T_D gives open discussion about the Syria situation a try, doesn't end well

107  2018-04-11 by Oh_hamburgers_


You're oversimplifying a complex situation to the point of adding nothing to the discussion.


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But I don't think he is...

Dissent will not be tolerated in a free speech bastion like the_doofus

[censored within 1 second]

It’s hard to imagine him being so stupid

oh, /u/sabertoothtulkas, it really isn't 😂

If you're that retarded, it probably is hard tho..

Stop being ableist towards the leadbrains.

It's now been removed. Poor /u/sabertoothtulkas has been sent to reeducation.

> Imagine not being able to read rules

This forum is for Trump supporters only. If you have questions about our president, our way of thinking or other discussion questions, post on r/AskThe_Donald, where we will gladly answer. This forum is NOT for that.

So disagreeing with anything Daddy does = not a Daddy supporter?

True Daddy supporter

Not emulating Daddy's thought process in every way

Does supporter mean something different in your (((language)))?

I support my friends, but they're retarded sometimes.

I mean everything is speculation until he actually does something either way. This all already happened last year when Syria gassed people and Trump bombed them and everyone was basically saying WW3 started and then nothing happened.

I mean everything is speculation until he actually does something either way.

So in order to agree with him, you have to ignore what he says 🤔

This all already happened last year when Syria gassed people and Trump bombed them and everyone was basically saying WW3 started and then nothing else happened until now.

Well when your whole platform is being isolationist...

The mods don't silence all dissent or discussion, but when its that many people it's impossible to tell the trolls from the real supporters.

Oh they have no problem combing through a user's post history to see if they're a "true supporter" or not. Also, how lazy. Imagine sucking t_D mod cock for free 😂

Well when your whole platform is being isolationist...

rolls eyes I remember when it used to be a liberal stance to want to end wars and spend military money on better causes.

Oh they have no problem combing through a user's post history to see if they're a "true supporter" or not.

you're actually delusional if you think they go through everyone's post history before banning or deleting a comment. They ban first and you have to message them and they might overturn it.

rolls eyes

Imagine typing this out like a fag

I remember when it used to be a liberal stance to want to end wars and spend military money on better causes.

Literally nothing to do with my point

you're actually delusional if you think they go through everyone's post history before banning or deleting a comment. They ban first and you have to message them and they might overturn it.

Nope. I've had it happen twice

Nope. I've had it happen twice

Oh yes, I fully believe you (not).

That's nice, Francis

The problem with the whole spending military money on other causes is Trump wanted to and successfully increased the military budget.

Except he both explicitly said and did increase the military budget you retard

/u/fiat-libertas, well, I guess you'll stop going to /r/the_daddy now that Trump has been exposed a hypocrite, huh?

Are you crazy? That's the best part about him! It rustles so many jimmies people can't stand it! hehe

I can't tell between genuine retardation, treason, and sarcasm anymore. Thanks a lot. Keep yourself safe.

rolls eyes

t. soyboy

You are one sad waste of life

Dude long T_D posters were getting banned cuz Daddy said he would look into gun reform and making it harder to get them. T_D went nuts over it.

And yet, here we are 2 months later with basically nothing coming from it. So should the mods have not banned the people wringing their hands and clutching their pearls over nothing?

So should the mods have not banned


Yes, they should not have been banned. Obviously taking away guns was not Trump's final goal/position, so the people who were unhappy with it turned out to be right after all.

Supporting someone does not mean agreeing with literally everything they say, and this should be especially true for someone who flip flops as much as Trump. His own statements often contradict each other, so Trump himself would probably end up getting banned from T_D for "concern trolling" lmao

Based on the comments I know see basically everyone here is some butthurt feg that is mad they got banned from T_D.

Lol who even cares if T_D bans people?

Trump bombed them and everyone was basically saying WW3 started

This is the weakest straw man I've seen in a long time. Do you ever go outside and talk to people in real life, or do you just hear about how horrible they are on the_daddy?

So he says he’s going to do something. People don’t like what he says he’s going to do. Where is the speculation?

The sub you mentioned is doing the exact same thing


There's a thread right there with people discussing it.

You don't even try 😓😓

You can be a whiny faggot all you want but Trump still won't fuck you 😂👏👏👏

So the SRS method then?

this but unironically


You have to hit reply, stupid ass

theres no drama in this you dumb bitch

You already commented here retard.

theres no drama jesus christ

Other than the shit fit they are throwing over that tweet.


Scream it louder than yer nan screams when we shaggin' m8





ur mum

I thought it was yer nan

Nice retard impression, are you using his twitter as inspiration?


Maybe if you use bold caps it will fool people.


Votes for man who supported every war in the last forty years.

Man appoints man who fabricated evidence for the Iraq War as national security advisor.

Wonder why man who has supported every war for the last forty years supports war.

never before has this been said more dishonestly

Might actually be retarded.

I mean, I'm anti war but I don't have a problem with Trump blowing the shit out of Assad. As long as their are no boots on the ground. Those faggot commies need to be taken out.

nice image resolution fgt

Thanks bud.

This will be my final stop on the Trump train.

When will they figure out "no breaks on the Trump Train" is not simply a slogan but in fact a horrifying truth.

Jumping off the Trump train while it's going over 200 trillion mph might hurt a bit lol

Tuck and roll, a little whisky will take the hurt away.


I truly hope he isn’t falling for this (gas attack) we need to get out of there like he originally stated.Tbf how dumb was it for obama to say “we aren’t going to be interventionist UNLESS you use gas”. That gave incentive to every pro interventionist to make a gas attack happened.

I know you all hate me but maybe we can agree, how dumb is that a gas attack that kills 40 people warrants major intervention. Yet a mass slaughter with small arms folks wouldn’t even batt an eye. The same parading of children happens as with school shooting and all of the cunt ass maud flanders’ come out the wood Work.

I know you all hate me but maybe we can agree, how dumb is that a gas attack that kills 40 people warrants major intervention. Yet a mass slaughter with small arms folks wouldn’t even batt an eye.

It would actually be pretty stupid to intervene over this. Jihadists blow up this many people in the Middle East on the reg and nobody cares. Using gas against your own people (if Assad is the one doing it) is crossing a moral line by using chemical weapons, but crossing that line sure as fuck should not lead to US military intervention. Have the neocons learned nothing from the last few decades of failed military interventions in the Middle East?

IMO by having gas attacks as our official ‘call to act’, we give the neo cons and other bad actors all of the reason in the world to bring in a third party to make a gas attack happen. Is anyone dumb enough to think that the military industrial complex and its gravy train is above this.. Rhetorical of course 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

Honestly Trump's stated desire to stay out of wars in the Middle East was one of the very few things I liked about him. Him getting rid of McMaster and bringing in fucking neocon Bolton was a huge disappointment. I hope that this sabre rattling over gas attacks is just posturing because there are definitely neocons and weapons manufacturers who want to go to war over this to dick wave and make that $$$$$.

I’m holding judgment, trumps been big on being non interventionist, dating back to the 80s. It’s a major reason why I voted for him. What trump tweets and what trump does are two different things. I’ve hated John Bolton for years, but I think he brought an extremist like Bolton on board for a purpose. Trump looks tempered in comparison in almost any potential conflict. Begs the question, is trump being fed neo con bullshit by the cia in the daily briefings. If that is the case then I don’t have much hope all around. Even Teresa May is saying they can’t confirm this was Assad. If Trump is talking about leaving your occupied war torn country why in the living fuck would you have a gas attack the next day. Goes for the Russians too, a gas attack is the last thing they want. They both just don’t want that oil pipe line to be built, that ruins Russia’s oil interests in the region. It all comes down to that stupid fucking pipeline they want to build. This is why I believe all news is propaganda, how many times have you heard about the major pipeline running through Syria they want to build in wapo, Fox News, or npr? Sorry for the rant

Idk I think the neocons might have gotten to Trump. The CIA is probably filled with neocons, and who knows what they're telling him.

Bolton was just a fringe guy with no real power, so I don't see the point of bringing him on as National Security Advisor. That's an extremely important position that already had a smart and qualified person in McMaster. Trump didn't need Bolton to look tempered on foreign policy since McMaster was already seen as a tempering influence and Trump claims to be an isolationist anyway. Why invite the snakes right into your house?

As far as the oil pipeline, I hadn't actually heard about it before, but I also haven't been following this Syria stuff very closely. I pretty much stopped paying attention after the first gas attack because the whole think looked like a dick measuring contest where every side was being stupid.

Yeah I’m with you on Bolton, but McMaster was a deep state neocon too. It’s not easy to find stories about it, but they are there. They have been wanting to build a massive pipeline through Syria, and it would wreck Russia’s oil interests in the region. It’s what’s driving pretty much all of this.

McMaster was a deep state neocon

He led a tank company in combat for our country. You get to start having opinions about him when you've put more on the line than your reddit karma.

And what makes your opinion valid?

That’s the same argument everyone has for McCain. Dudes a hawk, plain and simple.



They learned how rich they can get if they buy haliburton stock and then go to war.

you can never get enough war


Votes for man who supported every war in the last forty years.

Man appoints man who fabricated evidence for the Iraq War as national security advisor.

Wonder why man who has supported every war for the last forty years supports war.

I'm embarrassed to have trump as my countries president

If I was in a zoo and aliens were throwing candy wrappers and laughing at me, I'd know I deserved it just for being in the same species as him.

I'm getting close to being able to predict trumps next course of action.

Back pedal enough to give DaddyDefenseSquad some breathing room so they still think he's on their side, but not quite enough that it gives a small hardened fraction an existential crisis

Then says something else insanely stupid that BTFOs liberals and they all forget this new cycle and move onto the next.

/u/Oh_hamburgers, FUCK OFF! Trump is MY president, he's the best we've had, it's just he has deep swamp advisers. MAGA you soyboy libtard!
