Channel Awesome responds to #ChangeTheChannel: “Them bitches was all liars”

33  2018-04-12 by Cleverly_Clearly


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Doubling down on a few things and saying "no u". The main point of the document was the unprofessionalism of the network, the incapabilities of Michaud and how they handled the firing of Holly and Lupa. Those were deflected entirely.

unprofessionalism of the network

But then again how much professionalism do you expect these kinda of people? Looking at this and going "these people must be really professional crowd"

In truth this is shit expected from the channel awesome.

There were behind-the-scenes people too though, that's what everyone is bitching about. Like, they had HR staff and everything, like a "real" company.

It is very clear things were handled very loose and fast at the company which pretty standard for people like this. Bunch of amateurs running a business with very little money.

They are amateurs, but at least amateurs would reply to your Skype conversations or update their site automatically or not let someone pass out while duck taped to a wall.

Can you explain what’s the drama about? All I can see is some guy rebuffing some random accusations (“didn’t protect females from troll comments” - lol) by claiming that the accusers are retarded. Which is not hard to believe, as these people not only watched but also worked for Channel Awesome.

Also I keep seeing timestamps from 2011 or 2013. If this drama was a person her tits would probably be hitting her knees by now.

As its been going on since 2011, its hard to encapsulate briefly, but I'll try:

Guy gets popular making internet reviews. Forms a network of other reviewers.

Starts treating people unprofessionally and/or abusively. These are popular reviewers, so its its pretty public when any of them get fired, or stage a mass exodus: Spoony, Obscurus Lupa, Phelous, Nostalgia Chick, Linkara, to name a few.

Finally culminates a few weeks ago with the 60 page "Not So Awesome" document in which all of these allegations are laid out in one consolidated location. I actually read a lot of it, its mostly pretty solid stuff, though some of it does comes off as petulant.

tl;dr wypipo problems

You're on /r/drama dude. That's the whole sub.

The complaints which come off as petulant or overblown should not be used to disregard the ones which are legitimate, though. And the "rebuttal" by CA didn't really do much to disprove any of the complaints. Holly tweeted out some chatlogs that she has saved which counter some of their claims about her, the chatlogs they released about Lindsay only take place after the drama had resolved and the scene had been altered, etc.

That is not going to help professional appearance.

Chances are the were though. Women scream misogyny whenever they don't get special trwatment.

Trying too hard.

did you have a stroke while typing that?

Ghazi is having a melt down

So they failed to fully edit out the name in this picture, where it might start with a "J", and the timing of mid-February 2013 lines up perfectly with when the late JewWario left Channel Awesome. For those who don't know, JewWario was a very popular contributor to the site who a lot of the other reviewers got along with, and the whole community had a mourning period when he committed suicide about a year later.

Which means that the accused sexual predator in the "Not So Awesome" document might be having his identity protected because it's JewWario and everyone would look awful after all their public praise of the guy in the wake of his death.

Does this mean all those people covered up knowing this guy was a sexual predator to their customers or whatever, or they may have driven him to suicide on the inside or something because that sounds like juicy drama

I have no idea, the accusation itself is already super fucking sketchy (the victim claims she was "groomed" despite being 18 at the time, because she was "mentally 16"), and the degree to which everyone talked to each other behind the scenes has never really been clear. From what I can tell this was like 3 weeks of whispers before they dumped the guy.

I do wonder if all the over-the-top praise and public mourning after he committed suicide was due to worrying they might have contributed to his death.

Well if it was based on mental age all sex with feminists would be rape. Oh wait.

Its an interesting theory, but you'd think one of the other CA producers might have said something by now? They aren't exactly tight-lipped, especially these days.

JewWario being a sexual predator is the kind of thing that would make this dramastorm explode beyond anything that's happened so far. Pretty much every single Channel Awesome contributor at the time of his death (including most, if not all, of the figureheads for this #ChangeTheChannel drama) sang his praises and urged everyone in their fanbase to join them in mourning him.

The resulting urge by both the more dramatic reviewers and their fanbases to call each other out for supporting a predator would tear apart the group via increasingly catty infighting.

Wow. Based on what we've heard of Mike Michaud, it seems like something he would totally do, "mis-censoring" that image on purpose to throw mud.

I'm thinking it will have the opposite effect, though. But I could be giving humanity too much credit.

I think you're over-estimating Michaud's brightness. He probably censored it because he didn't want to get yelled at for revealing it or because he was worried it'd bounce back on Rob and Doug as well as all the ex-contributors. And because he clearly cobbled this post together at 3am while plastered, he fucked up the censorship job.

Lol KiA is reee-ing about those evil sjws and their conspiracies to defraud the fine and upstanding Channel, while Ghazi is reee-ing about how the entire root cause of this is misogyny. What the fuck even is life anymore?

That sounds like the standard reaction for both subreddits to any controversy both of them might pay attention to, what is surprising?

One is to recompense you for any sort of light upon the method, and you make him just as well for his resolution, perhaps, for her at a glance that he held in his conclusions.

Not surprising, really. but just because a ferris wheel only goes in the same circle doesn't mean it isn't fun to see the view.

As far as I'm concerned, everyone involved in this is a dumbass, and I'm taking whichever side Linkara isn't on.