If Canada does it, then it is right

12  2018-04-11 by SonyXboxNintendo11


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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Abortion is unironically murder, but it is murder that will disproportionately affect American “whites” and American “blacks”. As such, supporting it is the only rational path for the modern radical centrist.

I may give conservativesalot of shit but im not onboard with their abortion fetish. Its fucking murder period.

Agreed, I'm not a right wing person at all but abortion is just wrong. Before a certain point or if the mother's life is in danger then sure, but otherwise it just doesn't sit right with me.

Except you know for the killing a person part

Is there any situation in which you’d see abortion as justified? Legitimately curious, not judgemental or looking to argue. I know I’m in r/drama but eh

If it is in danger to the moms life, yeah im sure having a doen syndrome baby is tough and nobody wants to raise a rape or incest baby but thats what adoption is for.

Thanks for the response! That’s a very valid perspective imo

All we have to do is convince everyone that a "fetus" is an "insurgent" and then everything will work itself out.

Abortion is an eviction. It’s too bad that the malingering tenant can’t make it on their own, but that’s life.

abortion should be legal at every stage of life, sperm, 3 month, 9 month, 4 years, mod, elderly, every stage.

prove mr wrong,

pro tip, you cant 😎

Liberals won't be satisfied until we have post-birth abortions.