Why have numales and soyboys started using "ya'll"

72  2018-04-13 by CHAD_THUNDERCUCK

You'd think they would avoid words used in red Trump voting states and stick to juvenile beta terms like "yikes" and "gross".


Because it's also part of the vernacular of sassy slay kweens so they're trying to reclaim it from the racists and rednecks.

The first half of this is also why they always say "folks" instead of "people".

I've said folks my whole life and I'm a hate speecher.

Because you guys is gendered so they opted for y'all.

It's like white women using "YAAS QUEEN". They want to imitate sassy black woman speak to seem down with minorities.

i thought they stole that shit from queers

who do you think queers stole that shit from?

I always find the argument about "yass" hilarious because in Glasgow it's been a thing since forever but it's more associated with blokiness.

I find people who prefer their bussy hairy hilarious.

You sound fat.

I'm ex-fat, princess.

all of its sounds scottish

folks, youse, yaaas ya bass

makes me feel self conscious when I have to speak to kids who appear to be using the same sociolect as me

It went like this: black women -> gay black guys -> mayo gays -> mayo ladies -> normies -> /r/Drama

Isn't this sub mostly flamboyantly gay poc?


you’re mixing up the etymologies of two “queens” here, it’s honestly a little embarrassing

y’all are thinking of everything ELSE that RuPaul says

white women do it to sound like gay people

no black person has ever said “YAAS” without several layers of white irony

It's both that black people do it, and that it makes them sound "folksy" and "authentic".

"folksy" and "authentic"

probably grew up in a upper-middle class suburb

Look man, I didn't say it made sense.

I know, I was mocking those kinds of people

These are the kind of people that unironically pay more to live in a terribly insulated apartment that has exposed brick and ductwork.

honestly, a lot of upper-middle class suburbs already talked like that

just not north of Arkansas

I'm on the west coast and if I hear a white person say y'all who isn't actually from the south I'm immediately suspicious. Nobody says that here.

not THAT far west

I mean like, Montana or something maybe

Yeah this was gonna be exactly the comment I made. In all fairness, it's also gender neutral in a way that something like "guys" is so I get it, but it's affected as hell.

See also, "folks".

And "yous"

I actually do say "youse" irl and sometimes over text.




Oy vey

Working-class mayos in Philadelphia say it all the time too.

I legit say y'all. But I also bathe in a crick, so who knows..

youse is a New York/Jersey expression. it didn’t have far to go.

Well Philadelphia is essentially a borough that broke away and migrated southwards.

Collect ur folxs, yall

You're such a knob for trying to police folks, I'm from a town where lots of adults started sentences to a big group with "Folks..." and you just need to shut your yapper right now, stop with the appropriation accusations before I appropriate your anus.

The only thing they won't appropriate from sassy black folks is all that icky Christianity.

"my auuuuuunnnttttiiieeeee" 👏👏👏👏

don't forget "folks"

Hasn’t that been going on for like 10 years now tho?

I don't know, but I hate it and they deserve genocide.

Non-Southerners and non-blacks that say y'all-icide when?

Southerners get it regardless tbqhwyf


That’s how everyone talks where I’m from.

Are you from Brooklyn?


Because they are pretending to be black women, while failing to understand that black people have more in common with white Southerners than with Yankee genderbeards.

lol I specifically remember you being an /r/incels poster OP. I'm 100% certain about this. I even posted your drama here a bunch back in the good old days when I had a different acct. You came to defend your degeneracy and it was fun :)

GOOD point

why have numales and soyboys

juvenile beta terms


We need encompassing insults for women who suffer the same mental deficiencies and it needs to also evoke the same fits of rage, while being I dunno, actually clever.

I'm sticking with 'whiny faggots' until then.

Fuck. I've been saying y'all for years now, am I gonna have to stop?

Are you a hick or a faggot?

Por que no los dos?

Only hicks or faggots say yall, which are you?


So both

I said that in spanish

It's spelled "y'all" you monkey

This is honestly the worst part, these fuckers can't even spell it correctly.

They think it's a "cool black people" word, it's the same deal with "soul food." Little do they know that in the post-racial paradise that is the South, everyone uses "y'all" all the time and it's completely unremarkable in every way and signifies absolutely nothing.

Why have frustrated virgins started using numales and soyboys?

they're tryin to appropriate my southern slang REEEEEEEEEEEEEE



It's gender neutral

because I moved to the South, and as a soy tastemaker everybody else copied me

Generally the same reason as they use "folks" -- to avoid using gendered works altogether, since each time they do it reminds them that deep down inside, they know traps are gay, and that they aren't actually men.

That's painful, and lacking the maturity of an actual man who could handle this, they must avoid it so their pussies don't hurt too much.

It's gender neutral

More precise than “you [plural]”. Less retarded than “youse”. Half the syllables of “you guys”.