It’s real and it’s spectacular

36  2018-04-12 by Strictlybutters


“He just rolled on, unprompted, explaining why it couldn’t possibly be true, ending by saying he was thinking of asking me to investigate the allegation to prove it was a lie. I said it was up to him.”

Holy shit, this is absolutely something only guilty people do.

Ask the FBI to investigate them?

No, blather on about they $100% did not do at all ever even a little, and how fucking crazy as that, without it even being a topic of conversation in the first place. Of course he’d never actually ask the FBI to investigate that.

When youre the president and youre a moron and you expect the fbi to wink, laugh and say "lol, totally innocent." Yes.

Imagine asking the acting FBI director to help reassure your wife that the rumors about you getting peed on by prostitutes in Moscow are false. I mean just think for a second about how preposterous that sounds lmao.

Thank God like three other people replied, because I tried to think of a way to communicate to a retard something so obvious and simple.

Ooga booga

That your mom's safe word, or your daddy's country of origin? XD

Yes duh


Holy shit inshallah

The man is a neurotic idiot so it seems pretty in character for him actually.

Comey said he privately wondered why Melania might think there was even a 1 percent chance the allegations were true, claiming there is “zero chance” his own wife would believe such a claim.

”In what kind of marriage, to what kind of man, does a spouse conclude there is only a 99 percent chance her husband didn’t do that?” he writes in the book, which hits shelves April 17.

Comey probably has a dead bedroom and is a puritanical kinkshamer smh 🤦‍♀️

Dude’s like 6’7”, can you really blame gussy like Patrice Failor for not wanting to have her cervix repeatedly pounded by Comey’s Corndog?

I don’t know he managed to get away with packing that kind of heat in a non conceal carry municipality like DC.

I’d like to think my lady friend would believe reports of my having Russian hookers pee on things for me 100% without hesitation.

Unless they were reports of high-priced Russian hookers. That she’d know was fake.

If the pee tape is real we should project it on the moon for the entire country to watch together

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Holy shit where did you find this?????

Googling ascii art, there's alot. Oh wait, I mean I made it myself.🤥




I would be content with seeing it on my smartphone.

What times we live in

This is golden

Comey said he privately wondered why Melania might think there was even a 1 percent chance the allegations were true, claiming there is “zero chance” his own wife would believe such a claim.

Imagine being such a bore that your SO wouldn't even envisage the possibility of you having done watersport.

when you're as hung as Daddy Comey, even missionary becomes hardcore BDSM

Trump's face "appeared slightly orange," Comey wrote, "with bright white half-moons under his eyes where I assumed he placed small tanning goggles." He also observed that Trump's hair "looked to be all his" and that his hands were "smaller than mine, but did not seem unusually so.”

Looks like Comey’s book it going to be all kinds of petty 😂

Comey is 6'7" so we can safely assume that Trump's hands would be smaller than his even if Trump had normal hands.

That's what makes it such a sick burn. It's an absolutely true statement.

Comey is a slimey shill. I don’t trust him anymore than his handlers.