Dear husband: This is why I don't want to have sex tonight

20  2018-04-11 by Starship_Litterbox_B

I have been with my husband for nearly 10 years and we have 2 small children. I don't want to have sex lately and if he were to read this, he'd know why.

Dear husband, I know you want to have sex more, and I guess I do too. But throughout the years you've forgotten that having sex is an all day affair. Not in the literal sense, but in the sense that in order for both partners to feel the connection and desire there must be more attention paid to the relationship. You have no idea how much I want you to desire me all day long and show me. We are at the point where we kiss twice a day (once before we leave for work and once before bed). You don't hug me or touch me. You don't tell me I look beautiful or pretty. We tried implementing a "kiss as soon as we both get home" thing but it lasted a week and then was never repeated. Those little touches and gestures would add up so quickly and they'd cost us nothing. I know you're not one for physical displays of affection, you won't even hold my hand in public, but I need the small physical things to want the bigger physical things.

I also need you to step up and be a parent. We both work full time, we both get little sleep and we are both busy. But that doesn't mean that I should be shouldering nearly 100% of the childcare duties because my work day is 1 hour shorter than yours. I don't feel valued, I feel used and underappreciated. Every morning I get our kids out of bed and dressed, as well as get myself showered and ready before you even wake up. Then you run around the house focusing solely on your own needs while I make sure everyone is ready for their own days. I pack snacks, extra clothes, get bottles, fill up backpacks, feed our dogs and pack my own lunch. You do not offer to help or seem to care about all the tasks I do before 6:30 AM. I do it alone and seethe. We've had multiple conversations about splitting these morning duties and you just get defensive and angry. It's very difficult to look at you and feel desire when I wake up every day feeling like a servant in my own home.

The end of the day is no different. I wrangle our kids home from daycare and then make us all dinner. You come home and quickly eat and then decide it's time to make a 30 minute trip to the bathroom. This used to be a joke, it used to be something I would laugh at and make light of. It's not funny anymore. It's not funny that after being home with your family for 15 minutes you feel the need to take a half hour break from us, claiming you "can't rush these things". I'm once again left taking care of our kids and dogs alone, planning for the next day while you focus on yourself. We still haven't touched since the small peck on the lips in the morning and you want me to feel sexy and sexual?

It's sad that our relationship has arrived at this point. It's sad that even though every single issue I've had with our division of duties and how it relates to our sex life has been discussed, it still doesn't improve. The small gesture IS the big gesture. You have no idea how pathetically grateful I get when you give me a hug or clean the kitchen or you tell me I look nice today. I'm embarrassed that I'm so starved for this level of kindness that it can bring me to tears. If you took on your portion of childcare, picked up the vacuum, made it a point to ask me about my day, volunteered to take our kids out to play once in awhile so I could have some time alone, trust me, my desire for you would skyrocket. We would have sex more and when we have sex more, it solidifies us. Desire begets desire. I love having sex with you, but that feeling just isn't there if I never feel loved and respected all day long.

TL;DR- my husband's lack of showing love and respect for all that I do is the main reason I don't feel desire to have sex anymore


all that shit I didn't read

Dear Penthouse,

I'm a frigid shrew and that's how I became a cuckquean.

Uhm, ok. What was the point of this comment exactly? I mean, I get it. You like their comment and feel happy. You realized something incredible! Mindblowing. And you want to express that. I've had those times as well... let's face it, it's a normal form of communication. But, your inane comment simply adds nothing of value to the conversation. What does this do? Does it make you feel old to be part of the team? Does it make you happy to say that you're following his thought patterns? Is this really what you want out of Life?

I think you can do better, son. That's why I'm going to use the parental approach, and give you a downvote. Not because I dislike you. But because I want to teach you this very valuable lesson. Contribute to conversation - to society, my friend. Don't be a follower, be a leader. Even if it means you get downteachered as I'm fairly certain I will (but I'm brave and wise enough to comprehend the ill and negligible value of internet points, so that's irrelevant).

If your husband is the type of person to post here and read this, then you might be in for a surprise...

I’m such a mess. I’ve been so wet lately that not only am I ruining panties, but my leggings too. A useless slut too, because my mind won’t stop wandering to how good it’ll feel to be fucked. How amazing it feels to Dom cuties, and have them beg to eat me up. Aw well as how wonderful it is be a Dom’s good little fucktoy. I’m desperate for someone to eat me out, stuff me with me nice and full, and just fuck until I’m too exhausted to move. I’d do anything for it.

Uhhhhhhhh what the actual fuck. I was on board with ya until this weird overshare. Geeeez

divorce the whiner, marry me

I think you need to work on some things and may be consider who or why you married. Of course, im the person who lives for function and pleasure comes as a byproduct. I dont run on emotions, life is logical, you just have to give up pride to see reality.

Who wrote this shit?

I’m borderline tortured by my internal monologue, my worry for civilization and general existential angst. I have an IQ of 142, though, and tend to be anxious and ruminative. Though that’s improved since I converted to Christianity. Sometimes I think it would be so much easier to be a stupid roastie.

You have a copy pasta for everything. You compile this shit or something??

You’re so clever and hip, man. Your tongue is bright red from the food coloring in the cool-aid. See I’m clever, too. Let’s grow beards and ride our bikes to get matching occult tattoos so we can be indistinguishable from everyone else in our peer group who loved Harry Potter until a new trend starts and posing as a drunk punk isn’t cool anymore and we have a personality crisis together.

I don't need porn, I can wank to this instead. Keep 'em comin' to keep me cumin'


Is it possible to learn this power?

Practice, practice, practice. Also, drink plenty of water everyday :3

Your mental illness is perverse. You are no different than pedophiles. Your self mutilation and the normalization of which is a risk to the family unit and therefore the fabric of the nation. We’re going to forcibly put you on a plane, boat, raft, anything and send you to literally anyone who will take you. If no one wants your degeneracy then we’ll probably quarantine an island in the middle of nowhere specifically for your kind.

I agree, but I'd also like to add I'm shaggin' yer nan m8

Big if true.

an island in the middle of nowhere specifically for your kind.

An island for fembois?

I am an Afrikan warlord who has literally never masturbated in my entire life, and impregnated several woman of all races. You are some pasty child who rubs his weewee to sexualized fictional characters on a screen. I am superior to you in every way pussy ass nigga.

If you can afford it, you should look into marraige counseling.

Is the counsellor or hot?

If you have to ask, you cant afford one.

Ffs, we’re all gonna be expected to give detailed responses! Stick to the script... migraine!

I want the dudes side of this story.

You won’t get his side of the story.., he’s sitting in the toilet with gonewild, porn hub, elephant porn and considering tinder or POF as his next option.

Money on OP being a hambeast

Maybe...could have an arse the size of a five bedroom apartment

y’all’s some intelligent fellers

So what are we now then? Bisexual, loose grip on reality man child that dresses like a menopausal scarecrow that signs anything and try's to flog it for ridiculous prices so he doesn't have to get a job or budget?