SRD are unironically a bunch of pigfuckers

97  2018-04-13 by NardDogAndy




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Fucking Christ, that sub. It just oozes smugness out of every pixel.

I'm having a halal kebab while not fucking animals, because I'm not a degenerate with a superiority complex.

Yikes, your post is problematic, but I added it as a flair, tee hee.

Check ur mod privilege

Not to mention gross

That would make a killer snappy phrase.

Fucking Christ, that sub. It just oozes smugness out of every pixel.

If you're surprised by now, I don't know what to tell you.

Fucking Christ, that sub. It just oozes smugness out of every pixel.

What's hilarious is that we're significantly superior to them. The surveys made this pretty clear if it wasn't already obvious. Just a little over 10% of /r/Drama posters are NEETs. The SRD mods themselves literally say that the average SRDine is a NEET.

TBH that's more because that mod can't read statistics and their question wording was shit. SRD has a lot of NEETs compared to the average pop (it is Reddit after all), but I don't know how that mod got that they were the "average user". It's hilarious that the retards on /r/drama can make a better survey than the ""intellectuals"" on SRD.

Why is that sub so smug? Like I can totally see how /r/imgoingtohellforthis got infested with mayo pride ubermenschkins, but I don't get how "let's laugh at people taking Reddit too seriously" turned into such a circle jerk.

My theory is that not allowing pinging lolcows makes it turn into a smug circle jerk. If you're only allowed to look and judge from afar, it turns into smugposting about how the featured idiots are wrong. Nobody ever shows up to make them argue and lower themselves to the level of the people they mock. And if a lolcow follows totes over and starts arguments they ban the lolcow :(

Ah yes, pinging. The cornerstone of a healthy meta sub.

I do sometimes think tiers of membership would be helpful here. Like have designated lolcows be allowed to submit content, but give them some sort of voting restrictions. Too often I see quality drama get downvoted just because it makes Daddy look like an ass. I wonder if that's because his children are more heavily present on this sub or if they just are more likely to downvote things that make them uncomfortable.

Of course, you can't throw a downvote into a crowd of Dramaposters and not hit someone who two thirds of the sub would want to hit with this restriction, so this is actually a horrible idea and I should be banned for even suggesting it.

It's broader than just pinging, but I think that the no-ping rule perfectly encapsulates the SRD mods' discouragement of drama within the sub. Big slapfights will get deleted or the mods lock the thread if things get too heated. But sometimes you have to roll around in the mud with the lolcows a bit to remind you that you aren't actually any better than most of the people you're mocking.

I'm better because I feel better 😡

Sorry, no. I am a sentient, sapient creature capable of independent thought. Therefore, I can choose my partner. Comparing homosexuality to bestiality proves him to be either a religious Fundamentalist, or alt-right (Neo-Nazi or duped idiot not realising the term was invented by Neo-Nazis.)


lmfao at u

Hahahahahaha that is peak SRD

Probably alt right or Russian

Retarded but at least it's somehow less retarded than the person saying "but what if the horse consents?"


if horses can "consent" to being kidnapped from the wild and 🐝 domesticated then they can certainly consent to 🐝 ing 🦆ucked in the ass

I'm not digging your new emoji use tbh.

Kill all vegans! They are all terrorists !!!


Yeah that's what I said XD

What the fuck am I reading? What is that thread?

This is what happens when everyone on the sub wants to feel morally suprerior to others.

God I fucking despise animals, souless fucks

There really is no good rational argument against beastiality if you also support animal aggriculture. Thats why it's also my favorite topic: Very likely to get heated, goes to core principles of peoples lives, has only two sane answers (either consent matters always or it never does).

buddy if u wanna eat the pig u gotta fuck the pig. become a man

It's the humane thing to do, really. If you're going to kill it at least show it a good time first.

At least fuck it before you take it out to dinner

I'd say there's naturalistic grey area in that hunting other animals occurs ubiquitously but then I remembered that video of the monkey jerking off with a frog's mouth.

just realised copy pasting this from srd is gonna have me labelled as an animal fucker by the fbi

goes to core principles of peoples lives, has only two sane answers (either consent matters always or it never does).

I think this statement partially explains their smugness. Consent is their highest and only virtue. The problem is, nearly every little thing around them happens without their consent which sort of explains why nearly everything is oppression or problematic.

It's easy to be a good person and feel superior to everyone around you when all you have to do is keep to yourself and eat vegetables.

Nice bait

I actually agree with the point, but the opposing tought is that we kill animals humanly and without letting them suffer and that therefore it's closer to euthanasia than to murder.

If that were valid it would be fine to kill other humans without consent so long as it was 'humane'.

Yes, the point is that animal consent doesn't matter, like a brain dead person consent do not matter for euthanasia.

So you focus on the suffering and the minimisation of it.

Brain dead people are typically not euthanized. They just remove treatment (often a ventilator) and allow them to die of their disease.

Euthanasia is a rare and convoluted process that's only legal in certain states under certain circumstances and typically still requires a surrogate to give consent.

Brain dead people are typically not euthanized. They just remove treatment (often a ventilator) and allow them to die of their disease.

The way of dying are sort of irrellevant. And it's still considered euthanasia.

Did you read your own link? See how they talk about active vs passive? See how one is illegal? See how one would only work on those that are terminally ill? See how the pigs we eat are different?

Even passive euthanasia is still euthanasia.

As for the pig we eat, we could do passive euthanasia by stopping to feed them, but it would be inhumane. So we choose the most humane way of killing.

Look dude you're not gonna get to fuck coma patients. Sorry.

Look dude you're not gonna get to fuck coma patients


If I can have sex with a girl if I gain consent, why isn't consensual cannibalism legal? 🤔

There was that Japanese chef that cut off his cock and balls, sold meal tickets, and served them up for a few hundred dollars a plate

How many plates of dick can an asian dude actually supply? I'm thinking entree for a cat.

just load it up with side dishes

Sounds like a nice evening out.

If you're beta enough to fuck around with "consent" you don't deserve delicious lady-meat.

Also see incest or polygamy as compared with homosexuality.

either consent matters always or it never does

I was with you until this.

How many of y'all like sex with animals?

I would never ever EVER even DREAM of fornicating with a dinosaur 🦖


( ͡° ͜ʖ ) ͡°

( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ) ͡ᵔ

you're more of a bronto bottom then huh

/u/AugustusTheWolf but unironically

August Ames but not after kept herself safe.

this but unironically

no i do not want to fuck /u/pizzashill

My man know. He's laughing cause he know

I fucked your Mom last night, so that definitely counts as fucking a disgusting animal

They are both pigfuckers and pigs getting fucked, depending on their gender. They also enjoy fornicating with animals.

people are animals


Hot. When do I get my pony gf?

Fuck me. How can you call yourself a drama sub when lock a post cos some ramdon window lickers.

u/Zachums and his shitty little dog should be gassed

SRD is for looking at drama, while r/drama is for talking about fucking animals. smdh these newfags don't know the protocol.

Did you ban anyone? Because if I'm banned from SRD but pigfuckers aren't, that reveals a hell a lot about the moderation there.

Are you banned from SRD?

Yes. When the bans even hit poor innocent Redactor0, the most harmless man on the internet, you know the mods are out of control.

Yeah, but are you actually banned?

Did you unban me to make me look like an idiot? This is gaslighting!

Just don't troll or start using slurs, big guy.


Can I still call people "pug owners" on SRD tho



I've been told my name is a slur but I haven't been banned yet I'm not sure if this is something that needs to be rectified

For you?

SRD is about posting the inevitable disagreement in the comment section of a news article as a thinly veiled way to smugly jerk each other off about the topic in the article. It hasn't been about "looking at drama" since before SRS and Laurelai.

I don't understand how anybody can visit SRD and come away with any opinion other than it's one of the safest spaces to discuss drama.

Locking because we have some real fucking weirdos advocating for animal abuse in here. Stop being gross and try to be normal, thanks.

/u/Zachums disgusted with his subreddit full of pig fuckers

I'm just projecting my own disgusting, non-degenerate standards on the rest of the SRDines.

You make me sick

Look here, I'm not going to be scolded on my views of beastiality by someone who has "nard" and "dog" in their username.

Fuck you, I'll use my peanut butter however I like.

That sub is bad in large part because of you, you're a shit moderator and a shitty human being

It's actually slowly getting better. They hate me because of my strict policies on removing a bunch of social justice threads.

right right, you're such a martyr.

you're one of the most insufferable SRD mods and your head is as firmly lodged up your own ass as anyone else in that sub

I have faith you'll get over this temporary period of, what experts call, "being mad". Have a great Friday and subsequent weekend, random citizen!

No, I legitimately dislike you quite a bit

you are SRD personified, so much unjustified self-importance

I didn’t think you were joking lmao 👌

No, I legitimately dislike you quite a bit

Having distinct opinions on someone online, especially someone in a meta sub is really, really, really dumb.

Of course they are. The consent argument makes no sense, and people are going to keep making it forever.

God warned us about this.

Ok... and that just brings us back full circle: where does justified gut-feeling lawmaking stop? You're saying your ickiness is enough justification to ban bestiality, which sounds innocuous until the next guy decides to ban homosexuality because "as a human, there's few things that make me more uncomfortable than men having sex".

-So even if gut-feeling were a justification, you'll certainly agree than some other criterion must exist to distinguish gut-feelings that deserve to be made into law and gut-feelings that don't.

tl;dr you can't avoid the thorniness of the issue by just one-upping how grossed out you feel.


Setting aside that you are equating homosexuality with beastiality this issue is really fucking simple, human beings can consent, animals cannot. Why is this distinction so difficult for you to understand?

Don't even bother with that guy lol. He just goes back to saying people are focusing on the ickyness. Except something can be icky AND wrong because an animal cannot consent. You kill both birds with 1 stone by legislating against bestiality (and then you don't fuck the damn dead birds).

Yo retard, he is completely right. Animals cant consent, but they cant consent to anything, because the consent of animals dont matter

Like at all

Do you think my dog is consenting to live with me?

Fuck no

If you think my dog consent matters he becomes a slave, and so it would be morally wrong for me to have a pet

The only kind of bestiality that is morally wrong is the one that harms the animal. But a dog isnt harmed when he humps your leg.

Otherwise it isnt morally wrong, just gross as fuck and a waste of your time

Peak SRD is going " is wrong because is ewwww and icky muh feels feels "

Dissapointed at you too /u/zachums smh fam

Thank you for your input, 6 day old account.

Is me! the hue guy

The comparison was to gay sex in order to try to turn it into some slippery slope bullshit. Humans can consent to sex, so even if some people think it's icky, it's still not comparable to bestiality because animals are incapable of consent. 👏Stop👏Defending👏SRDine👏Animalfuckers👏

If the gays want to do what they will under their own roof, so be it

If you want to fuck a dog under your own roof, so be it

I don't want to see or think about either

i am right u r wrong 😄

This guy fucks his slave dog

It's a valid parallel in this instance". Either animal consent matters in which case killing them and inseminating them on an industrial scale seems far worse. Or animal consent doesn't matter in which case what reasoning do you have for opposing bestaliaty besides "ew, icky"? In the latter scenario, "ew" can be applied to conceivably anything.

Thanks, that's exactly it.

How is this hard to grasp? I obviously don't want bestiality; but what I want even less is laws based on what people find gross.

Because we don’t give a fuck about animal consent in any other context

I don't care if people want to fuck pigs. I mean it's degenerate and I'll judge you, but I don't care. If it's OK to kill something I think it's OK to fuck it. Besides, trollx posters need love too.

I dont know why people have to judge something as morally wrong before laughing at it or judging it

Is gross as fuck, thats enough for me to judge, morality has nothing to do with it

Farm animals are killed for food. Fucking an animal is for pleasure. Killing animals for pleasure is also wrong. It's not the same thing.

Killing animals for pleasure is also wrong.

I enjoy hunting. I just use the meat afterwards. How is "killing for pleasure" wrong?

Well you eat the meat after, so you are getting food out of it. It's not like you're shooting the animals and just leaving their rotting carcasses behind.

But you can survive perfectly healthily without meat. So it is a matter of pleasure, not one of survival - you choose to eat meat because you get pleasure from it.

Also, do you think it matters to the animal whether they are or aren't being eaten afterwards? The end result is almost identical.

Vegetarianism is a meme

I don't need to eat meat though. I could be a vegetarian, but I like the pleasure of meat.

Take a horse. Standing behind a horse is dangerous as fuck. If the horse was unhappy she would kick the shit out of a horse fucker. But if he doesn't, is it consent?

I, too, watched that Dan Savage talk.