/r/facepalm is banning the vegans!

36  2018-04-10 by becauseiliketoupvote

Full thread here.

I can confirm that the /r/facepalm mods are handing out bans for sending them PMs of that image of them handing out bans. Others in that thread report being banned too. /r/vegan has already shut down that thread due to bridging, so sadly this flame war may already be dead.


Y⭕️u're👊 n🅾w ⭕️ne☝️ 🅾f 3️⃣ 🖖🅿️e🅾🅿️le👨🏿👩🏻👦🏽 ℹ️'ve 🅱l⭕️cked😡❌🚷🚫‼️ 🅾n 🅱eddit👽. ℹ 💁d⭕️n't even Ⓜ️ℹ️nd💅 🅿️e🅾🅿️le 👦🏽👴👵🏼👮🏻 s🅿️er🅱ℹ️ng ⭕️ut😡😤😤 at Ⓜ️e😱, 🅱ut wh🅰t ✋☝️ℹ d🅾 Ⓜ️ℹ️nd👀😤 ℹ️s just the c⭕️Ⓜ️🅿️lete😣 l🅰ck 🅾f re🅰l™💯🕵 🅰r🅱uⓂ️ents.📚

Y⭕️u're 👊👐✋just 🅱🅾rℹ️ng🙄😣.


  1. This Post - archive.org, removeddit.com, archive.is

  2. Full thread here. - archive.org, removeddit.com, archive.is

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Is there any thred on Reddit r/vegan wont bridage? They don't even try to be subtle about it, it's always that Infinity guy, that other Omnibenevolent-something """guy""" and the latest alt of r/Drama's favourite vegan lolcow u/unwordableweirdness.

It's very robotically creepy and cult-like.

Yeah, people complain about SRS, t_d, and Bernie brigades; but /r/vegan has a longstanding tradition of brigading almost every thread they’re linked to.

Just a matter of time before they find this one. Inb4 meat is murder reeee

Oh definitely.

They'll use their Discord or Slack or whatever it is they use and descend on this like locusts, like they always do.

Watch as one day from now all comments speaking the truth are at -50 and all comments defending the brigading cult at +50.

Wait, how do I get into the vegan conspiracy?

Start costing your asshole daily

Oh, easy. That's already how I recycle my B12.

That's how gorillas do it, actually. And no one can deny they are among the buffest vegans in nature.

Eating baby monkeys counts as vegan?

wtf I love vegans now

Nah, those are chimps. Chimps are incestuous, violent, rape-happy, torture-lovin' omnivores. Prime r/drama mod material, in other words.

Gorillas are mostly laid back plant eaters, though they do love their insects, honey and occasional egg.

I think we can all rest assured that /u/becauseiliketoupvote already spends plenty of time fisting their asshole. But then again, who doesn't? This is 2018.

Is eating ass vegan?

Yes, very.

You gotta watch "What the Health" first, it's a gateway veg.

(Check who made the post. I'm here to stoke these flames.)

I did, I mean your other cult buddies. Unless you're implying you've called for a brigade on this thread? Please provide links if so.

Naw, calling for brigades is boring. Why let anyone else have my fun?

Then why does your sub do it all the time tho?

I don't know, this is my first brigade /s

Seriously though, I assume most users there are like me, and when they see somebody being willfully stupid want to jump to it. The conspiracy that it's being coordinated from the top is silly.

whoa you're vegan???? how unique and interesting!! please tell me more about your diet.

I'm glad you asked. It's actually really eas...wait, are you being sarcastic?

I'm actually going to unironically ask you how much nut cheese you eat a day or do you just use Daiya, etc. Because one of the big turn offs for me whenever I tried to make a vegan recipe was making that damn nut cheese.

Tried daiya the other day, was not impressed. I could learn to like it, but don't care to.

Haven't made/tried nut cheese. I guess I just didn't stress about replacing cheese with an alternative.

Nutritional yeast flakes are great though, and an easy way to get a sorta similar flavor.

Nutritional yeast flakes are great though, and an easy way to get a sorta similar flavor.

Putting nutritional yeast on food is a warcrime.

You're eating those fish? What kind of sloppy-ass vegan are you?

sloppy ass-vegan

Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by xkcd#37

So killing yeast is ok? What about insects?

Seriously would like to know.

Then ask someone who is actually a vegan you dumbfuck.

Google is a vegan and they answered, scrotum breath.

So killing yeast is ok?

Yes, it isn't considered a sentient animal.

What about insects?

Generally not considered vegan, but there people who disagree. The topic also lacks real discussion since most western countries don't use insects as food source.

Is smegma vegan?

Yes, of course :)

Most vegan cheese sucks and making it myself is to much work, so I often use almond mus or peanut butter instead of cheese. Works for a lot of meals.

Not watching my YouTube video is worse though.

Hey, I decide to preach veganism in every thread of my own free will!

It's funny how you all think that vegans come only from r/vegan, as if vegans don't exist outside of that subreddit and can't decide for themselves to comment when they randomly see a post that's encouraging animal abuse or crapping on vegans. Btw, I think it's robotically creepy and cult-like to follow the tradition of eating animal products without questioning it just because you were taught to.

And, like a clockwork, a wild vegan drone appears! In an appropriate robotically creepy and cult-like manner, to boot.

Fucking /r/vegan-ites smh my head

Every time a vegan responds to me, I eat another by-product of a baby animal.

Give me a minute to act surprised at the originality of your comment.

Looks like Babe is getting fried up!

Want to add Matilda to the plate?

Get a life, it's just sad.

I'm going to be timestamping this in the morning for proof btw lmao

Why are you killing animals by responding? Don't you care about them :(

Can I kill an animal by responding to you on behalf of /u/treitonedehummus?

Oh yeah we live for that shit. Only thing slowing us down is our shitty mods who keep banning brigaders. Otherwise we would be splashing our vegan excretes all over reddit. That's how we multiple.


Good, vegans aren't people. Also it's obviously child abuse to raise your kid to be a weak soyboy, that's how /r/menslib happened.

People aren't people, only pigs chickens and cows are.

They're my breakfast, lunch, and dinner actually.

Correction: Facepalm is banning brigaders from r/vegan.

This all started when a comment was removed. No bans, no warnings, no flag on the account. Just a removal.

That was enough to send the horde against us.

15 - 20 posts removed, a multitude of those banned for commenting in removed threads (which is brigading, since they find those threads via r/vegan) or mod mail brigading.

This always happens with these people and the mods of r/vegan encourage it. They pay lip service to the rules by telling people that brigading is naughty and they shouldn't do it.

And then they leave threads and comments calling for a brigade up.

That subreddit is just the absolute worst.

You're the mod banning everyone for any sort of question and calling these people "child abusers".

I ban brigaders and I remove comments advocating child abuse.

I do not "ban for questions". Don't try to weasel out of this.

You looked to be having a mental breakdown from the flurry of comments and insults you threw at people in that thread, which you have since deleted.

Can you elaborate by providing any evidence that the comments you removed advocated child abuse? Veganism is not child abuse, as verified by the American Dietetics Association.

go back to /r/vegan reeee


can confirm

that's all you can manage with one hand...... or finger? hahaha

Not an argument

enjoy whatever you think that is you call a life son. a mod on reddit...crikey. I bet you like video games as well?

Video games, Rick and Morty, and Mountain Dew Code Red baby!

child's play, get a life son

The facepalm is that you can't admit you're wrong about veganism being "child abuse" despite being shown a scientific consensus showing otherwise. That's the funny part, your stupid hubris.

Veganism isn't child abuse, it's a mental illness

The future is vegan. I hope you're ready for 20 years time honey when we will be considered normal and you will be shamed in the streets for being a disgusting omni 😊

when we will be considered normal

Imagine wistfully looking forward a decade into the future when you will be considered "normal"

Honey isn't vegan.

I agree, the future is vegan. But a decade is a bit overly hopeful. Fifteen years is much more likely 😀

The future is vegan honey.

All my keks.

All of them.

10 years time


Just in time for nuclear fusion to become a reality, honest.

A mental illness that leads to child abuse.

child abuse

What is this the 50s

I'm not vegan but the report is a contemporary scientific consensus.

I highly doubt anyone who read it would qualify a vegan diet for children as "child abuse."

I mean I'd never do it because I actually want the love of my children but it's not abuae if implemented properly.

If implemented properly, which is damn near impossible to do without specific supplements and a diet incorporating a wide variety of sources from at least two different continents. Talk about a smaller carbon footprint.

The fact is that humans are omnivores. There are substances critical for our development that can most easily be gotten from animal products such as dairy and eggs (not even necessarily meat).

These substances can be gotten from a pure plant-based diet, but this is difficult, expensive and it will still not provide sustenance as readily and as properly as animal-based foodstuffs will.

Infants die on a yearly basis for having been forced on a vegan diet. Others grow up stunted, small for their age, anemic, or with deficiency related illnesses.

Forcing a growing infant under four years of age on a vegan diet is, unless extra special care is taken, by definition abuse.

Most of what you say is just as relevant to parents that raise their kids on excessive amounts of junk food, which is very common in my country. Do you have any scientific evidence that vegan kids are more likely to have these deficiencies or are you just claiming that?




Of course junkfood is bad for a child as well, that goes without saying.

A healthy diet incorporates a variety of foodstuffs and is for the largest part plant-based, with animal products comprising around 15 - 20% of the total intake. Processed foodstuffs are best avoided, as is refined sugar and starch.

Dude, do you know the difference between a blog post/article and a scientific study?

In tonight's matchup it's a scientific consensus of dieticians in America vs clickbait titled articles!

Thank you for not examining the sources. I now know you're unreasonable.

blog posts are always better due to the editorial nature. scientists and other witchdoctors should be banned for pseudo-objective faggotry.

scientists and other witchdoctors should be banned for pseudo-objective faggotry.

We hide all our feels in the publication's Supplemental Information.

I fucking KNEW there was some reason for that ant-sized text at the bottom of those studies. Only a filthy scientist would read anything other than the title -- but now that I know, this clever ruse will not stand!

Your first source is "butternutrition.com". I wonder what side they'll take /s lol

I posted the top links from google plus a documentary about a dangerously malnourished child forced to be vegan that looks 4 years younger than he is.

Oh my God, the documentary isn't even in English. But seriously, anecdotes don't invalidate the scientific method. This is too rich.

Of course it's not in English. Wtf. It's a Dutch documentary.

Do you really need to speak English to be able to see how malnourished that child is?

Has your diet made you so addlepated that your vision has become impaired?

No, things not being in English is fine. I just find it hilarious that your argument rests on human interest stories not even in the same language as our conversation.

You still haven't invalidated The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.

I finally got around to skipping around in that documentary. I failed to see visible malnourishment. You do realize that healthy children aren't shaped like this, right? What am I failing to see? I can't understand what's being said, but I am just seeing images of a dour family eating food, and I assume they're dour because they are in the low countries.

The boy is 12 and he looks eight. He is constantly ill and weak.

If that is what looks healthy to you then you need to be barred from raising children.

I wouldn't know that's he's constantly ill, considering I don't speak Dutch. But he's just skinny. Lots of kids are.

The boy is malnourished due to child abuse.

Most of the dead children in that list died due to stupid parents. Trying to set a broken bone with chopsticks? Feeding a child only apple juice and soy milk? Subjecting infants to enemas? This isn't an argument against a balanced vegan diet, it's an argument against idiots doing idiot things.

As others before me have said, the first article is your usual anti vegan propaganda. There's no basis on actual studies, just random claims.

The second website literally says: "But some parents choose vegetarianism for their children without doing their homework." Malnutrition isn't a vegan specific problem, millions of infants die from it every year.

From what I understood, the documentary is about a malnourished child. This is wrong, but again not vegan specific. There's millions of vegans, and much more vegetarians. Any health problem related to abstaining from animal products already has a solution.

The closer you are to your nutritional requirements the healthier your diet is. Animal products usually contain the bad stuff.

Let me do the same for you. Why to avoid animal products while pregnant and after

Humans are omnivores. Anyone who denies this denies reality and is akin to a flat-Earther, an anti-vaxxer or a 911 truther. They're all the same. Conspiracy nuts incapable of accepting reality.

Chimpanzees are also omnivores, meaning they also eat other animals. But they can live on plants just as well, and sometimes do. Omnivore will usually mean that the animal can eat both plants and animals. however, there are many differences between each group omnivores.

We and chimps are much closer to herbivores than carnivores, meaning we digest plants better than meat, and may not need to eat animals at all.

Wolves and bears are much closer to carnivores, thus the opposite is true for them.

Omnivore means that the species gets essential nutrients from animal products and can only with great difficulty and to the detriment of its health subsist on a completely plant-based diet.

Chimpansees will eat insects, carrion and hunt for meat.

Humans can subsist on a pure plant-based diet because we know what substances are required to remain healthy. It is not easy, cheap or self-evident for a human to be vegan.

Forcing young infants on a diet which unless great care is taken to avoid it, will lead to deficiency related illnesses is abuse. Painting the picture that infants can easily thrive on a vegan diet is advocating child abuse, because nothing could be further from the truth.

I will not allow people to advocate child abuse. That is my final word on the matter.

Chimpanzees will sometimes hunt for food, but only an estimated 2% of their diet consists of prey.

You seem to think that proper vegan diets are hard and pricey. That isn't true. It can be as easy as picking alternatives for animal products(like beans, grains or non dairy beverages) or as hard as overcoming an addiction to cheese. It depends on the person. B12 and omega 3 are not a vegan specific issue. As much as 40% of the us lacks b12, and it is recommended regardless of your diet to supplement it. The reason we need more sources of omega3 is because the modern diet is rich in omega6, thus messing up the ratio. FYI the richest source of omega 3 are flax seeds. If for some reason you won't eat them, other seeds, nuts and beans have it.

As for price, meat is unaccesible for millions of people because it is costly to produce. The only reason the average Joe eats animal products every day is because the government subsidies most of them. Even then, the alternatives are usually cheaper.

Lots of evidence against you're claim that vegan diets are unhealthfull has been linked in this post. If you still doubt most of the world can be healthy on a vegan diet, than honestly it says more about you than us.

I'm not vegan, but this sounds like a bunch of hopeful gibberish. You should just post a study showing that vegan kids are more likely to be anemic, deficient, etc. It's very easy to prove your point.

I'm pretty sure he's just conflating people who feed their children specific vegan diets like only fruit etc with vegans.

It's also worth noting those types of diets are explicitly excluded (not part of the overall conclusion) from the vegan category in the scientific paper.

You want to science fight with someone who actually READ the article eh? Let's ignore the fact that if what you're claiming was true the article would have a way different abstract.

Damn near impossible to do

They literally list out items that can be fed to young children and recommend supplements similar to ones given to children on normal diets. Also I feel really bad for you if you only eat food from one continent. Biodiversity in food is a good thing.

Smaller carbon footprint

Wow this is some top tier ignorance right here. A simply Google search will show you it's well accepted that raising livestock is the second leading contributor of green house gas and a leading contributor of deforestation. It goes without saying you get more calories per acre planting crop then raising cattle and plants ofc, actually decrease CO2 levels.

I mean I've seen the new stories as well of people that feed their children stupid ass vegan diets as well. But the science is literally in your face saying you're wrong.

Also considering the amounts of vegans in existence vs the amount of stories I hear about fucked up vegan kids it seems one outweighs the other.

Yes, eating plants does have a lower carbon footprint, even taking transportation into account: https://climatenexus.org/climate-issues/food/animal-agricultures-impact-on-climate-change/


I went looking for reports on vegans killing their children with their diet. Found a bunch of sensational articles, seems though that when you dig it turns out that the parents might just be idiots who reject allopathic medicine. Or trying to feed a child only breast milk at 11 months when it's recommended that children start on solids at 4 to 6 months.

Finding idiots who happen to be vegan doesn't prove anything.

And by the way, almost everybody eats supplements, some people just do it through the additional step of eating livestock who were fed supplements.

And soy farming leaves the rainforest intact. You're full of it.

Yes, vegan cultists brigading their little hearts out and lying about their lifestyle is such fun.

The World Bank is a vegan cult?

You're a cultist and you encourage your true believers to break reddit ToS.

Fuck off.

all your source proves is that amerilards need to eat less beef. that's it. not some scathing pro-vegan revelation.

Do you realize that your arguments are so bad and disingenuous you are actually making militant vegans look good in comparison?

There is no reality where crops produce less calorie/acre than cattle (which also consume crops to produce the calories we consume by eating them).

And palm oil isn't even a fucking crop, it's used as an oil product in a wide variety of items, both food and non-food.

I mean do you think before you post such stupid shit?

This is like proof that vegans can't help themselves. Post the thread and move on your fucking retard.

I have no clue what you're trying to say. But thanks for joining in! 😀

I know you don't. Vegans lack an astounding amount of self-awareness.

Post the thread and move on your fucking retard.

First off, I only posted the thread because I knew I'd get into arguments here and I thought it would be a fun way to spend the afternoon. Second, and more importantly, what does "move on your fucking retard" mean? Perhaps you meant "move on you fucking retard", but again, why would I move on when I made this post specifically for the flame war? In general, why would I ever move on from my own post? But, assuming you didn't make a writing error, we again return to "move on your fucking retard". Do you think I own a mentally deficient sex slave? That's disgusting! Why would your encourage someone to assault!? For shame!

Jesus christ you're awful at banter. Look at this "no u" paragraph you just shat out on /r/drama.

I'm awful at banter? No, u

Holy mental breakdown Batman

r u ok?

Obviously not.


And by the way, almost everybody eats supplements, some people just do it through the additional step of eating livestock who were fed supplements.

wtf do you people keep saying bs like this? yeah, because wild-caught fish, grass fed beef (which is how most beef in the world in fed, despite what Gary Yourofsky might have told you) and game meat are all fed B12 pills intensively

jfc, not all of us are subhuman diabeetus-stricken amerilards who only eat hormone-infested, corn-fed factory meat

None of that means veganism is child abuse. It means malnutrition is child abuse, which we all agree with.

Fact is, a proper vegan diet is perfectly and completely healthy for any age.

Definitely worse that factory farming.

I just find it funny how this started. Claiming a better knowledge of nutrition than the scientists who make that their lives work, and doubling down when asked about it is, in my opinion, a facepalm.

Thanks for the ban by the way 😂

I don't care what you think. You brigaded our subreddit because a comment was removed.

Your subreddit always does this. It needs a suspension. You're a cult.

I sent a message to the mods. That ain't brigading.

You mod mail brigaded our subreddit due to a direct call for brigading posted in your cult's HQ.

Lol wut?

Definition of brigading.

Just thought I'd add this.

Commenting on a removed thread that you found via another subreddit or via a users history is the kind of brigading that gets accounts suspended.

I moderate two default subreddits. I know what gets accounts suspended.

Which I didn't do.

No, you mod mail brigaded.

Factory farming is a good thing though.

lol@ your comment being already brigaded. for anemia-stricken lethargics, they sure work fast

In bed ridden from my protein deficiency. Shitposting on Reddit is all I have the strength to do.

Again, I'm not vegan and it looks like he was right to ban the vegans for brigading, but from his other comments it also looks like he knows nothing about nutrition.

Hey bro can you unban me from r/facepalm? I got banned there like 6 months ago for calling someone an idiot, didn't brigade or wasn't a controversial thread.

Our records indicate you were banned over a year ago for abuse. I will unban you under time served. Please do follow the rules from now on, I can't unban you again.

It was that long ago? This account is barely a year old. Thanks, have fun with your vegans.

As being a parent to not only one but three vegan children, all of whom are gigantic and healthy


and are seen by their vegetarian pediatrician regularly,


I am incredibly offended.

95% of the reason people hate vegans tbh

This is such a huge misconception.


Even before I went vegan, my children naturally hated meat.

very convenient

They would not touch it or eat it no matter how it was prepared.

so you're bad at cooking

I would love to have a conversation with that moderator and ask how my three 98% percentile children are abused because I chose to teach them empathy and kindness to all species!

do you really, though? most mods are complete tools. i get that vegans love to evangelize but it seems like a huge waste of time. is it really that rewarding /u/baxoxig?

Forcing your child to eat

literally what every parent does, but okay

hormone, bacteria infested, cancer causing "protein" from dead animals,


THAT is child abuse. FOH.

i don't believe you believe that

bacteria infested

where do they think veggies come from? space?

They're magic

Things that are grown in dirt and sprayed with literal animal and human shit possibly can't contain any bacteria. Impossible.

Gigantic is obviously an exaggeration. If you would've read my post thoroughly, you would see they're all within healthy percentiles. People dislike vegans for their own reasons. I posted this in a vegan subreddit for like-minded people. I did not start drama or post it to another subreddit like yourself, what do you gain with all of this? Do you feel better for attacking someone about their beliefs? You willingly went to the r/vegan subreddit to pull my comment and for what? Feed your angry llama for the day. Do you feel better? Do you feel better for attacking a mother for trying her best to keep her family healthy with the IMMENSE information that has been provided? Honestly, all you have to do is look. and bad at cooking? oh quite the contrary my dear. I am a great cook. My kids happen to naturally not like meat, not just my meat. Anyone. Is it rewarding to know no animal had to spill their blood for me to live another day? DAMN RIGHT.

Thoughts on taking r/Vegan to being a private subreddit?

Is this a possibility mods? I had my comment pulled from a recent post on r/Vegan and posted on another subreddit and they linked my username and I am feeling pretty vulnerable. I realize the internet and public forums but man that's just plain harassment. Why do people come here to harass us? Live and let live people, I don't go on r/food or whatever and shit talk the omni's!

i pinged you /u/baxoxig. feel free to block me or turn off pings.

all things considered, i think i was very polite unlike /u/Matues49 whose brazen accuasation that you think vegetables are from space is completely is gross out of line, imho

I feel it somewhat fitting to tell my part of the story. It started when a fellow vegan posted a picture of his conversation with a mod from facepalm who banned him for claiming that vegan diets for infants are perfectly fine.

Although said vegan showed this claim was supported by the academy of nutrition and dietics, the mod called them shills if I remember correctly. After questioning the mod about it the mod proceeded to suspend him from the sub.

Afterwards, as a joke, someone posted to the sub reddit facepalm the picture, under the title "mod thinks he knows better than the academy of nutrition and dietics", in which the mod commented that those who disagree with the notion that vegan diets for infants are child abuse should have their children taken away from them.

That, of course, caused people to reply to said comment. The mods general reply to those was that we are cultists, and won't trust what we say.

The mod then banned all of us from facepalm.

PS. Milk is vegan, as long as its from your actual mother.

No, you were banned for commenting and voting on a removed thread, in clear violation of the reddit ToS.

I didn't claim we were banned for any other reason.

You didn't mention violating the ToS and defending child abuse either.

Sorry about not mentioning the terms of service, I was just telling my story. Defending child abuse? When? It doesn't take much to understand that those who defend/do child abuse, aren't vegan.

Stop abusing your kids

Are you my kids?


My child, is that you!? I've finally found you after all this time! To think the last time I saw you was when you reported me for child abuse ;-;

Wait, source? Commenting isn't brigading. Voting is, sure, and as mod feel free to ban because of it, or report accounts suspected of voting from linked threads. But commenting in linked drama is my precious right as a Reddit user!

Going to a removed thread that you found via another subreddit, commenting and/ or voting in it is the kind of brigading that gets accounts suspended.

Specifically voting.

No. Commenting, voting, reporting and modmailing can all be parts of a brigade.

I have seen accounts suspended for any combination of these, or just one of them.

Cool. Have evidence of any admins stating that? Cuz they can see voting. You might report a user for commenting or mod mail, they might investigate and see their voting, and ban the account accordingly, while you get the impression that the infraction was the comments or modmail.

It's hilarious that you think you know better what gets accounts suspended than a default moderator does.

Oh no, I just like goading this guy.

Bad faith commenting is considered brigading. That, reporting, and voting without participation.

Who gives a shit?

I don't know, maybe the people who replied to this comment, such as yourself?


: (

academy of nutrition and dietics

Did you just name drop the AND unironically? They are considered a joke by everyone worth their nutrition degree under the sun. They are staffed by these people. And are infested with vegan suburb moms like Virginia Messina and Reed Mangels and Seventh-day Adventists like Winston Craig and Elaine K. Fleming. You know, 7th-day Adventists. Those very same fundie cooks who cry over micoorganism having to be killed for their food.

Shit's gotten so bad that over 80% of their members are critical of their positions and think they are too corrupt.. You couldn't have picked up a more unreliable source to back-up your points lmao

same group, different name retard. jfc look at the name of the main author of that paper; Craig WJ. Thats Winston J. Craig, a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church a cult which literally claims that veganism is in the Bible.

how deep in confirmation bias and self-delusion you have to be to think that paper is even remotely unbiased?

Okay, didn't research that well, mea culpa.


Umm...no? Most of those links don't support your arguments nearly as much as you think they do. You're literally pulling a Gish Gallop, throwing tons of shit at a wall and hoping that some of it sticks.

The NHMRC and nutrition.org.uk ones are dead. The DAoA one simply describes what a vegan diet is, while spending half the page highlighting the huge nutritional red flags of veganism by listing all the nutrients it's lacking, same for the USDA one.

The The Mayo Clinic and Kaiser Permanente are just shitty NGOs.

Dietitians of Canada is just as biased and ureliable as AND. Its board of directors includes people like Judy Sheeshka and Carol Donovan who are you guessed, suburban mons who identify as vegan.

Also, absolutely no major mainland European or East Asian association on that list of yours. Or from any other developed country outside the Anglosphere. Or even any international organisation of note, really.

What do you have against suburban moms?

A 2011 survey found that 80% of Academy members are critical of the Academy's position. They believe that the Academy is endorsing corporate sponsors and their products when it allows their sponsorship

Are you suggesting that the published conclusion was influenced by big soy? Is there some secret vegan agenda in the US I'm unaware of. Let's also note the organization consists of 100,000 people.

These people

Clicked the link. Looked like vegetarians who wanted to teach other people interested in a vegetarian lifestyle "the horror." And it seems they are also researching meat alternates using food science. Wow those bastards!

Clicked the link. Looked like vegetarians who wanted to teach other people interested in a vegetarian lifestyle. And it seems they are also researching meat alternates using food science. Wow those bastards!

I mean, did you ignore the fact that many of their members are literal cultists whose historic leader was a crazy cat lady who claimed God told her in a vision to be a vegetarian. or are you being a mong deliberately?

did you ignore the fact that many of their members are literal cultists whose historic leader was a crazy cat lady who claimed God told her in a vision to be a vegetarian.

What am I supposed to do read a history book on their fucking organization? I just saw their front page and mission statement. Didn't exactly evoke a "vegetarianism is a moral imperative" feel.

Nobody is suggesting that. Just the backround of the authors.

I mean, if I ever saw a study and/or recomendation claiming that sausages, beef steaks and hot-dogs are found to reverse cardiovascular degeneration, you can bet i'll be googling the fuck out those names and citations.

Ok, I'll give you that a disturbingly large number of authors are seventh day Adventists. But I still don't see much fault with the paper, they talk about the pitfalls of not having any natural source of B-12 in a pretty unbiased fashion.

I can't see how you can recognize that a paper is written by an actual cultist for who veganism/vegeterianism is literally part of his religious dogma, for an organization whose top echelons are infested with people who self-identify as 'ethical vegans', and still claim it can be even remotely reliable or unbiased.

Do you understand the difference between researching something because you think it's important and being a 'literal cultist?"

You should be skeptical of a papers authors, yes. Just because someone is smart doesn't mean they're right. But by the same logic, just because the authors are adventists doesn't mean they're wrong.

The article itself is sound and logical, you can't deny that just because you don't like the authors.

What do you have against Adventists? Anyway, they're like the healthiest Americans.

Only when the results are skewed by healthy user bias. They also happen to be fundamentalist, rabidly anti-Catholic cultist founded by a literal mad woman.

Healthy user bias

The healthy user bias is a bias that can damage the validity of epidemiologic studies testing the efficacy of particular therapies or interventions. Specifically, it is a sampling bias: the kind of subjects that voluntarily enroll in a clinical trial and actually follow the experimental regimen are not representative of the general population. They can be expected, on average, to be healthier as they are concerned for their health and are predisposed to follow medical advice, both factors that would aid one's health. In a sense, being healthy or active about one's health is a precondition for becoming a subject of the study, an effect that can appear under other conditions such as studying particular groups of workers (i.e.

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What respectable cult wasn't founded by a literal mad woman?

Of all the Christians in America that scare me, Seventh Day Adventists are towards the bottom of the list. Just look to other Millerites to get the actually bad stuff.

First, I wasn't the one backing up these points. Second, even if their corrupt, to refute the argument being said, you would have to provide evidence that a properly planned vegan diet is inadequate for infants, not just attack those conducting the studies. Third, what about this one

Just another garbage, obesrvational study with a small control group and riddled with healthy user bias. Woo-peddlers & cultists love to throw these around.

That is one of the largest studies ever conducted on vegans and vegetarians, Eighty-six cross-sectional and 10 cohort prospective studies were included. If my intent was to impress I'd take an adventist study, because even among vegetarian and vegans, adventists are known to eat healthier.

Garbage observational study? Small control group? Did you even read the abstract? You couldn't be more wrong.

It's a comprehensive review study of 86 observational studies and 10 cohort studies. If you seriously believe that's "small" you're just trolling.

Stop shilling for big soy.

Quit being a meat faggot

/u/ProbablyNotOrYes are you /u/UnwordableWierdness aka /u/lnfinity aka one of any other thousand vegan alts that all use the exact same tactics?

I'm gonna buy three steaks at the grocery store today instead of two, just for you pal!

Fact: There is only one vegan on Reddit.

Fact: You're all have the exact same impact. Nil.

Yeah, no. You know that's bs

Well /u/lnfinity uses a lower case "l" for a capital "i" and I use a capital "i" as a lower case "l"* so you are right that we're pretty much the same person.

And thanks. Always knew I could make an impact on people.

*messed up with that accounts password somehow, and didn't see this in my mentions