Well-hung social retard goes to /r/SzechuanSauceSeekers (fucking LOL) to Sperg-bait convicted pedophile /u/Everbanned. Everbanned gets REKT so bad he bans me from the sub. To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to post there.

2  2018-04-13 by Missy2Real


/u/Everbanned Did your penis become erect when you banned me?

Did your penis in the jar next to your bed get flaccid when you sperged out and autistically screeched all over the place?

Not really, being a sperg is my normal state

Dont they have pills for that or something

The world cyanide supply ran low and the pills are becoming hard to find.

But then that might interfere me boning ur mom lmao

I thought you were a tranny? Both my parents are actualy quite attractive.

No I don't have that mental illness, just all of the other ones

Ahhh I see. Ill let my mom know you called then.

It's pretty hilarious that you thought this post might get any traction here. No one gives two shits about your petty little narcissistic squabble in a totally inconsequential subreddit. Honestly it's sorta sad that you can't even seem to find a single friend here in the land of pathetic social rejects. I pity you, sad little tryhard troll.


Now enjoy your new pasta and fuck off, loser.



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