4chan is down

28  2018-04-13 by RavenRedux




  1. This Post - archive.org, megalodon.jp*, removeddit.com, archive.is

I am a bot. (Info / Contact)

Wow, are we sure this is a bot?

It has eliminated the other competitors. RIP zozbot, bussybot

Whaddya mean, r/drama is still up


We’re safe from the hacker known as 4chan!


Did the FBI finally seize it?

The only way it could happen is if the US actually managed to pressure the Japanese government into some kind of action.

The servers are in the USA and Canada dumbass.

Unless it’s actually a criminal enterprise they almost always try and deal with the site owners/management first instead of just contacting the host.

The US? More like woops seized ur hard drives soz XD

Daily reminder that 4chan, 8chan and 2channel are all based in freedom loving 'Murica.

Hiro lives in America now?

I don't know if were dropped on your head or your parents are brothers and sisters but there's this invention call the (((internet))) that lets you do things like watch all that furry porn you love so much or order the HRT drugs you take every day.

It also let's people run websites from across the globe.

I give it 3 hours before it's back up.

It has been 3 hours since it went down, the latest comments on the front page are 3 hr+ old.

This happens like twice a month.

It really doesn't, I can''t remember the last time it's been completely down for more than an hour or two.

It happened a couple weeks ago iirc.


omg is this is it? cant be

My balls are already turning blue from lack of r9k trap threads.

But I want to make fun of americans and complain about /pol/ :'(

But how will I troll /pol/tards now?

First Krautchan, now 4chan. Did the Illuminatus finally realize the power of magical memeing and are now genociding the meme generation?

Boards are up.

I honestly don't know what to do now. I've mainly been looking at old threads. It stopped working around 8 AM est

Boards seem to be up now, although frontpage is offline.

I wanted to shitpost reeeeee