For once a user is reasonable in /r/trollx, gets half a dozen paragraphs telling her why she's wrong to be so

38  2018-04-09 by CantKillADeadMan


Ok I just checked out that sub. It appears to be a den of snakes, trolls, and alt right Nazis. I saw several clear violations of Reddit law. We're are smarter than the average cookies, they had to know we'd be on to them. Sad.


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When I hear that, I think back to times I had things thrown at me, was held down against my will, had a hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream, had my path blocked to intimidate and trap me in a corner, had my phone grabbed from me so I couldn't call for help, had a guy suddenly get really close to my face and growl to scare me, was subbdued from behind and passed out momentarily, had another part of a man's body (like the side of an arm) accidentally come in hard contact with my face, got shoved across a room or against a wall, got dragged out of bed onto the floor by my legs, etc.. you get the idea. These are some examples in my opinion of times it was necessary for me to fight my way out of an abusive situation even though I hadn't technically been hit first. I'm sure people have their own legit stories to present the other side, and I know there are plenty of men who are abused by women. In my experience, it was very confusing for me when they said since I hit them first and they did not technically hit me it wasn't abuse. It took me awhile to learn there are other forms of abuse besides punching and kicking. So when I hear statements like that, it's just a red flag for me personally.

u/zimtfuchs If this has been a regular occurrence in your life, and you've somehow managed to drive many people to this level of violent rage, then you might be the problem.

How is it you hate women this much, yet still manage to be a pathetic leftist cunt?

There is a certain pizzashill-esque pattern.

it's not easy, but i manage bcuz it makes u cri so much

I don't really mind if you hate women and successful men. Actually, it is pretty rewarding to see.

successful men

bish, where?


Stating facts that makes women unhappy is "hating women."

This, but unironically.

You do hate women tho, you literally never want to be around women

I don't want to be around drug dealers either, does that mean I hate drug dealers?

Why would you not hate drug dealers you retard

Why should I?

I don’t think it’s a fact that your cum cures cancer and that you’re “gonna make those bald bitches choke on my sweaty hog” is an understandable thing for woman to be upset at.

Friendly reminder that white knighting shitty women doesn't actually make up for all the rapes, no matter how bad you want it to.

I'm not a feminist. I just think it is funny when leftists fail at the SJW code.

it's okay to hit women if they hit you first

Like in self-defence though? I'm okay with this one.

When I hear that, I think back to times I had things thrown at me, was held down against my will, had a hand over my mouth so I couldn't scream, had my path blocked to intimidate and trap me in a corner, had my phone grabbed from me so I couldn't call for help, had a guy suddenly get really close to my face and growl to scare me, was subbdued from behind and passed out momentarily, had another part of a man's body (like the side of an arm) accidentally come in hard contact with my face, got shoved across a room or against a wall, got dragged out of bed onto the floor by my legs, etc.. you get the idea. These are some examples in my opinion of times it was necessary for me to fight my way out of an abusive situation even though I hadn't technically been hit first. I'm sure people have their own legit stories to present the other side, and I know there are plenty of men who are abused by women. In my experience, it was very confusing for me when they said since I hit them first and they did not technically hit me it wasn't abuse. It took me awhile to learn there are other forms of abuse besides punching and kicking. So when I hear statements like that, it's just a red flag for me personally. hit a guy first

Everytime this conversation comes up on reddit it is the same. Someone says there is no shame in practicing self defense, even against a woman, then some loon says: "Uhm, how about people just don't hit each other at all" or goes on a looong dumb rant.

It is as boring as it is dishonest at this point. Same with the circumcision debate, you write: "Circumcision is unnecessary and non-consensual." and then you get: "WTF, I am circumcised a-and I am not a mutant, how dare you!?" as if it is a discussion about the character of the people that are circumcised and not about the practise itself.

I guess what I am really trying to say is, mayocide can't come soon enough.

reddit likes to argue past itself all the time. Example:
Person1: Why can no one criticize people in situation X for saying Things A, B, and C?
Person 2: Well because of attribute Y! Surely you wouldn't criticize people in situation Similiartosituation X? Have some attribute Y!
Person 1: Well certainly I would, what if they were saying D,E,F?
Person 2: similiartosituation X ins't situation X!

WTF, I am circumcised a-and I am not a mutant, how dare you!?

a) none of those womyn have ever been in a life threatening situation, or at least - a fist fight.

b) milky_oolong sure does whine a lot in this and other threads. ( just check - she's a strawwoman)

c) punch? no, but if you are comfronted by a psycho lady a simple slap should work or for those dangerous situations - a rare naked choke.

punch? no, but if you are comfronted by a psycho lady a simple slap should work or for those dangerous situations - a rare naked choke.

If you don't use at least an atomic piledriver then you're just not respecting her hard enough.

If you're not gonna hit with the Stone Cold Stunner then what's even the point

As a matter of law, pulling your punches or attempting a less violent or deadly form of defense can be used against you at trial, proving that you didn't really consider yourself to be in danger otherwise youd have gone all out.

u/milky_oolong you sure want real badly for people to be able to hit other people with consequences, don't you?

She's not wrong that it's fine to hit back if you need to to defend yourself but they're also not wrong that that's a really weird thing to bring up on a first date. I mean that is some terminal level spergery.