Soyboy in /r/squaredcircle is mad that his favorite kid's TV show isn't progressive enough. His fellow man-children aren't exactly onboard with a boycott.

30  2018-04-10 by FTFallen


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


  1. This Post -,,

I am a bot for archiving links. Contact for info or issues this isn't progressive enough????

It's almost like wrastlin', being fake performance art, is trying to appeal to different audiences. Who woulda thunk?

Lol, they want WWE to be progressive. Maybe when Vince retires they'll go a little more inclusive, for now all he cares about is cash money.

for now all he cares about is cash money.

What else is there to care about? At this point I don't think anyone is particularly deluded enough to be concerned about how the history books will treat pro wrestling.

Eh, NXT looks a little bit more inclusive.

This “Soyboy” meme is getting out of hand, and honestly, it’s just REALLY fucking ignorant. I have been lactose intolerant since I was a child. I literally shit myself in 2nd grade once. I grew up eating loads of Soy and rice based versions of dairy products, soy milk, soy ice cream, soy cheese, you fucking name it! My parents didn’t force them down my throat either. I LOVED the Soy foods immensely. I am currently Six Foot fucking Four. I have a massive fucking beard, and a decently sized 7 inch cock with visible veins. I am attending University, studying for a PhD in Math, any job I want, $300k+ starting fucking salary. Who is the SoyBoy now faggot?

This reminds me of a story. One time I saw a dude on the side of the street in Denver just violently shitting into a gutter, like really getting in there and giving it all he got. It was intense, he was shitting until his face turned red and veins started to pop in his forehead, screaming all the while. Then when he ran out of poop he reached into a shopping cart he kept next to him and started violently shoving dirty burritos into his mouth, just really trying to eat as much as possible. Anyway I was working at a daycare across the street and some of the kids were crying so I went over and politely asked what he was doing. He said that 16 years ago the CHUDS kidnapped his daughter so he'd made it his unending mission in life to "fill the sewers with waste so they'd drown for their crimes". He kept talking about how he'd traverse the city underground at night with a flashlight and a pair of Hulk Hands, "picking a fight with those damned daughter stealing mutants" but they always hide from him and he ends up back at home covered in feces and vomit (someone else's and his own, respectively). I told him I understood his noble mission and wished him Godspeed with finding his daughter. The kids didn't seem to understand though, nor their parents. That's when I was told to leave the daycare. They wouldn't even send me my last paycheck, saying "we never even hired you" or some ridiculous excuse like that.

I forget where I was going with this, but the point is that bigotry is bad no matter who it's directed towards.

ugh ok so earlier today my gf said she was off to pee while were watching a movie, now shes been gone 5 minutes and i knew something was up, i knocked on the door and asked if everything is ok, she said yes she'll be right out...her voice was labored and i became i yelled "IM COMING IN!' she screamed no but there was no stopping this, i smashed through the door and i see her sitting on the toilet seat, i told her to get the fuk up, she didnt so i threw her off, i looked inside the toilet...just as i suspected, a goddam log, bitch u better pray this isnt yours. i looked around and saw no pet in site, I KNOW THIS IS UR POOP U WHORE, she screamed at me that im crazy and that shes calling the cops, all the while toilet paper in her hands. i told her no need to call the cops, im breaking up with u u some kinda poop whore. and that was that. I feel like a new man and off to find a woman who doesnt poop.

Women are so captivating to me. I find women to be absolutely intoxicating and wonderful. The way their voices sound, the way they feel, their softness, the way they smell, the way they live fully in every moment. Female beauty to me is the most powerful and attractive form of artistic expression in the universe. Having sex with a woman, uniting with her physically and emotionally, is so powerful it is by far my favorite drug.

And women represent something so big. They are the physical embodiment of the Goddess, of nature herself. Women hold the keys to reproduction- she gets to decide which males are fit to reproduce. This is a scary and often traumatizing thing for men. When you are rejected by a female, you are being rejected by nature herself. You are being told, in no uncertain terms, that you are unworthy to survive. That's why rejection fucks with men so much. I think the natural reaction is to recoil from it and avoid it, but we should instead accept nature's rejection as a challenge. The Goddess wants you to become a worthy man.

I think the most common problem that men have the world over is that they are dumbstruck by the beauty and allure of the Goddess. We want her so badly. And men make the fatal mistake of falling to their knees to worship her.

She does not want to be worshipped. She wants to find the man who is looking past her, eyes set upon the heavens as he conquers the stars. She wants to find the man worthy of HER worship. She wants to submit to the strong man who is unbroken by her beauty and her wildness and her testing. Who laughs at her every attempt to bring him down, and becomes even more grounded in his reality.

Men are not automatically superior to women. But they must BECOME superior, if they want to be successful with women. Female nature demands it.

So I am here now to give you my understanding of some of the world's biggest mysteries: why do women date assholes? Why do good guys get friendzoned? Why do jerks get popular but nice and good people usually don't? Most of these answers apply to society in general but there are of course exceptions cause everyone is different in essence. But here is my explanation and I'll start with the women one (and also, since this is too large, lima split it amongst posts): Why do women date assholes and not good guys? Good question! There are actually 3 major reasons and other sub-reasons but the main 3 are as follows: they see a guy is immature and hurt and bad so they attempt to repair this by dating them and trying to have an influence (but it doesn't work and the older women get, the more they realize it), they grew up in an environment where either that's what they were surrounded with and their dad treated their mom like that and them like that or they didn't have a dad so their judgement of good men is off, and finally, as blunt as I can say it, they don't want a weakass person, they want a fuckin alpha male and that's due to instincts. The first 2 reasons are pretty much self-explanatory so I will go into detail about the last reason and I will also explain how value works in the human mind. The human mind wants what it can't have. That's a fact. The grass is ALWAYS greener on the other side to us. So let's say hypothetically there are 2 guys. One is a decent looking dude but he is kinda shy but still somewhat social, he is a nice dude who is pretty intelligent and makes all A's. The other guy is a football jock that does drugs and doesn't give a shit about anyone but hisself. Now let's say there is this girl that the nerd has a crush on but she talks to both of these dudes. Guess who is gonna give her more attention. Yup, the nerd. But the human mind unfortunately doesn't work like that. It naturally asesses the most efficient way to gain as much as Possible. If the brain realizes it needs to do no work to gain attention from someone, then it will quit focusing on them and focus on getting the attention of the person who isn't giving it since they don't have to work to get attention from the other guy since he naturally does it. So this naturally makes the girl attracted to this other guy because it's the brains way of making her focus on getting that attention she can't get. People want what they can't have. If you can have it, why would you need to work harder for it? On top of that, women naturally want an alpha male (in most cases), a guy who is dominant and powerful and strong-willed (although a lot of you actually might prefer the nerd, major shout-out to you that do). The nerd in the most blunt terms is basically a wimp compared to the jock so due to instincts (which I will explain later), the woman naturally wants that dude. That's already 2 major reasons right there. They want what they can't have from a guy who is more powerful than the other option. And BECAUSE the guy is usually dominant (in an asshole way) that's why they find themselves coming back to them anytime they split up, cause loyalty is also a natural instinct. If ya think about it in cavemen times, the woman had to be loyal to the man for protection and the man naturally had to be aggressive to feed his family cause he probably had to beat a buffalo over the head with a rock to feed his family. So in basics, the girl wants an asshole because he is the alpha male and she wants what she can't get. I could've explained that WAYYY better

weak ass-person

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

It is legal to beat your wife in Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia are currently committing genoicde in Yemen. Female rape victims are prosecuted for adultery in Saudi Arabia.

Wtf I love the saudis now