Hubby learned of the vagina tax today.

7  2018-04-11 by Starship_Litterbox_B

We went to Target to get him some new shoelaces. We grabbed the ones from the mens section and then he wanted to check the ladies section to see if they had flat laces since the mens was lacking.

Now, I have always lamented to him about women being charged more for the same exact products, usually because we get the glittery pink packaging or whatever. But he finally got to see just how bad it can be today and he's still fuming.

The SAME EXACT shoe laces were in the women's shoe section. For over $1 more. They seriously put a sticker with a different UPC on the back to make the ones in the women's section more expensive. All 3 types they had in the men's section were cheaper then the same items in the women's. Literally the same item numbers on the front of the package and all.

He recently learned about our fake pockets in all our pants, too. He's pissed. I feel a little vindicated now.


I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems


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Starship, u r a grill? :o

I think Jessica Jones really embodies like.. this power fantasy aspect that I like. She's strong, she brooding, she doesn't give a fuck, she has issues like.. that makes her real to me, ya know? And she doesn't take shit. Irl I'm such a pushover, and I'm just too.. nice. And like dudes think that can take her but nope, she's super strong and not afraid. I dunno, that's awesome. Her character is a power fantasy for me in a way because being that strong and just not having to be afraid, and just hold my own? Thats a power fantasy to me.

And.. uhhg, this is such a complicated one for me, and I'm almost pensive to talk about it because of how problematic some aspects of it are in my opinion. Bayonetta. I know she's essentially a dominatrix and is designed quite a bit to appeal to men, but as someone who likes absurd shit and is very sex positive I really like how she's just this crazy powerful witch lady with guns attached to her feet, and I think weaponizing sex appeal can be kindof.. badass? In the right context at least. Again, that's a power fantasy: super strength, agility, speed, and weilding a powerful sex appeal. There's a lot of conversation in that though in discussing her character and the problems with the way games portray her, so don't for a second think I condone some of the misogyny displayed in that.

Strolling through college campus unaccompanied as I often do. Not worried about being harassed or raped because I am a man. See group of young ladies struggling to set up a folding table. Two strong women have extended the legs and are trying to flip the table upright.

I approach them uninvited and say hello. One flees, triggered. "let me help with that girls" I easily flip the table upright with... my masculine strength. Now upright, I can see the sign taped to the table top. FEMINIST BAKESALE.

I give a low-pitched chuckle with my testosterone privileged vocal cords. "So you girls have been busy in the kitchen, what did you bake?" One strong woman stands with a box to rest on the table. Her eyes are welled with tears at the oppression she is suffering. "C-cupcakes" - "I love cupcakes, let me see what you have there"

I reach my phallic hand over and open the virginal box this poor woman is holding. My male gaze objectifies the cupcakes. "Oh those look good. How much?" Another strong woman speaks up, images of Susan B Anthony flash in her head. "They're a dollar for men because of the corrupt patria--" I stop her short in a textbook case of verbal rape. "That sounds fine. Give me the whole box."

I pull out a capitalist paper bill with the image of a Cis White Male Slaveowner on it. The strong woman before me whimpers in psychic pain as I hand the bill to her, she has been reduced to a slave -- nay -- a commodity. "Thank you" she says meekly, feeling violated.

I give a sensual grunt as I bite into one of the sweet, moist cupcakes. "Mmmm... It was my privilege."

And do you want to know why I’m so FUCKING mad? It’s because me and another female friend went out dancing tonight. We made friendly conversation with a group of males. We wanted to know where they were from because of their obscure accent. It was just FRIENDLY conversation. Then we went to dance. One of the guys followed us. He clearly misread friendly conversation for a form of flirting. He stared grinding on my friend. She was uncomfortable and asked me to help so I told him to f’off and he paid no attention. I then asked another guy (guy #2) to pretend he was my friends boyfriend to discourage this other guy (guy #1). Guy #2 said to just “walk away”. WALK AWAY!!!??? We’d been doing that all night. You clearly don’t understand what it’s like being a girl on a night out. You can’t simply just “walk away”. We did that. And this creep, guy #1, followed us. I told him “my friend is in a relationship and she is not interested” and he said “she doesn’t know what she wants” and resumed trying to corner her. I LOST MY SHIT!! I told him, “she knows exactly what she wants and it’s not you, just because a girl speaks to you doesn’t mean she’s going to go home with you. She’s being polite and kind and friendly. If you misread that situation then that’s on you. IF YOU LAY A HAND ON HER I WILL CUT YOUR DICK OFF”. And he called me a bitch and walked away. And do you know what?! If I have to be that BITCH to protect my friend from being harassed, I’ll be that fucking bitch... How long will it take until women can go out, engage in friendly conversation and not be molested in the process?!

You know what I'd do?

First, I would hit the gym. I'd work out to become a sculpted god with the specific purpose of making you wet. I'd quit my job, tell my friends to go fuck themselves, become a vegan, and then hit the gym all day every day.

Maybe, I'd even move to a warmer climate, and then walk around with a portable heater and humidifier... then everything I do would be hot yoga. Driving a car - hot yoga. Sleeping - hot yoga. Eating shitty vegan food - hot yoga. Doing hot yoga - oh you'd better believe that would be some hot yoga. Haiti would be the ideal location. My perfectly sculpted body would provide visual sustenance to the starving Haitian population, nourishing them better than food ever could.

Then, after a year or so, I'd organize a sleep schedule, begin routine fasting, and commence a vigorous regimen of pelvic thrusting. The purpose, here, would be to develop the stamina required to nail you for at least a week straight. This would likely take another year (the confirmed world record for sleeplessness is 11 days so training would be difficult... ideally you would also be training during this time).

Following this, several months of meditation would be required to ensure that I am mentally capable of withstanding the physical marathon I have planned. I would move to Tibet with the Dalai Llama to get some instruction (coincidentally this would require solving the "free Tibet" issue, which shouldn't take long considering the impressive pelvic thrusting ability I will have at this time - that is, I plan on butt-fucking the Chinese into submission).

Upon returning I would remain abstinent for a year or so. This would ensure that my sex drive is high enough to satisfy you in ways you can't possibly imagine. After 4 and a half years I arrive in your bedroom. During this period I have become an Adonis, solved world hunger, and brought about world peace. You are amazed by how much I have done for you and you look forward to the greatest boning in history.

You slowly take off your clothes and I immediately prematurely ejaculate all over you. After a year of abstinence it is like a fire hose. The stream is so strong that you are thrown from your bed and pressed up against your bedroom wall. You are knocked unconscious and I am left standing in your bedroom in a pool of my own semen.

I realize that this ejaculation has made me incredibly dehydrated so I go to your kitchen for a glass of water. I then make a sandwich. You don't have any yellow mustard and I think "what the fuck is this shit?". I make do anyway and I am thoroughly satisfied. After a short while I realize that you might be dead and head back to the bedroom. I open the door and the smell of roses hits me.

My semen has sprung a garden. Small singing birds carry olive branches. Butterflies are fluttering around in a cool mist of perfection. A rainbow arches across your room. I push through the thick, tall roses and a baby deer emerges from the mist and eats acorns out of my hand. It leads me to you. You are awake, on your bed, surrounded by roses. My magical semen has caused you to become even hotter. I am shocked by how hot you look.

You slowly take off your top and I prematurely ejaculate again! AGAIN! What the FUCK! I leave embarrassed.

Um, you forgot a period. Perhaps you'll have your first period next year.


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My God, maybe it is better than Snappy.

look again boyo

Oh, fuck.

I wonder if women are ever going to learn that they charge more for things like this because women are dumb enough to pay it.

Buy the men's version you fucking mongoloid, if you stop paying more, they'll stop charging more.

but that would require feminists to understand what a market is I guess.

Literally what are your politics?

Now you have the Kropotkin flair? Nigga wat? How long's that been there?

He got it the other day for valiantly bashing the fash here in our own den of snakes.

Literally what are your politics?

I'm pretty sure pizzashill is just a neolib with a side of women-hate.

Dude woman's clothes are usually cheaper than men's clothes. Despite being similar products and brands. You just never had to buy a woman clothes before .

There are multiple products that women pay more for, razors being an example.

These dumb broads also pay more for stuff like car maintenance cause they don’t know how anything works.

Just buy the male items ya dingus.

For your wealth

The "vagina tax" is simply there because women are entitled. They demand more stupid advertising and color signifies and shit.

Women are like the entitled shits who demand a "gaming pc" with cheap plastic fins and blinking LEDs that costs a significant amount more than a more plain looking one with exactly the same specs.

Just buy the men's then you faggot.

Picture 5 is way to blurry compared to 4 to be real proof anyway.

Fuck your dumb post, I was enjoying the smell of my own onion farts when I just had to comment on this 'ish and now my boner is ruined.

If you're willing to pay more for the same product rather than pick the cheaper version from another shelf, it's a "retard tax" not a "vagina tax" (although I see how thoese two things seem to correlate).

Look at the Kohl's/JC penny business model. Women are not saavy consumers.

What's the business model? I don't shop there

Mark price tags up 150 percent then put everything on sale for 30-50% off.

Male products also do this though. It's just smart marketing.

JC Penny briefly realized this was retarded to anyone who isn't a bored housewife super invested in the coupon game, and tried to switch to just a standard markup and fewer sales. Their reward was nearly going out of business and having to switch back to what they were doing before.

Women deserve the pink tax.

You got some wide feet.

Add this one to your list pls

Lol just buy in the men's dept lol

He recently learned about our fake pockets in all our pants, too. He's pissed. I feel a little vindicated now.

Reasonable. There's a special place in hell for the inventor of fake pockets. Also probably a place on the mod team here for trolling so many women.

Buy the men's version of other stuff. You'll have to disguise yourself as a dude else the lizard people will get you. But your husband will be even more attracted because bussy >>> gussy.

Imagine being so fucking stupid that you take pictures of shoelaces to show to your "friends" on an internet spergboard instead of buying the cheaper laces.

This is why all white women need to be gassed in 2018.

I'm sorry the free market doesn't choose to support your inferior sex hole.

Funny how the number 098091020 for the higher priced item matches the screen for the $1.59 shoelace check the DPCI number in the lower left corner. Also if you google search the 3 shoelaces with obvious upc barcodes over them they don't match any product at all only the ones with no sticker do.