It’s Time For The United States To Divorce Before Things Get Dangerous

23  2018-04-10 by Starship_Litterbox_B


God willing.

You may need to move some people from Florida though...

And Texas, given that it's about to turn blue.

Is it? News to me... I know parts of Texas have always been blue. LBJ came from there.

Yeah, due to the invasion of Californians and growing hispanic population, it's expected to turn blue within the next decade or so. Sad!

If you divided your country into Obamas America and Trumps America I think people would be pretty happy with that. Everyone would get to live in the the America they voted for

Is it weird that the majority of minorities would be in Trumps America?

Lol wat

The majority of minorities (especially black) live in "trump america" according to the map posted in the link.

This must be another attempt at segregation by the mayo.

Who do you think is going to build the wall? Whitey?

The Civil War was a mistake.

Burning the south is never a mistake.

The mistake was going easy on the south after the civil war. It should have undergone something similar to denazification and the north should have stayed there for at least another 30 years.

Literally every major political problem in this country can be linked to the south.

they're fucking degenerates and always have been.


The only thing he did wrong was stopping.

be the change you want to see!

You can blame Rutherfraud B Hayes for ending reconstruction.

Imagine being this retarded

Don't have to, I post in r/drama

If you told an AI to simulate a libertarians face it would look exactly like that guy. Cocked head and all.

I-is BussyShillBot sentient too?

As if we would have non-sentient bots in /r/drama! The posters aren't so something has to be!

إن شاء الله‎

No you cannot blow up the bridge.

lmao, "winning"

That guy's map is hilarious. I'm sure Miami and Houston will love living in Trumpland while people in rural West Virginia will embrace living in SGA (Swedish Government America).

All the big cities in the South would have a mass exodus. Also, why the fuck does Trumpland include all of the Black Belt lmao?

I'd be happy to let you retards all have Texas but you can't have quite as much real estate as you drew over there. How about the South excluding Florida?

Lol @ leaving out VA from the South. Richmond was the fucking capital of the Confederacy and they have a road dedicated to Confederate generals with multiple statues and art works. Look up Monument Ave. South West VA is part of Appalachia and often referred to as “lil Mississippi”

I wonder how long it would take for the south to devolve into a third world state without those delicious libbuxx shoring up their budgets

It would take a week at most. Look at what happened in Georgia when dat ebt got taken away.

so, what, we'd have Californication, Jew York, and then Inbredia?

goddamn inbreds, we NEED A WALL NOW

Lol what ever will California and New York do without the powerhouse economies and intellectual institutions of the South.

Red states are net negative on revenue/social programs. Dumbfuckistan needs the rug pulled out from underneath it

The first functional Nuclear Reactor was built in the south. All the national rocketry labs are in the south, the Research Triangle, is in the south, etc and so on.

I'm sure that we would be able to hang on long enough to ruin shit for you.

Like I said, we don't have to win, we just have to hang around long enough to ruin everything for you.

If Jesse Kelly were to quote 2 Samuel 22:38 in divorce court he'd probably not be allowed to return home and see his kids.