Communist Youtuber, TheFinnishBolshevik, grooms a child with NKVD rape roleplay on his discord, apologizes by saying it was just a prank and he's mentally ill.
462 2018-04-11 by Pol_Pots_Crockpot
Communist youtuber TheFinnishBolshevik, known for his videos defending Stalin and the Soviet invasion of Finland, got himself in the gulag recently after grooming an underaged member of his discord with NKVD rape roleplay. When rightfully called out for being a pedo he apologized by saying it was just a prank and that he's mentally ill.
Although leaked modchat shows that Finbol still has some really weird feelings for her.
Luckily for Finbol members of his discord rallied to his defense by saying it's really easy to forget how old people are online and that she was legal in Finland..
Then in a surprise to no one a 14 year old in the server admitted to being sent nudes by another 20something in the communist community and even had the decency to leak some DMs.
But remember guys, they're more concerned about what this would do to the community if the news spread. Can't let the welfare of a child get in the way. So stop on by his discord (if you can get past the vetting) and let him know what you think. You should hurry, it might not be around for much longer.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-04-11
I can take a 9-inch dildo up my butt, because I'm an adult and I solve my own problems
This Post -,*,,
TheFinnishBolshevik -,*,
NKVD rape roleplay -,*,
apologized -,*,
leaked modchat -,*,
rallied to his defense -,*,
she was legal in Finland. -,*,
sent nudes -,*,
leak some DMs -,*,
discord -,*,
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-04-11
Jeez snappy we talkin bout kids here. Bot ain't got no chill.
1 dieacogij 2018-04-11
JESUS CHRIST! I knew some weird shit happened months ago, but this is outright insane.
1 AlbaIulian 2018-04-11
No real comment... no comment.
1 better_bot 2018-04-11
"I know live as a retarded man."
1 Shark_life 2018-04-11
1 Harbinger147 2018-04-11
TOO be fair he was already retarded since he supports communism so that’s not really news.
1 allendrio 2018-04-11
He was already a tankie though?
1 Pol_Pots_Crockpot 2018-04-11
I've heard rumors of even more fucked up and depraved shit happening in the mod chat, but we'll never know.
1 SJCards 2018-04-11
How the fuck does a country invaded for "buffer territory" by ol' Joe have legitimate fucking tankies? Right wing death squads clearly missed another.
1 Pol_Pots_Crockpot 2018-04-11
The best part he's Finnish and defending the invasion of his own country.
1 SJCards 2018-04-11
He should unironically defend himself to the nearest gulag.
1 ThenTheGorursArrived 2018-04-11
A lot of commies value their ideology above national boundaries. It's actually one of the prime causes the communist party in my country split into two actually, a war with China. The ones who supported China ended up being the more powerful half by far so...
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-04-11
Imagine pissing on the graves of your ancestors who fought a horrifying war against the Soviets so you wouldn't grow up as the descendent of a Red Army rapebaby who's ancestral home was reduced to a decrepit post-soviet backwater. This is the kind of person you can call a cuck unironically.
1 letter_of_resignatio 2018-04-11
Drinking Otto Ville kuusisen kool-aid, Can't see another reason.
I have seen some Finnish pepole defending Stalin, but not wars.
1 Stefferi 2018-04-11
His party got 0,04 % of votes in the last Finnish parliamentary election and has practically zero relevance in Finnish politics. It consists almost entirely of people who are 70+ and from what I understand they actually made FinBol their general secretary almost on the spot when he was basically the first young person to show up in some years.
1 Jukk 2018-04-11
Wait, are you serious? That guy is actually active int real life and not just rping online? As a Finn, I'm curious.
1 Rotskite 2018-04-11
That might be pushing it
1 Pol_Pots_Crockpot 2018-04-11
You should contact the Finnish Communist Party, let them know they have a pedo in their party
1 Stefferi 2018-04-11
If you look at his YouTube account, there are many videos where he's participating in demonstrations or international communist get-togethers with his party, KTP. You can't see him directly, as he's the one taking the video.
1 Jukk 2018-04-11
Thanks! I was just looking into this. He's not a secretary for the party though, as that is some lady but they have a few younger guys as members/election candidates.
1 Stefferi 2018-04-11
Communist Workers' Party (KTP), not Communist Party of Finland (SKP).
1 Jukk 2018-04-11
Aha, I see. Alright.
1 WildcatAlba 2018-04-11
He never even met her irl.
1 Jukk 2018-04-11
Yes, that was already clear from the OP. Why?
1 ferongr 2018-04-11
Damn, H.K. does look like a pedo with that beard (does this count as a dox?)
1 Truckergod 2018-04-11
I pray that Zombie Simo Hayha bursts forth from his grave, Mosin in hand, to rid his nation of tankies once more.
1 tr1207 2018-04-11
why does this awful stuff always transpire on dischord? it's almost like insulating yourself to only taking to other extremely online people who share your exact views is not conducive for healthy social groups
1 Pol_Pots_Crockpot 2018-04-11
I mean communists rarely have healthy social group anyway, discord just makes it worse
1 tr1207 2018-04-11
the communists i know who are active in irl activist groups are good people and pretty chill tbh, the communists i know who obsess over inter leftist fighting and social posturing online usually suck. not an exclusively communist problem tho.
1 CucksLoveTrump 2018-04-11
Why do you know anyone like this? Are you in school?
1 tr1207 2018-04-11
Throw a rock at an art school and hit 10 stalinists, get expelled for violence
1 CucksLoveTrump 2018-04-11
They'll learn soon enough. Children always grow up. If you're not a liberal when you're young, you have no heart. If you're not conservative when you're aged, you have no brain
1 Wopitikitotengo 2018-04-11
If you aren't a centrist by the time you self actualize you have no chi
1 Yiin 2018-04-11
Is this one of those alt-weeb things
1 rhiehn 2018-04-11
Communists aren't liberals.
1 SJCards 2018-04-11
Why are they congragating so closely.
1 subpoutine 2018-04-11
Глубокая операция
1 thebuscompany 2018-04-11
Bread lines.
1 nanonan 2018-04-11
Just visit your local Green party.
1 whoreson_wells 2018-04-11
Fugazi fan found.
1 snallygaster 2018-04-11
It was kind of like this back in the days when IRC was popular, though not nearly to this degree for a number of reasons including but not limited to the fact that it was much more taboo to get over-involved in internet stuff and communities were generally smaller.
1 tr1207 2018-04-11
whenever you talk about internet history I lean in like I'm listening to ken burns
1 snallygaster 2018-04-11
I'm tuched!
1 hakkzpets 2018-04-11
As an old mIRC-war enthusiast, people got involved in IRC-chats.
1 snallygaster 2018-04-11
1 hoseja 2018-04-11
It's only because on discord there is easy evidence for us to see.
1 hbnsckl 2018-04-11
Jfc, can communism do anything right?
1 Pinksister 2018-04-11
They're pretty good at killing gheys.
1 TheRootinTootinPutin 2018-04-11
They can do things left
Also they're pretty good at killing communists, makes em okay in my book
1 Spectre_06 2018-04-11
Praise Pinochet, proper patron and protector of the proletariat!
1 PURINBOYS2002 2018-04-11
Downvoting a pinned thread.
1 Ihurtinside 2018-04-11
A "downvote brigade?!?" WHAT THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO DO
1 voicelesshoodwinker 2018-04-11
A "brave" internet Stalinist fuck up. News at 11
1 ObsessedAussie 2018-04-11
Thanks for the kitty
1 Spectre_06 2018-04-11
1 IFuckedZoeQuinn 2018-04-11
Commie losers are even more degenerate than I thought. Also most commies are SJW as fuck so the good old male feminist = rapist rule holds true yet again
1 EasySchmitty 2018-04-11
Add him to the list
1 hlary 2018-04-11
Just think on that for sec and realize how retarded that sounds
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2018-04-11
The Venn Diagram of those groups is practically just a circle.
1 hlary 2018-04-11
But that's not true at all my man!
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2018-04-11
It is, and I ain't "your man"
My bussy belongs to all of r/drama.
1 Zielenskizebinski 2018-04-11
Thas commulism, tho
1 agareo 2018-04-11
Except Stalin was extremely socially conservative
1 Harbinger147 2018-04-11
Amazing. Every word of what you just said.. was wrong.
1 hlary 2018-04-11
Are you people just pretending to retarded or are you saying that Stalin the man who made the soviet union far more socially conservative and was a known antisemite and homophobe was a sjw?
1 Harbinger147 2018-04-11
MUCH anger I sense in you!
1 hlary 2018-04-11
No u
1 Harbinger147 2018-04-11
PATIENCE YOU MUST HAVE my young padawan
1 CirqueDuFuder 2018-04-11
You think apologists in 2018 represent Stalin today? Good luck being homophobic like Stalin in front of a tankie without them reacting.
1 EvanHarper 2018-04-11
commies are the strangest mix of SJW and brocialist, often in the same person
1 EvanHarper 2018-04-11
The best part is that FinBol has this reputation among the /r/Communism101 types as a booked-up and quite convincing Stalin apologist, but then you watch his videos and it's literally just him clicking around the Wikipedia links from "Prison labor" while he repeats over and over again that lots of countries had prison labor so the gulag was no big deal
1 tr1207 2018-04-11
lol you weren't kidding he really believes french work camps means gulags didn't have death tallies
1 moudougou 2018-04-11
What french work camps? Is he talking about French Guyana?
1 lorenzorye 2018-04-11
Probably more Napoleonic era.
1 HelloIAmACorndog 2018-04-11
He was someone’s top informative recommendation three hours ago.
1 ArlenBilldozer 2018-04-11
Nice to know that all my life decisions will never lead me to shit like this.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-04-11
I feel so left out. No one tried to groom me when I was a kid. Not some creepo Priest, not some sad fat middle aged football coach, not some strangely hot teacher, not even mom's mean bf, and sure as shit not some Finnish soy boy commie LARPer.
My childhood sucked.
1 Yiin 2018-04-11
I didn't even get groped when changing into my altar boy robes. Like wtf?
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-04-11
It's like they're not even trying. Sad
1 Yiin 2018-04-11
He was probably getting some from the bitch they let be an altar girl.
They should never have been allowed to leave the cloisters. Protestantism was a mistake.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-04-11
We all need us a 4th Crusade. But this time we got after the Mayos. It's always their fault. Even when it isn't, it really is.
1 Orsonius 2018-04-11
Should have hung out with Yugioh nerds, there was always at least old fart who would hand out free cards to little boys and then grope them. I didn't happen to me because i wasn't 9 or whatever those pervers were after, but all the younger children got molested.
1 Zen1 2018-04-11
Well... wanna roleplay about it?
1 ironicshitpostr 2018-04-11
It's really not all that great, unless you really get off on hating yourself
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-04-11
I don't actually know if my self hate makes me happier, I just know that since me and my self hatred have been together for so long we're prolly never breaking up.
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2018-04-11
Hi Mac 👋🏻
1 TruthPains 2018-04-11
Life was grooming you for the loneliness of being unwanted and unloved in adulthood.
1 westofthetracks 2018-04-11
tfw too ugly to be molested
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-04-11
Jeez wasn't Oprah groped as a kid. Damn I am hideous! Like Eric Trump hideous.
1 dogDroolsCatsRules 2018-04-11
It's good that you are self aware, I guess.
1 Orsonius 2018-04-11
When i was 13 I was out with 2 friends from my class. We would go to the local electronics store and play video games on their gamecube and what not.
I was playing some Mario Sunshine and this guy approaches me. 40 something, classical pedo-stache, typical male balding pattern on his head.
Pedo: "Hey are you René?"
Me: "nope"
Pedo: "you don't have to lie to me, you are René. Your mother is looking for you, I am with the Childservice."
Me: "My name is not René."
Pedo: " If you are not René, can you show me some kind of ID? Your mother is really concerned, you have to come with me."
Me: "I'm not showing you anything."
I left then and told my friends who were some place else in the store. For the next year or so one of the 2 made fun of me and called me child-rapist René. Needless to say he wasn't a good friend.
True story btw.
1 Zombies_hate_ninjas 2018-04-11
See this is why I come here. I liked your story, so much so I'll soon make it My story. Such is the way or the internet.
Also stay away from my kids Rene!
1 moudougou 2018-04-11
oh god these screenshots are really shitty
why do you hate people with bad eyesight?
it don't feel like drama really is the inclusive space it meant to be
1 Plexipus 2018-04-11
In a communist society there is abundant JPEG for the masses
1 szamur 2018-04-11
I watched a few of his videos some months ago. Honestly, tankie or no, I'm not surprised by these news. He just had this cuntish tone of voice and always took pleasure in shitting on people, mostly other commies with slightly different opinions.
1 anarkittie 2018-04-11
Yeah, I wasn't surprised either. He clearly has a vicious streak to him. I found him disturbing before I heard any of this. Then once I read the transcript of their roleplay I was like, "Yeah, that sounds like what he'd be into."
1 BlackTed 2018-04-11
Gas Discord
1 Boeing676 2018-04-11
This but unironically.
1 XSCR 2018-04-11
I'm shocked!
1 bobbybonnadouchey 2018-04-11
Shit down discord.
The autism is coalescing into a autism bomb that will destroy us all.
1 NotTama 2018-04-11
I want to see how far this bomb can go
1 bobbybonnadouchey 2018-04-11
Estimates put the range of this bomb could destroy everything inside the Local Group.
1 TheAltRightIsAlright 2018-04-11
Soon the entirety of the Laniakea Supercluster will be at risk.
1 _Suprememe_ 2018-04-11
Dark Energy doesn't exist, the rest of the universe is just accelerating to superluminal speeds as they try to get clear of this impending Autism detonation.
1 Redactor0 2018-04-11
I'd never even heard of this before. r/drama is teaching my what my place in the universe is.
1 BasedRubby 2018-04-11
you say that like it's a bad thing
1 bobbybonnadouchey 2018-04-11
Well at least the autists will destroy all the vegans.
Hard choices.
1 shanewater 2018-04-11
Can we create a /r/Drama discord? I mean SRD has one and we're easily more militant autists than those creeps.
1 bobbybonnadouchey 2018-04-11
Look at the sidebar you inbred spawn of incest redneck mongoloid from the Appalachian region.
1 Matues49 2018-04-11
Idk of that artillery barrage was truly called for, by I approve nevertheless.
1 ahbslldud 2018-04-11
No. Discord is where I trade nudes with cute girls.
1 ironicshitpostr 2018-04-11
1 ahbslldud 2018-04-11
They're actually girls, believe it or not. I insist on verification.
1 Progresspanda 2018-04-11
Bet he becomes a champion of the Pedosexual movement the SJWs are pushing.
1 infinitude 2018-04-11
I didn't realize they were already trying to implode their movement. Nice.
1 Zielenskizebinski 2018-04-11
Actually, the only ones "pushing" such a narrative are alt-righters and Nazis.
1 LSU_Coonass 2018-04-11
/>mentally ill
I believe him.
1 Redactor0 2018-04-11
The horseshoe theory proves correct once again. Communists are actually the same thing as libertarians.
1 EvanHarper 2018-04-11
it's not forced collectivization if her pupils turn into hammers and sickles
1 Yiin 2018-04-11
There's probably a degenerate picture for this. Prove me wrong.
1 EvanHarper 2018-04-11
the collectivization joke was literally a rerun of one of my own comments from an /r/Animemes post
1 BurgerLaowai 2018-04-11
A mentally ill communist?
That's never happened before!
1 PhysicsIsMyMistress 2018-04-11
Nazi Domme on prisoner boy rp > NKVD rape roleplay
1 ironicshitpostr 2018-04-11
You have never said a truer statement.
Ilsa is mai waifu
1 EvanHarper 2018-04-11
1 moudougou 2018-04-11
1 Sven-Ripa 2018-04-11
He's a communist, all communists are weird as fuck.
1 TotesMessenger 2018-04-11
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)
1 TheRealLegitCuck 2018-04-11
Lol he hasn't killed his invite links 😂😂😂
1 virgil2600 2018-04-11
Just gonna point out us commies have disavowed him
1 trapochaphouse 2018-04-11
What you ought to do is disavow that meme ideology, get a real job, and try to be a productive member of society.
1 virgil2600 2018-04-11
Tfw I do have a job
1 trapochaphouse 2018-04-11
I'm talking about a job where you don't have to wear a name tag or touch money, and your compensation is measured in dollars per year not dollars per hour. I can't recall ever having met a commie with a 401k.
1 Rotskite 2018-04-11
Fucking poor people amirite
1 trapochaphouse 2018-04-11
Nah, I used to be poor af. That shit sucks, so I can empathize. Fucking commies tho
1 Rotskite 2018-04-11
You can empathize but still write comments that read as if not having money for a 401k was a case of simple choice? If you're gonna attack communism, attack communism, fine, but please don't do this.
1 trapochaphouse 2018-04-11
If you have a job that offers a 401k than it really is a simple choice to decide to contribute to it or not. I told that commie to get a real job because if he had a little something of his own he probably wouldn't want to be a commie anymore.
1 Rotskite 2018-04-11
Do you think having a job like that is voluntary, that anyone can just have a job like that? If no, then I think you should use other types of attacks
1 Zielenskizebinski 2018-04-11
Haha, no. That's not how that works.
1 Foxehh3 2018-04-11
And absolutely no response to this.
1 KemoT01 2018-04-11
And well-adjusted people have disavowed you
1 michaelnoir 2018-04-11
When you were 16, did you consider yourself to be a child?
I didn't. 16 is legal in this country, and lots of other ones.
1 Yiin 2018-04-11
>I'm mature for my age.
No, all teenagers are children. I don't care how smart you thought you were, you were stupid.
1 michaelnoir 2018-04-11
Yeah I was stupid but I wasn't a child.
1 Yiin 2018-04-11
You were stupid because your brain was literally not done developing. For teenagers, this will be true for another half-decade at least. Literal children.
1 michaelnoir 2018-04-11
You speak for yourself. I was not a literal child at sixteen. I was already sexually active.
1 Yiin 2018-04-11
I'm sorry that happened to you.
1 michaelnoir 2018-04-11
I'm not.
1 SquirrelLuck 2018-04-11
Brain development typically finishes at 25 FYI.
1 Yiin 2018-04-11
Yeah, I was lowballing it for rhetoric.
1 MonikaForever 2018-04-11
Communists aren't people.
1 Zielenskizebinski 2018-04-11
No u
1 agree-with-you 2018-04-11
No you both
1 MonikaForever 2018-04-11
Super no u
1 Zielenskizebinski 2018-04-11
no u times infinity
1 MonikaForever 2018-04-11
No u BEYOND infinity
1 Zielenskizebinski 2018-04-11
nay thee
1 greensunset 2018-04-11
Is that you again /u/mircy ?
1 Mircy 2018-04-11
usually people don't aggravate the person that potentially has their dox
1 VeritablePornocopium 2018-04-11
greenie pls
1 greensunset 2018-04-11
1 blairite-collective 2018-04-11
By the way, just for the record, we were the people who leaked the discord screenshots and we are also communists. But we do not like Finbol. We would appreciate it if you don't associate his dumb and pedophilic actions with Communism, the Far-Left, or us. Thanks.
1 EvanHarper 2018-04-11
The thing is that FinBol's personal degeneracy is easily the least objectionable thing about him. It's the stuff you fuckers have in common that's truly vile.
1 serialflamingo 2018-04-11
Being a pedo is the least objectionable thing about him?
1 BasedRubby 2018-04-11
1 subpoutine 2018-04-11
Then maybe your kind should stop fucking kiddies, kiddie fucker.
1 Zielenskizebinski 2018-04-11
Bugger off, pal. The only pedo here is FinBol.
1 Pinksister 2018-04-11
Keep Yourself Safe, commie scum.
1 Zielenskizebinski 2018-04-11
I will gladly do that if you do the same
1 fsdgfhk 2018-04-11
So what you're saying is, commies aren't only degenerate child-fuckers, but they're also treacherous backstabbers, snitching rats, and literal retards.
Duly noted.
1 otherwiseyep 2018-04-11
You Communists are doing the Lord's work.
1 fuckyourcontext 2018-04-11
Checks out
1 ironicshitpostr 2018-04-11
So glad they and libertarians can find common ground
1 FancyTea 2018-04-11
Creepy tankie grooming underage girls online to his asphyxiation fantasies... and they say romance is dead.
1 Ardvarkeating101 2018-04-11
Well I just had a shit load of fun on that server. Pretty sure they're going to ban me at some point but for now it was nice.
1 TheOtherGuy9603 2018-04-11
This is the kind of detailed documentation I come here for
1 whoopsforgotemail 2018-04-11
lmao looks like the communists are turning libertarian
1 Plexipus 2018-04-11
The ends are child sex slaves, they just disagree about the means by which to reach them
1 DennisRader 2018-04-11
Ooh, how interesting. Could you post more?
1 mandathor 2018-04-11
"it's just roleplay. trust me, if I got any power as a communist I would be a caring and kind"
1 MostRadicalCentrist 2018-04-11
1 Plexipus 2018-04-11
"16 and 24 is not pedofilia. Pedofiles are people who are attracted to children. 16 yo don't look like children and have adult bodies basically. A pedofile wouldn't like a 16 yo"
~Karl Marx, Das Kapital
1 COINTELPROxShareBlue 2018-04-11
this made me cackle
1 myshl0ng 2018-04-11
I upvoted this. Remember to return the favor.
1 thesnakeinthegarden 2018-04-11
It's a prank, Bro-letariat.
1 dogDroolsCatsRules 2018-04-11
As Jesus said, the first who didn't make NKVD rape roleplay with a kid throw the first stone.
1 darth_stroyer 2018-04-11
Oh fuck, I remember this guy. He'd spam /r/mealtimevideos with commie propaganda and all the mongoloids there would defend him when I tried to call him out.
Feel good.
1 infinitude 2018-04-11
Why are commies such deviants
1 LSDawson 2018-04-11
discord communities seem to harbor an incredibly potent strain of the 'tism
1 westofthetracks 2018-04-11
now this is podracing
1 Pinksister 2018-04-11
Is anyone even slightly surprised that tankies are either 14 year old girls or men trying to fuck them?
1 Strydy 2018-04-11
This has nothing to do woth Finland, please dont think us as weirdos.
1 Pol_Pots_Crockpot 2018-04-11
I mean we already thought you guys were autistic, but not groom a child with NKVD rape fantasies autistic. Anyways you should send this link to the Finnish communist party see if you can get the pedo kicked out
1 Rotskite 2018-04-11
I've got good money on the party (Kommunistinen työväen puolue, Communist Workers' Party) not giving two shits about whatever TheFinnishBolshevik does. Reflection is not what they do.
1 pastelsnowdrops 2018-04-11
Why is it that child fuckers always want to use the "it's nature" argument?
1 Re_LE_Vant_UN 2018-04-11
Do I want to know what NKVD is
1 Pol_Pots_Crockpot 2018-04-11
Soviet Secret Police, they were the ones who sent you to the gulags
1 Re_LE_Vant_UN 2018-04-11
Oh that's boring. I was hoping it was an acronym for some weird shit like that daddy/little girl roleplay thing
1 ImNotMarshalZhukov 2018-04-11
But remember guys, they're more concerned about what this would do to the community if the news spread. Can't let the welfare of a child get in the way I think you might be the one who doesn't care about the welfare of the "child" in question OP
1 32624647 2018-04-11
Youtubercide when?
1 HardKnockLyf 2018-04-11
“last chance bitch”
1 Sexydengist343 2018-04-11
I think I might have found that filthy pedo commie.
1 WorldStarCroCop 2018-04-11
does not compute because all communists are bitches
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-11
اَسْتَغْفِرُ اَللّهَ
1 WildcatAlba 2018-04-11
How dare you try to take advantage of Comrade Finbol's mistake, trying to turn it into a political thing. The girl was concenting, she was of legal age, and they had never even met up irl. If taking advantage of drama is the only way you can defend capitalism, maybe it's time to rethink your views.
1 Pol_Pots_Crockpot 2018-04-11
Grooming a child isn’t a mistake it’s a felony. She also was not of legal age in her home state. Also, a child can’t consent. If the only way to defend communism is to defend child predators, maybe it’s time to rethink your views.
1 TotesMessenger 2018-04-11
I'm a bot, bleep, bloop. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit:
If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads. (Info / Contact)
1 Dropperneck 2018-04-11
Take a look at your community. It’s a bunch of pedos whining about the only system that has ever worked. Maybe get a job for the first time in your life. Sad
1 kippot 2018-04-11
Keep Yourself extremely Safe, with prejudice, ASAPz
1 Dropperneck 2018-04-11
1 HodorTheDoorHolder 2018-04-11
Stay away from my sexy daughter you sick fuck
1 911roofer 2018-04-11
stop downvoting the lolicows.
1 Pickled_Kagura 2018-04-11
1 BigDaddy_Delta 2018-04-11
To the gulags with you, filthy pedo
1 JustFinishedBSG 2018-04-11
Can you even be more of an insult to your country....
Also wat? I’ve seen a lot of weird shit on the web but this is a first
1 MemoirsofCrime 2018-04-11
Dude...god, these fucking people never know when to stop. Same with that Atheist guy.
1 Slamzizek247 2018-04-11
Back when I was a Commie I was subbed to this guy. He stood out as someone who was much older than majority of the community (mostly teens.)