Fatphobe outs himself, gets eaten alive in the comments.

36  2018-04-10 by _Suprememe_


May Allah break the backs of all those who support these disease-ridden rodents.


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Even more sentient than Snappy.

Wtf I'm muslim now.

Maybe you and your future partner can focus on health/exercise together while they gain (if they’re a feedee) and you can share your healthy lifestyle with them.

That's called bulking. However it seems unlikely that a healthy diet with sufficient protein and a calorie surplus of ~500 would be quite fitting for this fetish.

Seriously, that's definitely one of the most disgusting fetish I've come across. Helping your partner to slowly kill themselves or at the very least to do permanent damage to their body is honestly appaling and can not be the base for a healthy relationship.

That sub has a very warped definition of the word healthy.

Yeah, they're delusional. Of course no one wants to admit that they assist their partner with their planned suicide.

The sub is really disturbing, I bet a majority of the posters are mentally ill. Some post regularly there so you can see how they slowly destroy their bodies. It's distressing.

You actually can bulk to good results when fat. The idea is to build lean muscle mass that raises your tdee and makes you more able to work out harder during your following cut. Also it lets them get a gym routine without also being miserable from a cut and not associate the cut with fitness.

Obviously you can and will be successful in weight loss just through not eating so much but there are strategies to make that more palatable.

Eaten alive? Did that happen somewhere else in the thread? Because he held his own, even got upvoted, in a fat sub no less and-- Wait...

eaten alive

Oh... OH!

I love how they always bring up the "but there are skinny unhealthy people too!" thing as if that validates their position. The obvious difference is that you can't immediately tell that a skinny person is unhealthy at a glance. But you look at a fatty and can say with certainty that they need to lose a few pounds if they want to live longer

Boy, yeah, she hit the nail on the head, didn’t she. Just statistically, the BMI group with the longest life expectancy is “mildly overweight,” and every “overweight” BMI category has a longer life expectancy, statistically, than any “underweight” BMI category.

Somehow I don't think "mildly overweight" means "whale"

And that's mainly due to midly overweight people stating cooped up in their homes most of the time.

Or due to "underweight" meaning "dying of anorexia"

Also: the “underweight” BMI category isn't just that skinny guy or girl from work. <3% of the US is underweight. >35% of the US has obesity.

from the one of the stable geniuses in that thread:

No society dislikes fat people because it’s what our society views as beautiful now.

One of my pet peeves is attributing cognitive skills to something that's not something that can actually do cognition. "Society" doesn't dislike anyone, you tardiac, society is a convenient shorthand for a group of people. Various people think various things, but many of them simply recognize that being obese is a terrible thing for your health, not to mention other little items like locomotion.

In other time periods people who were overweight were seen as beautiful because they had the money to buy more food and eat it.

So basically people in some unidentified past time period in 3rd world land liked fatties because they were rich? Translate that into the current day, fatties are primarily poor, so we should hate them. Quid pro quo, Clarice.

Someone can be incredibly unhealthy and skinny and no one “worries about their health” or feels the need to but in to their lives.

Are you fucking high? Seriously, countries have legally banned models under a certain BMI.

is there any way to get rid of this fetish?

/u/BBlackOut_ You're lucky, no shortage of fat birds. And you hardly have to try.

He should be the ultimate wingman for his pals.

I'm not sure saying the word "fat" is really appropriate since it has been used to shame people of size for centuries...

Phat is the politically correct shorthand.

/u/spuzznugget "every “overweight” BMI category has a longer life expectancy, statistically, than any “underweight” BMI category."

I completely believe your (unsourced) statistics there, but just a quick question for you. How does the group in the "normal/healthy" BMI range fare statistically against any of the "underweight" or "overweight" ones?

If memory serves, when I read about the research, the "mildly overweight" BMI category had the longest actual life expectancies of any category (longer than "normal"). Can't recall if "obese" was longer or shorter than "normal." Underweight categories were the shortest overall.

If you want to be extra creeped out, check out u/reiinapop's history

Lmao why am I creepy? I’m clinically healthy I just get off on eating a lot, there are FAR stranger things to get turned on by 😅 y’all weak



Weight loss of 15% or more also leads to increased rate of death regardless of maximum BMI.

But please tell me more about how you can determine the state of someone’s health solely by looking at their body, haha.

So you aren't obese? Is that what you are tying to say? There is literally no such thing as healthy obese. You are at increased risk of all the top killers of humans short of people that live in war zones and third world nations.

What exactly are you proposing, that once someone is obese they have to stay there in order to stay their healthiest? This is some of the dumbest cherrypicked bullshit I've read from fatlogic retards in my entire life.

A 57 year old longitudinal study has shown that obesity only increases your mortality rate by a factor of 1.5. The association between weight and mortality is NOT linear: https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/67/6/1111/4666016

Also the following academic studies have shown that fat people actually LIVE LONGER than thin people when fruit and vegetable consumption, physical activity and socioeconomic status are accounted for. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/22218619/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/17212795/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/20226579/

Weight is by far not the most important indicator of health and mortality, the association drawn (the 1.5 factor) is statistically weak and over generalized. But go ahead and argue with science, go off I guess

I’m not saying everyone should be overweight lmao, just that with exercise/a healthy diet/healthy lifestyle behaviors overweight/obese people often live as long if not longer than their thin counterparts.

It is fucking classist to say obesity is bad lmao. Holy shit we are reaching new levels of oppression left Twitter hasn't even seen yet.

Being obese lowers your quality of life while you are alive and fucks up your body. You think it is easy to be active when your fat ass wears down your joints and gets you winded? You sound like the people that say technically cigarettes don't cause cancer.

I don't give a shit that you are obese, but stop lying with the healthy bullshit.

Lol okay you obviously didn’t read any of the academic research I linked you to. Not exercising and letting your muscles atrophy “wears down your joints” - something that happens to everyone who’s inactive, regardless of size.

Go ahead and believe whatever you want while I happily live my chubby, active life. Stop being so triggered lol, saying I’m “lying” with a body of evidence right in front of you. /shrug

I have a 2.5 week long hiking trip in Reykjavik next month, I’m just going to continue to enjoy my life while you pop a blood vessel in your temple over the fact that overweight, and yes even obese! people can be HEALTHY and live LONG LIVES if they practice healthy lifestyle habits. The research backs it up~

Ok, you keep saying chubby. What are your actual height and weight? Lying about those numbers here would just prove my point btw.

Joints get worn the fuck down from carrying more weight than the human body was designed to carry. People aren't supposed to be obese.

My BMI is obese. And I have absolutely no issue biking, in-line skating, walking everywhere (as I have to for classes), hiking.. everything I like to do. You seem like you’re on this personal crusade against the fact that many overweight/obese individuals probably take better care of their bodies than you do.

You may not like that some people are fat, but many people are and there’s literally nothing you can do about it. Saying that my mostly paleo diet, daily exercise regime, and other healthy lifestyle choices are null and void just because of my weight is fucking stupid and my blood pressure, cholesterol levels and primary care physician would beg to differ.

Fat people aren’t going anywhere - advocating for healthy lifestyle CHOICES and EDUCATING people how to live as long and as well as they can at the size they are is better than just saying “durr being fat is bad” but not offering up a positive solution that will actually improve the quality of people’s lives. Because you actually don’t care. 🤗

Living a healthy lifestyle would result in not being obese. Facts and the governments of first world nations and the science and research agree with me. There is a reason the medical field tries to get people to be normal sized.

I told you I don't give a fuck about you personally. I only care because of people getting fooled by the bullshit just like I'd care about smoking advertisements showing how fucking cool smoking is which isn't allowed anymore.

Also, obesity isn't chubby.

Here is an academic journal on the effects of 50 different weight loss treatments: http://www.dishlab.org/pubs/MannTomiyamaAmPsy2007.pdf

Bariatric surgery actually increases your likelihood for a premature death: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamasurgery/fullarticle/400707

And the other longitudinal study I linked to showed that losing over 15% of your body weight can actually raise your mortality risk. Simply telling people “to lose weight” is generally NOT HEALTHY if they don’t know how to do about it, it can actually lead to very unhealthy behaviors and eating disorders that would damage their health even more severely than just staying overweight.

So consider this.. given the bodies of research on dieting and how detrimental it can be to your health, it can actually be HEALTHIER to adopt habits such as a balanced diet (like paleo, LCHF, etc) and exercise regime instead of crash dieting and shit because they’re “just not supposed to be fat”. I’m not advocating for any sort of unhealthy behavior.

When did you see me advocating for their insides to get carved up to lose weight because they lack willpower? Diet and exercise permanently makes you lose weight and always works. It isn't magic.

You also can't tell me how being obese doesn't affect a person's quality of life while they are alive either.

How do you choose to be fat?

/u/reiinapop deleted her comments lol

Color me shocked

From the looks of it /u/reiinapop is still salty enough to come back and deliver the downvotes though. Lmao.

he was right until he went on to say society doesn't hate fat people because they're fat, but because people want them to get healthy.. there's where you're wrong kiddo.