Yo, I'm the trans girl you all hate!

33  2018-04-11 by DowntownWrongdoer


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I hope you losers like the new reality you exist in, It will get much worse for you soon! :)

Snapshill quote material right here

The reality where dudes are chopping their own dicks off?

I’m already tired of it.


Because then they try to claim to be girls.

ok so what’s the problem

They start demanding that people fuck them like girls and let them go in girl places and its a big retarded mess and they should just go away

you don’t have to fuck every girl u know

unless you’re gay

I don't have to snort every heroin, either, but if some of the heroin is tainted then there is still a chance I will get poisoned.

the thing about heroin is you should be able to tell if there’s something wrong with it before you stick your dick in it

While I agree with you in practical terms, it is still wrong in principle. People ought to be punished for adulterating drugs, even if they fail at selling them.

You sound like a legit psychopath, people like you will be incarcerated or institutionalized in the future, how many people have you raped already? Seriously you sound like a murder/rape/burglarly attempt waiting to happen.

By the way no one cares about your shitty caveman feelings, I hope you keep yourself safe. Seriously you sound like a fucking Ape, good luck with the future pal!

Calm down, Beavis. You will always be a mentally ill male and not a girl.

People ought to be punished for adulterating drugs,

what if they improve them?

sounds like you’ve never had lean tbh

Alcohol and opiates don't mix. That is a recipe for the vomit comet.

What are you some kind of fucking square

I like to be high, not puke and pass out

then only drink one cup of it, i mean shit man have you seriously never been conflicting-crossfaded?

“It is a really bad combination so just drink as little of it as possible “

you’re supposed to know your limits, fucknuts. that’s the first rule of alcohol AND of opiates

It isn't about limits, you goddamn retard. There are certain drugs that do not mix well due to their physiological modes of action.

  • alcohol and opiates are both strong CNS depressants, and mixing them tends to promote unconsciousness faster than it promotes a good high

  • Alcohol is a high-volume drug that needs to be processed and eliminated by the intestines. Opiates shut the intestinal muscles down.

  • Opiate intestinal paralysis promotes nausea and vomiting. In combination with alcohol, it produces a whole fuckload of nausea and vomiting.

So, mix your alcohol with coke. Or mix your opiates with coke. But don't mix your opiates with alcohol, you ignorant twat.

Jesus, it’s like I’m talking to some kind of alien wall here

I can’t sympathize with your neurotic concerns about physical illness and weak stomachs. The fact that lean is the state drink of half the Rust Belt and every former member of the CSA should give you some indication of how widespread your concerns are.

Maybe it’s because I don’t have a shitty Teutonic digestive system, but in all my years of responsibly mixing alcohol, opiates, and other drugs with warnings on the bottles I haven’t once passed out, vomited, or even collapsed. Anyone who does just needs to get good.

What has promoted vomiting:

  • Alcohol and MXE

  • Alcohol and alcohol

  • Bad mushrooms

I am sorry that you are dumb and don't understand drug interactions.

It’s not that I don’t understand drug interactions, it’s that I don’t understand how you can be such a monumental pussy about them

It makes sense that you like both trannies and vomiting

i was going to respond to this by calling you a pussy, but then i checked what the context is, so lemme put it this way:

anyone who can’t mix alcohol and downers without vomiting is a failure. but anyone who won’t TRY will miss 100% of the shots they don’t pound.

Ok, fine. Please mix alcohol and downers. I’ll

i actually don't like downers lol

well, except lean

Do it for science.

It will get much worse for you soon! :)

Are you saying we should keep ourselves safe?

I don't get it 🤔

Are you telling me I'm going to have to sleep with my own wife?

Lol I actually like this chick triggering all the h3h3 fanboys



You would think that for being so unfunny, that Ethan would have a smaller, less cancerous fanbase

This, but unironically.

Inshallah, irony shall die with the kaffir

You'd think everyone would have realized he was retarded after he said Bomber Harris (do it again) firebombed Dresden after the war ended.

i don't think everyone would recognize those words

i know i sure didn't

u/existentialenzo friendly reminder that there is nothing wrong with being transphobic

from nmx179 via /r/Drama sent a minute ago

u/existentialenzo friendly reminder that there is nothing wrong with being transphobic

Pings are case insensitive.

I know.

... then why?

Why not?

So, a dude.

I can get behind the McFeminist label and definition. Sounds accurate and delicious with fries.

it's a good word

oh shit, someone post this to /r/WhiteFeminists

They’re the sort that love Clinton more than Bernie even though she’s garbage on war and economic policy.

Yes, truly only Comrade Bern can save us from the depredations of deodorant manufacturers.


Is that the tranny repeating 8 times the same shit on twitter, like a witch casting a spell or something?

The very same tranny, trying to appear level-headed with that post?

Also, your jawline is familiar, have you been involved in other twitter drama lately?

Oopsy, forgot to tag you u/ExistentialEnso

the idea is they repeat it so you can still see the message if you scrolled past it the first 7 times