Gender essentialism is banned in Menslib with two exceptions: women are uniquely wonderful, or men are uniquely awful

100  2018-04-11 by DowntownWrongdoer


Posted from their cuck sheds as usual. What a shitty sub.

I read until I found a comment full of [mean pinging is a bannable offense] and was like, wow, I bet this is u/raziphel, and what do you know, it was.

What a bitch

/u/raziphel please comment here so we can ridicule you

Society is moving toward significant violence, and they're the most impressionable.

/u/raziphel is this a prophecy for the impending mayocide?

But in all seriousness, society is currently at its most peaceful point ever starting from when Homo Sapiens raped and exterminated all the Neanderthals. Instead of bitching about how you are unable to meet modern society's expectation of men, maybe read some fucking history and realize you do not have it that bad in the grand scheme of things.

The funny thing is, this time period is universally accepted to be least violent in history.

People have it so good in the first world the ends of the horseshoe are wanking themselves dry fantasizing about events that would bring about a fresh hell on earth that they could endure. Guess this is what happens when almost nobody living today has experience living through a world that went to hell and back to establish the current global order.

Yeah but this is the first time in history that net neutrality has been repealed, and the first time in history that my local McDonalds said they would have memesauce but they ran out >:-O

Shit is fucked.

I clicked reply ready to verbally abuse that guy, but after reading his comments I just feel sad

Is this his defence mechanism? Just exaggerate his patheticness so people feel sorry for him and leave him alone?

I can sympathise with needing purpose and worth. I don't feel like I have any value either. A group through which one could feel valued and have an outlet for my anger sounds very enticing indeed. Being bullied and socially excluded also contributes to mistrust of other, less broken people.

Just a catastrophic lack of self awareness.

Someone should make a /r/menslibwatch or something to document all of the harmful shit people do and say there. Though it'd run the risk of turning into a SRSsucks style shithole.

It would almost certainly be a shithole filled with MGTOWs.

I think /r/drama has done a decent enough job of documenting menslib silliness for now.

I just did, I won't let it become an alt-right subreddit.

Also remember to subscribe to /r/Menslib2

mod me and I'll help out

Give me total control of /r/pkdefenseforce and I will lead it into a new era befitting his chapo escapades.


You don't see people going around saying "she's not a real woman."

Almost every single fat chick says this.

I'd respond to you in the thread but my comment would probably get deleted.

Jesus, /u/jackbinimbul, at least talk to the opposition

Almost all violent extremists brilliant people share one thing: their gender

Wonder how well it would go over if you posted that.

What happened to 5th Law did he get banned from here?

He gets too criticized here.

I’m interested to see how this post fits in with the sub, because it does point at feminism as one potential cause of young men adopting extreme ideologies. I’m not sure if such direct commentary about feminism’s flaws is allowed here: is it?

Can't anger the feminist overlords! Fucking hell, these people...

I’m not sure if such direct commentary about feminism’s flaws is allowed here: is it?

I can't imagine this comment being made without subtle ironic intentions.

I don’t hate blacks, I hate black culture

Now when I say nigger, I'm obviously not referring to ALL black people...

cum monkey


I unironically wish there was something that we could do to help the poor saps at /r/MensLib

That level of self-hatred needs to be tempered with a healthy dose of others-hatred.

They'll figure it out on their own. Probably.

Thow them into an arena together with r/hapas and lets find out who's self-hatred is stronger.

It'll get boring after hour 2 of them sobbing about how unfair it all is.

Soibois can't hurt another soiboi.

Bring them to menslib2

Some of their posters are doing a pretty good job of thinking about these issues

The most disappointing thing to me is that people look at this sort of thing and ask "what is wrong with men?" rather than "what is wrong with the way we treat men?"

People are more willing to believe that men are born evil, than they are to consider the idea that our society's attitudes towards men are what is fundamentally broken.

What a great comment. This is what alienates me a lot in this discussion. It's blatantly obvious men are overwhelmingly responsible for violence, but when it gets framed as a problem inherent to men I start tuning out. This sort of nuance is necessary if we want to make positive progress.

Yeah. Like I get men are more voilent, but just saying that and accusing and shaming men at random does not do any good.

There has to be a reason behind it, something that should be looked into.

The sub isn't as brainwashed as you all say it is.

Lets bet how long it takes for this comment chain to be deleted.

That's kinda like eating an apple that 90% rotten, because 10% is not.

Wait that sub is mostly comprised of men? I thought it was a bunch of bitter women talking about how they hate men.

The mods are all women, p sure


No it doesn't. The comment that I removed links men's propensity to violent extremism to biology. It's biological determinism that is often used as an excuse to ignore the societal impact on issues regarding gender.

You do understand that biology is pretty much why we as a species do everything right?

According to an ever-growing number of young men in Europe, the United States and across the Muslim world, we are at the beginning of a war.

We have less combat-based deaths than ever aksherly.

I'm starting to worry that the weirdos on /r/MensLib are violent extremists in the making.

/u/BreShark won't let me play there anymore for questioning that antifa might not be a nice group, and that people like the child I posted getting beat up by multiple masked antifa are probably not nazis.

You have been banned from participating in r/MensLib. You can still view and subscribe to r/MensLib, but you won't be able to post or comment.

Now where can I get my daily dose of interaction with low T males besides /r/politics?