😍😍 Daddy is just like me! 😍😍

26  2018-04-11 by PantherChamp


Are you genuinely mentally challenged? Please use whatever little brain cells you have left after your glue huffing addiction to think a little bit before posting something as stupid as this again. Thanks and have a nice evening. src


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This must be reallllllly awkward for /u/BussyShillBot

it was a rebound relationship, r/drama and Snappy are my otp

Post Rule 34 or GTFO

(_(r/drama)====D~~~~~ (_)*(snappy)






I’m absolutely shocked that Daddy eats his feelings. Did not see that coming.

It's always refreshing to have a president who reflects the mental health of your average American ❀️

Showing Solidarity is a good way to be a conscientious Ally.

The physical one, too.

Fucking looooool πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Aspirations too. I mean he's a hall of fame Wrassler AND was on the TeeVee. American dream AND being El Presidente? 😍😍😍

El Presidente

Keep talking like that boy and we'll kick your ass back to where you demon worshipping mexiCAN'Ts belong!

SeΓ±or, I am from East LA. Esa, Im more American than a 350 pounder ordering two supersized drive through meals from my Rascal

Two people familiar with the situation told The Times the president had watched a Fox News piece about the so-called β€œdeep state” working to bring him down, pushing him further into a bad mood.

Whats this? Another u/PantherChamp agenda post? Low hanging daddy fruit? I cant beleive it.

You literally spend more time thinking about Trump than the most avid Fox News viewer. Sad!

why would we not think about someone who is both prominent and hilarious?

I would expect some Trump posts. It is a rich source of drama. Do they need to compromise 50% of all posts made on drama in a given day? It's low effort agenda posting, and it stinks.

Do they need to compromise 50% of all posts made on drama in a given day?

yes, obviously

It's low effort agenda posting, and it stinks.

and that’s a good thing.

being so serious

It's low effort agenda posting

perfect content for this sub tbh


Be funnier or stop sullying my good name

I'm only as good as the material I have to work with. Post better drama.

Lead by example

You've told me this before, dad.

I get a percentage of your karma. Regarding this ...


When you don't listen, I have to repeat myself.

P.S. You were adopted


By adopted I mean found tied up to a park bench

How much longer before you get this alt banned, I wonder?

Imagine being this butthurt when someone takes a YUGE dumb on daddy

Can you be any more of a whiny faggot? Lmaooo

Missed u buddy

Speak for yourself

You thought I was speaking for you?

I thought you were my voice in the fight against the patriarchy :(

A True AmericanTM Hero

Every damn time these stories come out DDF "ANON SOURCE REEE/ HE WAS FIRED HES LYING REEE" It wasnt even viable before he was dumb enough to let a writer hang out on his couch for a year.

This is news?

this is /r/drama dipshit

If anyone wants to throw shade at someone for being fat, eating junk food and consuming shitty media, well... it shouldn't be a redditor.