Clearly, Mayos have Left Aunt Tiffa no Choice But Mayocide.

14  2018-04-12 by thesnakeinthegarden


Have you posted bussy yet?


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sooo many time, friendo.

Have you?🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

I know its RWW, but fuck me if watching a tanned, glisten toothed anthropomorphized leather bag talk about the president's dangle for 15 minutes isn't funny as shit.

Its 100% pure turbo-projectionism, lol.

I kick it root down

I put my root down

I kick it root down, I put my root down

So how we gonna’ kick it?

Gonna’ kick it root down

Yeah, how you wanna’ kick it?

Gonna’ kick it root down

So how you gonna’ kick it?

Gonna’ kick it root down

Gonna’ break it on down, gonna’ kick it root down

How will Mueller ever recover?

Hell, if this is true, incels will switch from pro-trump to anti-trump. That's 20% of the trump crowd!

Who knew Donnie Big Cock was such a buff jock Chad?!

Lol conservatism is really jumping the shark in an embarrassing way with this Trump nonsense. Imagine being so spooked by demographic shifts you hitch all your hopes and dreams on that orange idiot who can barely read.

8 years

no Trump's jail sentence will be longer than that

Longest complete sentence he ever managed.

is this guy the new hal turner?

This guy was the presidential nominee for the Libertarian Party at one point. So, if Hal Turner called himself a 'sovereign citizen of thee Youuuu-nited States-uh', then yeah. Maybe.

lmao this country owns