When will you people understand?
9 2018-04-13 by Yakubs_Creation
I am but a formulation of the devil Yakub's hand, but still I was gifted with the understanding of tricknology and I wish to pass my knowledge onto you. The black devils have been manipulating your fragile and calcified pineal glands for centuries and it is my duty to awaken you from your slumber.
Remember the "MeToo" movement? Do you ever find it curious that the black devil tribe is completely immune to this witch hunt while the supposed "chosen people" Jews are being brought down left and right for their sexcapades? Hopefully you do, and now we have proof that the demonic Yakubian descendants are immune from criticism.
Imagine for a moment if a white man or Jew were to show these same behaviors, what would the consequences be?
Here, one of Yakub's own is blatantly rubbing in your pale faces that their tribe is completely immune to the accusations of sexism and misogyny. Why? Because the Yakubian conspiracy is so insidious and treacherous that they've manipulated your mayo minds into putting them above reproach.
In this instance we see a "Latina" (another of Yakub's side projects) trying to garner sympathy for the terrors she experienced in the "hip hop" industry. As we should all know by now no attention nor care will be shown to her complaints. The Yakubian tribal descendants get their way at the expense of women globally without even the most minor of criticism. They have trained the world well to ignore their transgressions.
I beg of you, wake up and study tricknology. The eternal trickster Yakub has passed his knowledge to his descendants and they've cast a spell upon the world which gives them immunity from the consequences of their actions.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-04-13
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1 Jimbo_B_Beterson 2018-04-13
Shut the fuck up you albanoid freak.
1 Yakubmadeamistake 2018-04-13
1 Ed_ButteredToast 2018-04-13