.

How can you even say those guys aren't total sexual degenerates?

omg he also said he grabbed a pussy that means hes an admitted rapist

How can you even say those guys aren't total sexual degenerates?

because 90% of the media people doing the accusing are literal pedophiles

omg he also said he grabbed a pussy that means hes an admitted rapist

I didn't even mention the pussy grabbing in that last post, but way to make Trump look even more stellar.

because 90% of the media people doing the accusing are literal pedophiles

Dude every single retarded ass alt-right conspiracy theory has been completely proven wrong. You're denying reality.

/r/pics has tonnes of garbage upvoted on it all the time, why wouldnt some of that garbage have basketball Americans in it too?

I'd rather just say cuck and nigger and meme than give anything real thought, thank you.

I upvote tokenistic shit like that just because I know it jimmy-rustles retards like MDE. It's good for dramacoin.(tbf sometimes I'll upvote retards like MDE fr the same reason)

Same. Me and my 40+ alts upvote anything with a black person.

Nah, not for a black guy. I'll only bother switching to an alt for Muslim woman with a head scarf.

it just confirms their views to them. is that what you think "rustling jimmies" means?


haha yeah also let someone fuck your wife thatll really piss em off

lol I think you're a little over-invested in this, buddy

this is the only interesting topic today tbh

We should have an interracial couple on the front page everyday for maximum triggering 😂

Pics has lots of dumb pictures, but it's a black dude doing something uninteresting once? Holy ring ring the alarm. Pics is garbage and always has been.

its funny because its corny dorky white people over compensating, feeling good because they upvoted a black guy

wow! he graduated! this isnt condescending at all!

And usually it's dorky white people upvoting other dorky white people for accomplishing nothing you dumb faggot.

and youll get more if its a pic of a black guy, because reddit is like that

how is this confusing or anger inducing, i swear some of you are genuinely retarded

Yeah, sure. If you ignore all the obese Mayos getting slightly less fat that got over 100k upvotes. Stop projecting your retardation on me, you dumb shitter.

yeah fat people are another one

but youre kidding yourself if you dont think a black guy losing weight would be upvoted even more

Post your graduation from elementary school and see how many upvotes you get on pics as a desperate white guy.

This is the entire point, white redditors getting their disks hard over black people doing absolutely normal things.

And soon we will have a random MDE user here, telling us " But we are not racists, Trust me?" "insert a gif of Jake The Snake Roberts"

TRUST ME. TRUST ME. TRUst me. Trust me....

I'd say they are less racist than the fetishists that upvoted the original though.

You use words stupid.

Oh, hello there fetishist!

The above comment is a classic example of the Freudian notion of 'Projection'.

People unironically using slurs

Upvotez are the reel raycism!

How are you this fucking stupid?

Clicking a button is enough to qualify for a fetish now.

You guys are retarded. I don't have pictures of my college graduation because I didn't feel the need to do a photoshoot at a waffle house and post it on the net. Knowing that a creepy picture of me would get a fucking standing ovation.

THe larger context is like when that girl got a college scholarship FOR CUTTING UP AN OLD WHITE MANS FOOD.

It's fucking ridiculous how everyone wants EQUALITY, yet they get their dicks sucked for doing the most basic and mundane shit that in the end was HANDED to them.

If you don't already know this if you're black and have above a c average and a pusle you're basically going to college for free.

Why does this piss white dudes off?? Because we get shit on and blamed for everything under the sun while at the same time having to work just as hard (if not harder) to get ahead in life while using our HARD EARNED TAX dollars (FYI I pay 30% of my wages for this bullshit) to subisidize the people who fucking spit in our faces.

ANd if you don't want to make it about race stop making about race. I'm a white dude who could give a fuck about what color you are. But apparently its THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL AND IMPORTANT FACTOR OF ALL TIME, based upon our legislation and current social system.

IT's also funny to laugh at how stupid and brainwashed all these fucking people are. Like YEAH I DON"T HAVE TO BE ASHAMED IF I CLICK A BUTTON AND SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT TYRELL. LOOK HOW COOL AND IN ALIGNMENT I AM WITH THE VIEWS OF CNBC!!!!! WOW!

WTF is this shit?

But we are racist

But was I wrong tho

The blacks have somehow been making white kids shoot up white schools so answers must be found!

Jeeez I wonder how (jews)

But was I wrong tho

Yes, it got more than 40k by Midnight

You're not wrong you're just fucking obsessed admit it

Obsessed with what? How predictable reddit is?

Yeah for one thing. You know what I'm talking about



sorry for white people

Black people are the good guys!

lmfao everytim i crie.

i keep coming back to this for a lol, i got no words mayne, nigga stuntin on dem crackas.

Whenever you are about to post something, such as the comment you just have, consider the following question: "Am I behaving like a circlebroker?"

If the answer to the question is yes, reconsider your course of action, and acquire further assurances.

Sensible comment

Is there something wrong with the global lust for black cock? Do you unironically think your mayo willynilly can compete?

definitely not global.

lol yeah hes obsessed

You could make a thread like that about any dumb shit pics upvotes (literally all of it). What's predictable is you singling out the black guy pic to get your rage boner slobbered on by other tards tho


even the dude from the picture commented and was a good sport about it, I don't know why this is so triggering for you.

Reminder that 1 in 3 whites have a tail.

Reminder that whites evolved from monkeys only 3000 years ago and share 99.9% of their DNA with monkeys.

Reminder that pedophilia is still legal in most white European countries.

Reminder that whites are the biggest terrorist threat in America today.

Reminder that white terrorists are too stupid to do terrorism without blowing themselves up in the process.

List of Black inventions:

• computer

• scientific method/process

• modern medicine

• automobile

• photograph

• guitar/harp

• air plane

• xbox

• wind energy

• theater/plays

• cell phone

• speed boat

• MRI scan

• television/movies

• basketball

• defibrillator machine

• bridges

• space ship

• telescope/microscope

• piano

List of asian inventions:

• chop sticks

• anime

• convenience stores

• kimono

List of indian inventions:

• totem pole

• canoe

• bow and arrow

• herbal medicine

• tee pee

List of white inventions:

• atomic bomb

• automatic rifle

• grenade

• crack cocane

• child pornography

• tank

• machine gun

• ice hockey

• methamphetime

• napalm

• numerous medevil torture devices

• homosexuality

• heroin

• witchcraft

• biological warfare


conservatards trolled EPIC STYLE

The elimination of the "white" race is inevitable. In fact, race is, for the most part, a nonsense construct, but the "white" race even moreso. It is clear that there is no explicit, accurate definition for being "white", the phantasm of "race purity" is far from reality and is grounded in nothing but the fantasies of people who think that those that they do not consider "white" are "taking muh womenz" (read: insecurity, as well as misogyny).

In present-day society, the identity of Western countries and their inhabitants are not pegged down by race, but by nationality—additionally, you can now see people mixing their origins with their current nationality, an example being so called "hyphenated Americans". These people range from someone holding some aspects of their culture dear to them, to someone who calls themselves so because "my [insert near ancestor] was from [insert foreign country]". Contrary to the European failure at integrating immigrants, the United States has done well with the integration of immigrants, and miscegenation of races will thus be unavoidable, and the delusion of "white purity" will become extinct.

Even in Europe, although they may not have succeeded in integrating their immigrants well (leading to the formation of ghettos such as the ones in Tower Hamlets, London), there will always be a few immigrants who manage to escape from the grasps of these ghettos and integrate within larger society. This leads to race-mixing as well, albeit to a lesser extent, but every bit counts, and every bit helps. Why? When two people of color have children, you can usually see distinct features from both parents present in the child. When a person of color and a white person have a child, the most commonly (and usually only) feature passed down from the white parent is lighter skin (cumskin). This is due to the fact that the genes that lead to the expression of so-called "white" phenotypes, are for the most part, recessive. This facilitates the elimination of "white" features in society.

Furthermore, children who have blood from both a person of color and a white person are forsaken by those who fantasize about the white race being preserved, even though they carry recessive genes from their white parent, genes that could eventually be expressed again. This will also contribute to the demise of the so-called "white race".

Eventually, no person who considers themselves "white" will have so-called "pure" genes. Hence, the white race will have been eliminated by the standards set by the race purists themselves, having led themselves to their own demise.

As for the reasoning behind the mayocide, it should be pretty self-evident, but if it isn't, I'll let /u/westofthetracks explain it for you.

Yes, the reason to genocide the white race is simple. Like all people, the white race originated in Afrika. As humanity's first great cities grew, it became increasingly difficult to deal with habitual thieves, rapists, pedophiles and homosexuals in the population. These offenders were genetically predisposed to their deviant behaviors and exile was the only way to safeguard the populations of the cities. Gradually these inherently depraved individuals were driven ever northward, away from civilization.

Eventually they were driven across the Mediterranean into Europe. Here they settled, their naturally black skin atrophying to a sickly pale color to adapt to the lack of nourishing sunlight. These savages did not build great civilizations, they did not develop science and art as their fathers in Afrika had. Instead, their genetic predilection to violence and the harshness of the European climate brought them to a state of perpetual warfare. As a result, they became great warriors and built powerful new ways to wage war. By contrast the dark skinned peoples of the world became great artists, scientists and philosophers- always maintaining their deep spiritual connection to the Earth. Peoples of color worshiped life, the Europeans worshiped death.

We know what happened next, the Europeans spread out like a plague, raping, destroying, consuming, pillaging everywhere they went. The non whites' cultural superiority was no match for the perfected, savage onslaught of the whites. And so this is where we are today. The tribe of rapists, pedophiles and criminals that all whites are descended from have infested the planet. While it may sound harsh, the only viable option for the preservation of the species is the aggressive termination of this malignant tumor wherever it takes root. And this is why the global extermination of whites isn't just right- it is a moral imperative.

Oh god I need sauce. Was this pasta originally ironic?

/u/LadyVetinari actually worked for the Hillary campaign so you'll have to forgive her for being booty blasted.

She's one of our more notable lolcows.

Can you not dox pls???? JESUS CHRIST

P.s. fuck u O'Connell P.p.s. #still with her

7 MORE YEARS 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

I would unironically support Donald if he promised to glass Ireland

Eat my ass shillbot 😤😤😤

its funny because he was completely right and reddit is largely a bunch of faggots

Is this news? His tantrum was equally classic reddit

how is that a tantrum lol you just see what you want to see

Their outrage boners and backpats for pointing out something obvious is pretty tantrumy

Dude in that thread is arm flapping about feeling "gaslighted" lol

i reckon you just dont like pointing out funny shit about race

face it, americans are hilarious with race and they dont know how to handle it so they end up patronizing

clapping at a black guy for living a basic normal life like thats not insulting af

how does that seem anything but a joke lol cmon now

It would be a mildly funny if tired observation, but the OP thread is actually funnier because of their histrionics. It's like they just discovered reddit, or are looking for something to circlejerk about. Either way, their responses are more amusing to me 🤷‍♀️

nah this thread is just "waaah mde said a thing and i heard theyre racist"

might as well be in ahs

i question the sort of dude who posts here about gaping anuses and genocide and then pops their fucking monocle out at mde thinking its serious

Regretfully agree

tbh i dont see why its so controversial, thought it was a given

w h i t e f r a g i l i t y

You got downsnozzled before i got the chance too lul. Somebody's buttmad

Your post in Arabic to the archive bot is getting mad hate too. :/

Just more bugmen circlejerking about things they don't like. Very predictable and boring.

Milko lives don't matter.

You guys are retarded. I don't have pictures of my college graduation because I didn't feel the need to do a photoshoot at a waffle house and post it on the net. Knowing that a creepy picture of me would get a fucking standing ovation.

THe larger context is like when that girl got a college scholarship FOR CUTTING UP AN OLD WHITE MANS FOOD.

It's fucking ridiculous how everyone wants EQUALITY, yet they get their dicks sucked for doing the most basic and mundane shit that in the end was HANDED to them.

If you don't already know this if you're black and have above a c average and a pusle you're basically going to college for free.

Why does this piss white dudes off?? Because we get shit on and blamed for everything under the sun while at the same time having to work just as hard (if not harder) to get ahead in life while using our HARD EARNED TAX dollars (FYI I pay 30% of my wages for this bullshit) to subisidize the people who fucking spit in our faces.

ANd if you don't want to make it about race stop making about race. I'm a white dude who could give a fuck about what color you are. But apparently its THE MOST FUNDAMENTAL AND IMPORTANT FACTOR OF ALL TIME, based upon our legislation and current social system.

IT's also funny to laugh at how stupid and brainwashed all these fucking people are. Like YEAH I DON"T HAVE TO BE ASHAMED IF I CLICK A BUTTON AND SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT TYRELL. LOOK HOW COOL AND IN ALIGNMENT I AM WITH THE VIEWS OF CNBC!!!!! WOW!

You take that back MDE residents are the vanguards of masculinity and western civilization.

A picture/video that shows black people doing absolutely anything positive is guaranteed upvotes on leddit. Snap a pic of your black neighbor taking out his trash and farm karma with it

ohh people getting reddit karma for free!! WHAT THE FUUUUUUCKKKKK

I'm so triggered I can't stand it

look man if you don't take karma seriously you might not be autistic enough for this sub...

Karma is my only measure of self-worth. It's the only thing of value I have.

hahaha nobody gives a shit about internet points, just interesting that it indicates just how many people think a certain way

really makes ya think

No it doesn't

not you, we know you dont think. he meant other people

you literally are over that post LOL

"Look, hun. A negro said he just finished his education and now is eating a waffle without rape or murdering anyone. Good for him. I'll upvote!"

I'll admit it honestly seems kind of degrading when redditors upvote a black person finishing college as if they spotted a unicorn.

"LOOK HOW NOT RACIST I AM!" I said, as I skipped next to the black man and told him I was definitely not afraid of him and that I understand his plight involving cop brutality. While he looked visibly uncomfortable, I kept telling him he was a brave, beautiful ebony flower and that I am totes not racist.

thats literally the point of the original mde post, the guy predicted itd have 40k upvotes by midnight and exactly that happened

Maybe, but MDE autists are acting a big too big for their britches.

i think that drama users dont like being upstaged, especially the liberal leaning ones

the people with their corny little mayo jokes got outclassed by someone basically writing all caps NIGGER and they cant stand it

Nigga why you defending MDE like this? The sub is entirely teenagers whining about Jews and Chad and how roasties won't touch them. They have way more angry seriousposts than drama.

because he's a teenager who has a serious longing for feeling like he belongs somewhere, anywhere. Maybe the MDE spergs were nice to him once

mde is unironically better and higher quality than this sub and causes more drama in the real world

and most people in here are too stupid to understand it

it is what it is man its just annoying when you think youre in a community of savvy people and half of them turn out retarded and falling for dumb internet shit

read all that to yourself again pls

point out the wrong part if you like

if you get angry at mde then ur a bit dumb, not many other conclusions to be drawn

/u/ikeepgettingbanned3 it seems you have caught onto the fact you are going nowhere in life. Do you think it's black people or the jooz fault?

/u/ikeepgettingbanned3 it seems you have caught onto the fact you are going nowhere in life. Do you think it's black people or the jooz fault?

*blacks controlled by jews

**blacks exploited by jews

Well duh

"Well duh"

no duh

Ur good at le trololololing

this but unironically

See, now you're talking my language :)

I'd rather not

Ya know we got a charming back and forth, you and I. We should take this to the PMs sometime and get to know each other

How about you come for a nice ride with me

You'll have to explain this one to me

na just get in


/u/sac-lawn_gnome can explain

This re-education helicopter is about to become a RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-education copter if MDE users are invited.

Gentle reminder that you're a worthless human being and should kill yourself!

Neither, I think it's the bigotry of low expectations that's making people applaud a black man for something ordinary.

How poor are your job prospects? White trash very rarely does well in life

I'm not white, I'm Mexican and I'm employed

wage jobs hardly count as employment jesus

*throws out more wild assumptions*

well ya, anyone hanging out in that little sperg sub unironically whining about how easy blacks have it in society are definitely not successful. If you want to lie to yourself about that, fine by me

I think you missed the point of my post. It wasn't to say blacks have it so easy, it's to point out how fucking absurd it is for reddit to be wildly enthusiastic about a black guy making a funny face while eating waffles. That's all. you can insult me however you want, I don't really care. You've already internalized and accepted what I'm trying to say

Black person doing something

Gee golly this makes me mad! I'm a totally well adjust person tho!

I'm not mad at all I'm dumbfounded

You so seem pretty easily confused.

Do tell

Like with smaller words?

I was calling you dumb.


That's the most sense you've made

"I'm not mad at all I'm dumbfounded"

I’m not mad at all I’m dumb


no you're literally fucking retarded

Could you expand on that?

Yeah, it goes entirely the the otherwise high quality posts on /r/pics.

A snake opening it's mouth.


We get it, your exgirlfriend dumped you for a black guy.

She was a slut. Now I'm going to enter the hottest sorority on campus and slaughter all the blonde sluts

is this literally what you got from the op jesus fucking christ

You're only not white until you murder a black guy.


A white mexican.

Mexicans are just mayos with shit mixed in.

Where did you go, are you going to berate me for being a lazy Mexican or are you just okay with anti-white racism?

Mayocide now

anti-white racism

You can't be racist against mayos, silly.

lol why are you so bitter about race issues

lighten up you fag

Worthless turds float to the top of r/pics everyday, but suddenly when a black person is in one of them it means the imminent collapse of western civilization

Yes! Well said! Thank you

Hopefully when my Propur water filter arrives and I'm freed from my tap water induced torpor I can join my brothers in MDE and together we can overthrow the bugmen

This but unironically

Dont appropriate drama culture mong

Okay, this is epic

white fragility at its finest

You guys are retarded. I don't have pictures of my college graduation because I didn't feel the need to do a photoshoot at a waffle house and post it on the net. Knowing that a creepy picture of me would get a fucking standing ovation.

THe larger context is like when that girl got a college scholarship FOR CUTTING UP AN OLD WHITE MANS FOOD.

It's fucking ridiculous how everyone wants EQUALITY, yet they get their dicks sucked for doing the most basic and mundane shit that in the end was HANDED to them.

If you don't already know this if you're black and have above a c average and a pusle you're basically going to college for free.

Why does this piss white dudes off?? Because we get shit on and blamed for everything under the sun while at the same time having to work just as hard (if not harder) to get ahead in life while using our HARD EARNED TAX dollars (FYI I pay 30% of my wages for this bullshit) to subisidize the people who fucking spit in our faces.

MDE is proof that the right can’t meme

The lack of wit is really the most offensive part.

Wit requires a touch of intelligence and those guys are just touched.

Tbf that’s not a meme that’s a criticism of Reddit at large with the silliest of posts that involve black people get major upvotes. Works the same way on t_d with the ‘based black guy’. Think of the cringe of all the white folks in blackpeople_twitter, but the phenomenon reaches site wide. You gain virtue points with an upvote and go for the big pay off with an upbeat unironic comment. 🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮

> unironic MDE poster

You're not wrong, but MDE's thotposting isn't any more creative.

Oh I have no clue I rarely look at that sub outside of links from here. Is it just a bunch of pol memes?

Pretty much.

Pretty much anything with some kind of backstory that can appeal to people gets upvoted on /r/pics.

Picture of mayo with dog [100k upvotes, gilded once]

wtf reddit upvotes everything with wypipo!!111

It's just that certain people (like MDE posters) are hypersensitive to things having to do with black people. /r/pics upvoting mundane pictures isn't something new, and it's not something specific to black people.

I think the truth is somewhere in the middle, as it usually is.

Its not a meme. Have any black person not actively destroying society and watch it skyrocket tocthe front page.

Lol a tranny mde poster. The world is on its way out.

mde is infinitely better at memes than literally anyone in here

Better at memes

I hope you can keep yourself safe with that totally marketable skill yall have over there!

i mean you say that but they won an election and drove your political ideology into the fucking ground, never to recover

back in the early 2000s the left wing were the cool guys, now youre represented by delusional old white women yelling at cartoon frogs and hollywood rapists

how do you think that happened

drove your political ideology into the fucking ground, never to recover


lol in 2020 if it still feels right, until then prob dont make too many wild predictions nah mean

learn to think dialectically nerd


how do you think that happened

That's easy, the average white male American is scarily uneducated. Oh and "never to recover" lol get over yourself you literal nazi.

nope it was manipulation of popular culture and themes to shift the overton window to the far right

recurring ideas and easily digestable soundbytes people can quickly remember and repeat, bonus if its a joke or something that spreads by itself

memes are literally how ideas perpetuate

That's easy, the average white male American is scarily uneducated.

thats funny because theyre the second most successful sub group in america, not sure what that says about the rest of you

Oh and "never to recover" lol get over yourself you literal nazi.

omg the blue wave amirite lol

omg the blue wave amirite

aren't you irrelevant eurotrash?

im australian and as such im qualified to make fun of everything american

also youll lose the midterms and trump will be re elected and im going to laugh so hard

Who's "you"? I have as little stake in this as you like to think you do. Keep telling yourself whatever you need to deny the inevitable mayocide.

lol like anyone that talks about white genocide has the capability to do it except jews and were already dealing with that

All Australians I've ever met are made of soy bro

seems to me you're also made of soy, so go drink your soylent, my bro, and let me culturally enrich you

nope australians are hard men and cool and get all the chicks and youre just jealous

yup. effeminate lovelies

lost to a bunch of flightless birds, glad to see we're on the same page

emus are fucking big

Trump fanboys here are literally the biggest virgins. Imagine being such a cuck that you spend time caring about another country's politics

you dont have to be a fan of anyone to make fun of idiot americans buddy

No he’s a worthless bogan

drove your political ideology into the fucking ground, never to recover

We elected a Democrat senator in Alabama and a state congressman in a Pennsylvania district that Trump carried by 20 points during the election.

Your move.

you mean you had to make up fake pedo stories to have a chance

I don't understand that sub. Isn't million dollar extreme like a comedy troupe or something? Why is the sub just right wingers bitching about black people and shit?

wow, writing nigger get you gilded on mde

is feepo a regular there?

i wonder which of the 13 year old autistic white kids has access to their mom's credit card 🤔🤔🤔

is feepo a regular there?

He actually is.

It really is odd how easily controlled most of Reddit's population is

Well, they are right about one thing. Although I'd replace the word odd with sad.

Liberals are the real racists. Also nigger

T. Conservatoid

MDE is about as “conservative” as /pol/. They’re rightoids, but even your run-of-the-mill r/JordanPetertard is less boring.

Who says this? Liberals? Niggers?

Pretty most of mde shits on the whole "liberals are the real racists" argument. Idk if theyre being ironic anymore

They went 5 whole words without making it homoerotic too

a black dude could literally spread his buttcheeks over a camera, take a picture mid dump, post it to reddit, and, i swear to god, reddit servers would crash with all the upvotes

They went 5 whole words without making it sound gay

Mayos love black buttholes.


Alt-Right Americans can't go 5 seconds without mentioning cocks, assholes or other homo-erotic activities. It's almost if they're projecting something 🤔

Don't forget about black guys and being a cuckold.

They’re like gay right-wing pastors, they secretly want to be cuckolded by a black man.

90% chance is in the next tab over.

They're right though, as pathetic as talking about it seems. They are identifying something of note. For what purpose should we ignore something like this, as innocuous as it seems.

agreed. you'd have to be an idiot to deny this !

You are correct. This picture was like the perfect stereotype of the way reddit is. It's hilarious how triggered this sub is about the fact that MDE posters noticed.

Notice what though? To begin with 40K votes is less than half of what highly upvoted posts get on /r/pics. The top posts for the last week are all of all kinds of boring nonsense. Crappy cosplays, dogs with signs around their necks, just plain signs. On a sub where a dog with a sign around it's neck saying something like "I chewed up Daddy's socks" is upvoted to 90+K, why do you think anything is going to make sense? If the sub triggers your white male fragility don't go there. You're the perfect stereotype for the way reddit is and MDE is full of nitwits.

I think this is a better example, just because it’s such a shitty picture.

Ok, so maybe that's why it got 25K up votes instead of the 100K up votes the top pictures on that sub get?

Yeah bro go ahead and take a unfocused, overexposed picture of the top of your dogs head with your face right there in the center and see how it does

Hmmm, that won't work because I'm a hot chick. I'd be upvoted to /r/all.

a guy made a joke about "this boring picture will prob have 40k upvotes because reddit is full of bugmen"

aaaaaand it came true because hes right about the bugmen

its funny why is this pissing so many people off here


Is this MDE's equivalent of "chuds"?

no because it means something

these people have no soul and are basically insects

omg pop culture pour me another soylent and put on the switch

I don't see you getting this worked up about other vapid internet nonsense. 🤔

i took a bunch of painkillers this morning and now im in a typin mood

Then shouldn't you be more positive and telling everyone how much you love them?

no because its me

a guy made a joke about "this boring picture will prob have 40k upvotes because reddit is full of bugmen"

aaaaaand it came true because hes right about the bugmen

Yes, I see. We're talking about a sub that up votes blurry pictures with sob stories like here's my little bro with autism, or here's my first hamburger after finishing cancer treatment. Totally shocking anyone would up vote something maudlin and boring like a picture of someone in their graduation garb. That guy must be a combination of Margaret Mead and the Amazing Kreskin.

its funny why is this pissing so many people off here

Who's pissed off. It's fun yelling at people. Why are you here?

cringe lol yes this will totally turn it around and make you win (?)

Turn what around and win what? Are you lost?

Yes, I see. We're talking about a sub that up votes blurry pictures with sob stories like here's my little bro with autism, or here's my first hamburger after finishing cancer treatment. Totally shocking anyone would up vote something maudlin and boring like a picture of someone in their graduation garb. That guy must be a combination of Margaret Mead and the Amazing Kreskin.

its because hes black though and thats funny unless youre weird enough to take offence

Who's pissed off. It's fun yelling at people. Why are you here?

lets be real its not hard to tell when the american liberals in here feel strongly about some shit and try to hide it

hmm a sub where dogs with funny signs, people dressed as video game characters....and blacks being normal...hmm

Ok, well maybe you could say it's the racism of soft expectations for white people. A black guy has to graduate college and eat a waffle to get 40K upvotes. All a white person needs to do is stick a pair of sun glasses on a pug and everyone acts like they're Ansel Adams gives them 90+K upvotes.

love the reframe bro but im not up for debate i just think its funny lol

Yeah, we both think it's funny, we're just laughing at different people.

omg ur laughing at me

Yeah, thanks for stopping by.

  1. People you don't like predict reddit upvoting black man doing normal people things

  2. Reddit upvotes black man doing doing normal people things.

  3. MDE posters laugh at the fact that reddit is as predictable as they claim.

  4. You get so thoroughly triggered by this that you accuse me and other people that actually have a sense of humor of having "White Male Fragility" and even make an autistic post about it.

  5. I laugh at you more.

Yeah, you're right. Who could have predicted something boring and stupid would be up voted on /r/pics?

You get so thoroughly triggered by this that you accuse me and other people that actually have a sense of humor of having "White Male Fragility" and even make an autistic post about it.

I dunno. That sounds pretty white and fragile to me.

Well done, ya did it.

This sub always switches to mass serious posting whenever something about black people show up.

It's only serious posting if it doesn't agree with me.

that post is actually pretty funny lol

So this is what we are doing now. MDE threads. Low hanging fruit 😴

Imagine being consumed with hatred for other people based on the color of their skin

Normie is extremely triggered by mde.

its consistently hilarious how hard mde triggers some of the regulars here, they literally just dont get jokes


(its because said users are bugmen trying to hide behgind snark)

Tell me more in your eighty thousand posts in this thread how triggered Drama is

pretty sure its self evident


You're so close. SO close!

im not poor though lol i could retire now at 36

how the fuck you think i have time to do this

r/mde went full /pol/, I miss when it was just a funny small sub that I could hang out at without seeing "fuk drumpf" posts

they're just going to get banned any day now

they arent wrong. reddit acts like they never seen a black person before

Is there any question? White kids go through a 15 year long "program" in which they're told everything bad happened because of white scum and minorities, especially black people, never do anything wrong of their own free will. The end result of said program is that the dumber members of society end up literally worshiping anyone who isn't white.

Serious question: do white SJWs in USA & Canada actually tend to know non-whites very much when they are growing up? Or just at college?

fucking LOL this sub gets pissed off at mde and the usual fags dont see a problem with 40k upvotes on random black man eating

we fall further from the light each day


You're adorable, please never change. Do you have a blog I can subscribe to?

Keep fighting the good fight dude. We can’t let these evil Nazis win. #Resist

As mde's resident minority we're all releasing this official statement

"at least we're not ed_butteredtoast"

They have to go back

Great thread guys. Just the right mix of irony and srsposting. Everyone seems triggered. I'm proud of myself

Great thread fam. 👍
