Men BTFO!!!!!!!

90  2018-04-09 by Missy2Real


Jews did this


  1. This Post -,,

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Thank goodness I started identifying as otherkin otherwise I don't know how id deal with that burn

I identify as

Function Next_On_Oppression_Hierarchy(Class As String) As String

Next_On_Oppression_Hierarchy = BuzzFeed.NextMoreOppressed(Class)

End Function

And if you meet someone who identifies the same, together you prove the undecidability of the halting problem!

I identify as Cobol.

Hashtag all

lol. Who pissed in your cornflakes this morning? Jesus.


He's no longer around, I wonder ([{why]})

ANNNNND her goal was achieved! This brings a single cold tear to my right eye. A student has surpassed her senseis.

How will we ever recover from this bros? :(


Literally keeping myself safe as we speak.


Roasties have to celebrate every Twitter victory because they have a hard time doing useful, impactful things in the real world other than breeding.

I've considered naming my future first born daughter IntellectualThicket II just to fuck the system.

I'm not sure system cares.

Other than you'd end up on Child Services Watchlist for being a moron who now has a child.

Imagine believing she has the capacity to produce a child

Are you new to drama why havent you tagged that retard here?

I'm a Jr, my dad is also named Tim. IDK what the big deal, I don't see how western women could find something so typical to be weird or unusual.

I think naming your kids, "Lakin" or, "brisglby" and all that dumb hipster shit is weird

Or every fucking variation of -aden

You hush your fucking mouth! My Hayden and Cayden are little vaccine-free angels from heaven!!

Ehh, yes you do! Was this barely logical sentence supposed to be a burn of some kind?

I know a girl who has the same name as her mom. Actually all 5 of her sisters have their mom's first name, in some form, as their middle name. Her brother is a junior too.

I knew a girl who’s had the same first and middle names as her mom and maternal grandmother.

It happens.

As a Jr., I don't really see how this is bad, aside from if my dad goes to jail or something then people might think it's me, or on the other hand people might think my dad has over 300k karma on Reddit 😂😂

I'd admit I'd been to jail to actual real life human. Id never tell anyone about how much karma i have. Not even my waifu

You'll never be your own person, just a little piece of your daddy. When you die your souls will fuse together and no one will the difference.

So what do you call your kid? Miniature?

What the fuck does one have to do with the other?

Shhhhh. Please Listen & Believetm

TrollX can't meme

Twitter feminists are brain dead retards with social studies degrees. Not a new revelation by any means.

Gender studies.

That's the word I was looking for. Thanks

ame! I don't want to know, because I don't want any redditor's personal info, but at the same time I'm curious if it's something magical like Gladiola Delacroix or Beatrix Antimony.

Sure, these are great if you're writing erotic Harry Potter fan fiction. But if you have a brain then these are retarded and only a retard or a tranny would think they're appealing.

Those are some pretty fab names and I kinda want to call dibs on both for my future-might-not-even-exist-ever daughters. A+ naming skills

Is TrollX just the dumbest kids from high school continuing their vapid lunch conversations?

Did you mean to write Beatrix Alimoney?

Gladiola Delacroix or Beatrix Antimony

/u/AngryWizard, one of those is a chemical element, and you're a fucking idiot.

Did they just assume the gender of their hypothetical children?

there's literally a character in the discworld series that is a fat, boring girl named Agnes who comes up with a fake name she thinks is cool, and when deciding on one i'm pretty sure Gladiola is an actual name she considered. she chooses Perdita. Perdita X.

Terry's daughter will never admit it, but he nailed this crowd decades ago.

Imagine thinking this is a major own against men.

Being women they don't science, at all, but a good theory on this trend is that women always know who the father is, or at least know its their kid. Men, until genetic testing, didn't have this luxury.

Interesting fact is that its the mothers family that is most likely to say that a kid looks like the dad. Basically trying to show they weren't cucked even if they aren't thinking about it consciously.

The naming thing is to make up, in a small way the lack of biological proof of parentage.

Well of course women know the kid is theirs, they shoved it out their hole, hard to miss.

Er yes... thats the point.

I want to garrotte everyone who uses "science" as a verb

Come at me bro! I'm going to science the shit out of you.

actually they don't always know who the father is. i once dated a girl for two weeks who had no idea who the father of her kid was. she said she narrowed it down to a dude who was currently in jail, or some french guy who has since gone back to his country.

you see, when you fuck like 12 new guys a week, you can't really pinpoint which guy was the one who fertilized you.

Gilmore Girls is like the Turner Diaries of how to be a boring white basic bitch.

Rory Gilmore might be the one of the worst characters in TV history. She's an awful person but is rarely called out or meant to paid to pay for it.

My wife has re-watched this show so many times that I'm ashamed to admit that just from listening (my computer is in the same room) I've become fully acquainted with the show. We even have this running joke where every time Jared Padalecki is flirting with Rory where I lean over from my computer and scream "DON'T DO IT DEAN!" across the room. But yeah, what a mess of people. I doubt any men not scripted for that show would have anything to do with those girls unless they had tits bigger than their heads.

unchecked narcissism vs. being named after your dad


I need a Rihanna gif.

That's literally the one I had in mind. You know your heterosexual white women on twitter!

my work's group chat is populated by more than a few latino 21 yr old gay guys from los angeles. There are entire weeks where all communication consists of nothing but riri memes. The rest of us sit down & take notes lmao 😂😂😂

my work's group chat is populated by more than a few latino 21 yr old gay guys

Can we switch jobs?

Sure bby! As soon as i gather enuff material for the pilot of the upcoming reality series i'm planning. 'Twill be called the real baristas of santa monica 😂😂😩

this is why I'm naming all my children muhammad

Sigh. When i said genocide is healthy in snsmall all doses this is what I mean

Eleanor of Aquitaine named her fourth daughter Eleanor. That's all I got though and I think when you have 10 kids in the 12th century there are only so many names really.

half are going to make it to their teens. think it'd be safe to recycle names.

I have literally not until this moment realized that Junior, Senior, II, III and all that is a male thing. It's so obvious, I have just never put any thought into the fact that I've never met a Jane Smith Jr.

Lmao holy shit.

>Caring about your legacy is the same as vainly obsessing over your appearance

TrollX: Not Even Once

The worst is when the dad has a serious criminal record. Every time your kid has any type of background check, Daddy Felon's record will be brought up.

/u/devil-knows-best: the pool of white trash names/last names is kinda limited, so I'm sure whoever is doing Little Randy's background check will be clever enough to not confuse him with the guy committing felonies before his date of birth.

But little Randy's dates/first round of interview/curious friends will know that although he may not be a felon, he comes from felonious stock. His life would be so much easier if he were just Jim instead.

His life would be so much easier if he were just Jim instead.

And how exactly does that change anything re: The background check process?

1 follower no dad


I like making fun of trollx as much as the next person but where's the drama here? This isn't r/tumblrinaction

My single mother named all four of us (three different fathers) 'K' names and my three sisters all have the same middle name. I don't think it was a lack of creativity though, she just really didn't give a shit.

This type of discussion always reminds me of how will and jada named their kids willow and jaden. Narcissists take many forms 🤦🏼‍♀️

I took it to the next level and named my daughter after me.

Fucking take that feminists.