Fight me.

76  2018-04-09 by serialflamingo


I respect Hitler but I don't idolize him. He is partly to blame for the loss of the Reich and the destruction of Fascism''s public image. He done fucked up, but he is still one of the greats.


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Oh I'm def on PrEP! (lol, I'm not)

Still waiting for that poz load to light up your life?


Quality post

This changed my life.

Me 2. Shave your head, bulk up, and let's train

Are joos even allowed to shave their heads? Wouldn't that expose your horns?

Wouldn't that expose your horns?

I thought those tiny hats were supposed to cover your lopsided skulls? Since the part of ur brain that handles greed is larger than a goys.

That's the same place the horns grow out of, duh

O shit, my bad it's been a while since I've read Mein Kampf

It's in The Protocols of Zion. I told you there'd be a lot of reading when I converted you last weekend

Oh my fuck. This is just amazing.

Ok, first of all, wrestling isn't gay.

It kinda is

It isn't gay if no one fucks.

Call it bi-curious if it makes you feel better.

His safe word is pineapple juice.

That’s pretty gay

Serial come on you know that's just normal straight guy sports

Like figure skating.