Sam Harris's own subreddit thinks he's worse than the KKK

7  2018-04-10 by SafeThrowaway691


Sam Harris I love you

That whole post is essentially everyone taking it seriously are admitting to being worthless little weeby shits. It is so glorious when they put themselves like that!


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I love Sammy and I can't fucking stand that sub. Even his uncritical fans there are retards. /u/voodoochilie78 did you at any point during writing this post think to directly address a single statement Sam has actually made? Because from here it looks like you thought it would be better to simply reduce Sam to a trope, apply all the characteristics of said trope to the guy and then dismiss anyone who sees what you've done for what it is as some weak minded apologist for "centrists".

For your post to make sense you would have to read Letter From a Birmingham Jail and conclude that MLK Jr. says that white moderates are worse than the KKK. He's not saying they are more evil, he's saying they are a bigger obstacle to freedom and justice than the KKK.

I stand by my post 100%. Sam Harris has spent years bitching about anyone trying to do anything about racism. He's the kind of white moderate who would rather not be annoyed at the direct action anti racists are taking

You know what? You're right, if Sam is known for anything it's his cowardice in the face of public pressure when his treatment of sensitive topics is criticized. Yeah, he definitely needs to inject more racial justice demagoguery into his work to satisfy a criteria set by some rando on the internet. Thanks to you my eyes are now wide open.

You know what? You're right

Great, glad we could clear that up. Enjoy the rest of your day.