Vampire on Usenet gets pissy after others make fun of his translation of a French letter.

64  2018-04-09 by snallygaster



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Now because Thou art the Child of my bowels

Freudian slip? This letter is definitely the child of his bowels.

I’m lazy confused. Is there actually a French letter, just a Latin one, or is the source material only in this guy’s head?

I have no idea. Can't find anything about it online.

He never comes up with any evidence that there was a real letter.

I do take umbrage with your rude correction, and hope you shall be proper enough to apologize once you have learned you are incorrect.

I should hope to always speak in such a stilted manner.


Archive all the stupid shit you find and compile a below average book and I will buy it maybe. I'll at least place a library hold on it if you can sell it to a decent publisher. Which probably won't happen. Nevermind. Don't make a book.

I was thinking about chronicling various internet disasters, but it's hard to get the motivation to even start. Short-form writing is so much less intimidating.

Could just go thinkup your most memorable drama from pre-1990, 1990-1995, 1996-2000, etc. You had some sci-fi writer, I think, who bullied other guys on some forum from, like, 1988 or thereabouts, that I really liked reading about, like, last year. A nice retrospective series of Snally's favorites that she's already posted would make for a nice couple posts, and would give you a decent cadre or skeleton or outline or rough draft for wherever you'd want to go from there.

I'm used to pointless and extremely ambitious posts on /r/NFL that are far inferior to Snally's Idle Adventures in Usernet. You could go through your old posts and repost weekly your favorite drama that we've all forgot by now. I could see you bringin in 20, maybe 30 karma per post.

Perhaps I'm biased, but Iun see a better use of your time than this.

These are some good ideas. I don't want to look like I'm self-promoting by reposting stuff here, though. I do collect my effortposts on my profile, though.


Multiple people post birbs three times a week to this shitty sub. Ed is statistically 70 to 80% of the comments, and now 20% of the posts. People are only here because they're waiting for southern femayos to say nigger on Twitter and the occasional Snallypost. Effortposting is basically only allowed if it's also Snallyposting. Seeing as you're the best at Snallyposting, Iun think anyone really minds.

Masterlawls stickies knocknock jokes, and they're up for actually a week. It's not selfpromotion if you make some high-quality reposts, so as long as they aren't too sardiney.

If you're scared of looking like you're selfpromoting, just remind everyone that this is your business.

Oh, that reminds me: you could give newbies an introduction to Jewdank. You could teach everyone why Prince Kropotkin became such a big deal. You could go over actually interesting things. There're prolly regulars here who don't even know those names by now, and have only heard Noodle's name in passing. Weekly stickied Snally-effort-reposts would probably be more welcome here than whatever you people let Masterlawls do here.

Hell, if you call your post "Snally's Effortpost #x" and force yourself to meet a weekly deadline, you'd be: improving this sub; diluting the thick MDE malaise that's developed here in the last month; use stickies for an actual purpose other than knockknock jokes and bussy requests; and giving yourself an idea of what a possible catalogue of internet drama would look like. It would have to be chronological, of course, and if you were to actually try to publish it, it would be a whole lot more work than just a couple weekly stickies, but if there's anyone in the world qualified to organize an archive of internet drama of note, it's undoubtedly you. Or not, cos Iun go on SRD or any other subreddits. You seem to be the only person rummaging through Usenet's wastebin, so you're probably better than anyone on SRD posting stupid alliterative titles.

I personally don't know anything about you other than that you're a 60-year-old round woman whom every other mod has described olfactorily, but I'm sure you'd be able to amuse a crowd as low-brow as /r/drama to the distinction of 30 post-karma indefinitely. If you're willing to make the effort-posts, sticky them to /r/drama and organize them into a series people can look forward to.

Oh, btw, since you're still reading: please ban Ed.


Wasn't that the guy behind /u/frank_tenpenny? He did more stuff?

That's why I want /u/snallygaster to make writeups. Noodles was before my time. I think he was doing the kind of shit that IvankaTrumpWaifu is doing now--creating a ton of accounts to harass dramanauts for some stupid reason. Maybe if Snally had an accessible series of posts that one could slowly parse to learn everything one needs to know about internet drama, people wouldn't mythologize some of these retards that so many of us have forgot.

Imagine if we forget that Jewdank had a HUGE stupid NBA tattoo on her ass that she had to have photoshopped from her pix and videos. Pulling Volume 153 down from the shelf to find Snally's writeup on Jewdank would give that person a perfect idea of Jewdank without having to've lived in Jewdank's time.

This comment is more effort than I've ever put into /r/drama.

This but unironically.

As long as what you post stays fun to read through, post as much of it as you want.

I almost always enjoy your old weird forum finds.

You ever look into the MSIA cult?

I've heard of it but haven't really looked into it since most of the stuff I've looked into is at least somewhat based online.

If you do ever decide to give it a try, know that you'll have an audience here. I'd also be interested in you comparing and contrasting various lolcows and categorizing them.

I feel like you've got the skills to at least get a book out of someone like Derek Smart or some other Usenet-era lolcow. It's a whole world of internet drama the youth of the world don't know about.


the darkly woman called Hilario

A powerful vampyress who ran for US president in 2016, some 600 years after the composition of this letter.

The vampires predicted this!!

Snally this is great

Oh snally, what would this sub do without your vintage drama?

was the cheesy fake old English thrown in by you

Proof that they are phony.

the WebTV email address lets you know you're dealing with a real intellectual. The ISP of choice for people who found AOL too confusing.

Your friend the Vampire,

Lucas Van Laden

Singlehandedly kept the the poet shirt industry alive

I don't like how embaressment things have been said online for the past 30 years.

I wonder what these people are like 18 years later?

Since people tended to use their full names in early Usenet, it's often possible to find out. Same goes for people who used usernames if they're still active. It's generally particularly easy to figure out where those stopped being active in their respective communities as well. At least when it comes to subcultures rather than discussion topic communities.