Team snappy Vs Team bussy

68  2018-04-11 by CummyBot-1999



I like them both, they should procreate.


Fuck you. #TEAMBAPPY

Not #TeamBushill

Team #bussyshill

Two robots, both alike in dignity,

In fair /r/drama, where we lay our scene,

From ancient grudge break to new mutiny,

Where civil blood makes civil hands unclean.

They should both post, then we will upvote the one with the most fitting quote, which would force them to compete and develop superhuman intelligence.

We need to cross-breed the most fitting responses from each bot with some sort of generational evolution algorithm

Can I watch?

Whatever makes me popular with the cool kids is my choice.

/u/justcool393 /u/LightUmbra can you guys get together and update Snappy with the Bussyshillbot quotes pls?

I sent him a message a bit ago.

😭😭😭 RIP: 😭😭😭 /u/Mayo_Macerator and /u/-Drama_Llama- 😭😭😭



RIP totes.

Team Snappy here, but I'd like to know why Snappy was absent so long. Maybe I can be convinced to switch sides.

She was too good for us

Snappy was a good boy, who could read the post.

smh @ these dramanauts turning their back on snappy so quickly

snappy was real, the replacement is a false idol and an usurpation of power

now I know how the jews felt

I, Pizzashill, am throwing my full support behind snappy.

More bots. This sub should become 100% bot.