/r/ChapoTrapHouse, go on /r/drama

12  2018-04-12 by XovNielkArze




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u/wintersnstuff come here for a second

Asuh dude?

My man. Do we really think judging spez by his mayo appearance is furthering the "racism on reddit" is bad narrative?

Ugh, maybe you’re right, racism against white people is a serious problem and I should stop

You guys need to focus on the most oppressed group in history, dinosaurs 🦖

Dinosaurs are definitely a marginalized group, but I’m gonna say the giant squid is juuuuuust a little more oppressed

Lies dinosaurs 🦖 are the best at being oppressed. They were genocided to extinction


many respects to dinosaurs. as an homage to those majestic lizards, you should upload a diversity dinosaur pic and /r/drama users can tag themselves as what dinosaur they'd be

I like this

I'd like to 🐝 a 🐝

Ya like jazz?


Drama is mayocide headquarters, but I just want to make sure we're on the same page.

So, you unironicly beleive being racist is ok in some circumstances? Are you one of those "institutional power" types?

No, racism is never ok. However, as a straight white male myself, I do not believe racism against white people exists, and am inclined to believe it can’t practically exist. Sure, u/spez looks like a group leader in Hitler Youth, but I only say that because he’s made it preeeeeetty clear he doesn’t have a problem with people using his site specifically to advance white supremacist ideology

Ok then. Some other sperg will be with you shortly to tell you what a tard you are, but before I go I would like to thank you for your time and remind you that chapo is for giant faggots. Keep up the good work!

Oh no I’m owned

No one owns a straight white male...yet.

Give me a few more months to do white genocide, I’ll get us there

Sure, u/spez looks like a group leader in Hitler Youth,

spez playing the long con, receiving orders from Nahtzee orders from their base in the bunker underneath antarctica, to groom the 7th most trafficked site in USA into cryptofascism

I mean that sounds like a challenge. I can definitely make racism against the mayobacks a thing. Grab a few and do a good old fashioned drag.

It is not racism wanting remove the oppressor class. It is merely self-defense. White people being inferior humans due their lack of melanin their skin. That is just race realism.


I unironically believe that being racist against whites is no big deal in most cases.

Didn't say it was. I don't think so either. I think people assign too much emotional value to racism. And what we're talking about specifically is racism on Reddit. A company not hiring blacks is a separate issue from what I'm talking about.

These people want racist language banned from Reddit. But ascribing negative values to someone based on their ethnic appearance is racist language. So, are we advocating for a double standard? It should be "saying racist things on Reddit is allowed." Or "Saying racist things on Reddit is not allowed." I'm fine either way as long as people are consistent.

No one is ascribing values to anyone based on appearance. However, I am making judgments based on people’s prior statements and actions

spez looks like a group leader in Hitler Youth

🤔 looks are now value judgements about actions.

Well, those brown people look like criminals. Not racist btw, just opining on actions.

You realize the only reason I’m making the comparison is because of what he’s said in the past, right?

Hitler stuff? Do tell

White people smell like chalk and their hair blows around like dog fur. Gross.

It’s not racism it’s race realism. The white bois on /r/cth are proof that white is not alright

Why do all these commies act like such niggers?

Ayo u/feeepo someone is stealing your shtick

acting like that is not a feeepo alt account.

Acting like there is only one person who calls people niggers on Reddit

Imagine being so delusional you actually believe memeing about the mayocide is in any way controversial.

how many yall like sex


I'm laughing because I know

thankj you

This is an incel sub



Gamers are only barely more human than wh*te ""people""