IRL Drama involving yours truly! College Drama also.

30  2018-04-12 by wazzupnerds

Imagine your in your second to last class of the day. This hour and half class is fine, because you understand all of the information already and you have a good seat to hid your phone and play on it the entire time. The only downside is a student that you had in the past class that likes to he’s better than you, and when he yells it out because he’s so fucking retarded, the professor doesn’t care and everyone calls him a retard and to shut up. Now imagine that your in that class and the student does his usual I’m better blah blah blah. Instead of saying nothing, you say I don’t care, kiss my ass. The professor then throws a hissyfit because that’s mean language. Which involves contacting the dean of students because that’s way too mean. That’s what happen to me yesterday. Fuucckkk me.

TL;DR: Professor gets mad that I said Kiss my ass to student that harassed me


I mean thats what you expect in the bible belt. Seriously though, I doubt the Dean does anything.

The only acceptable profanity in the south is the hard r

I prefer hard N

What do you think the hard r is? It sure ain’t for riojasaurus

I like all the hard syllables to be honest.

That’s because you like hard things as much as I like dinosaurs 🦖

🐝blocks your path🐝


The dudes I knew in Texas were pretty good at expressing their strong distaste for the blacks and gays without cussing. /r/drama's more outraged members could learn some creativity from them.


Do they have special classes for people like you or do they put you in normal classes and assign a tard guard?

No I’m not a retard. Apparently I’m “smart” enough for a scholarship

They usually give grants for young people with "special" attributes like you 😉

I’m not retarded damnit

That's exactly what /u/feeepo a retard would say

Ed everyone knows your a retard

your a retard

Thank you for proving my point!! 😘

another flawless victory by Ed

That is both true and irrelevant.

Take one to know one.

[citation needed]

Because the body of evidence based on your reddit posts would disagree.

Hmm? What’s the most retarded thing I’ve posted

Did you somehow forget the thread we're currently in

His helmet wasnt taped tight enough

If you think you're retarded, then you're not.

I wouldn't normally spell out that the reverse is true, if you don't think you're retarded, you might just be, but for someone like you, well...

You're a special person and you received a "scholarship."

W r o n g r o n g

Please complete this test.

Lol a ping pong scholarship.

gtfo and take your boring blogposts with you

👉 /r/teenagers


Oh, ok.

Seriously doubt the dean would do anything, if he does, sue the hell out of them, the student was impacting your learning negatively

I’m better blah blah blah

We deserve the truth. We want the exact words he use.

I’m in an Engineering program at my college and I hate people like that. They make classes more of a hassle than they already are. Those kids need to go the way of the dinosaurs 🦖

Imagine being so autistic you actually attended college instead of a trade school like a chad, where you learned how to repair HVAC and slay pussy 24x7

Imagine being in class

I'm an adult so no thanks


Imagination is for the unemployed and communists.

I live my dreams, son.


Don’t go to college if you’re not rich enough to donate. This is how you avoid problems like this

Do they not teach paragraph breaks anymore?

Is this some retarded Reddit greentext story?


“Imagine your in your second...”

You deserve Alabama

I got into trouble at work today because I yelled at a cute guy to kiss my ass but I really, really meant it.

> College

>Professor giving the slightest hint of interest in their students.

Pick one and only one, highschooler.

Regulars of r/Drama is this guy doing a bit?


I admire your commitment doggy.

Nick Saban touched me where it smells funny

Probably a good thing champ.

Is he wrong tho

The only downside is a student that you had in the past class that likes to he’s better than you, and when he yells it out

He yelled out that you were on your phone?

What happened between you and him in the past class that you both took?

Flunked out of college twice because it's fukken gay and I hate most of the people there.

It had nothing to do with badly managed ADHD and an undiagnosed anxiety disorder.