Is it rude to call a roastie a hefier? 🤔

4  2018-04-13 by Osericc


You're not shit next to me. My genes are just light years superior to yours and I don't even need to look at you.


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/u/bitchassbarbie can I ask you something pls

I already told you: no, I will not have sex with you, and no, you can’t use my guest room for a couple weeks to film your incest furry porn video, no matter how “classy and sophisticated” you swear it will be.

This is a stay at home mother, ladies and gentleman.

Would you say your lack of post-secondart education, and copious amounts of time spent alone have made you more, or less, interesting than before you got knocked up?

Oh baby, you know I love it when you talk dirty to me ;)

I think I saw your youtube channel before. I find you very interesting btw. For those of you who don't know /u/BitchAssBarbie, she's an ethical vegan feminism with aspergers who teaches music and mathematics, and she's also a gay evangelical Christian.

I'm a huge fan.

Meh. The moment passed.

Is that what you say to your husband when he's trying to have his monthly 10 minutes with you?

You have the attention span of a stay at home mother.

Would you be interested in selling some makeup products in your free time? I have a great offer for you!


🙄I can't get used to this one.

I guess it's a bit forced (unlike bussy jokes XD)

Lmao you pissed off some fat women who's bodies vaguely resemble those of cows.

I guess so. A lot of downvotes for post not from masterlawlz

Or, they pissed off people (theres men on that sub) who don’t sit back and let people bully someone for their looks. Grow up.

What the fuck went wrong in your life to make you a defender of fat fucking women who sell eye liner???

I can almost guarantee you this will not get you laid. Almost.

the same faggots who mocked zuccerberg’s height

This sounds like something a manlet would say.

This is why i love r/drama can insult anyone i want.