Stormfront Shutdown. r/drama 1,000+ current users 🤔

113  2018-04-13 by grosspb


Were they attracted here by mayocide memes? IIRC they're very into white genocide.

Edit: this is my most upvoted comment. awesome.

Edit 2: u/grosspb thinks me editing a comment to make note of the fact I acknowledged a true issue, resulting in 2.7k upvotes is “cringeworthy” — listen, I take zero pride in this. It’s a lame comment, that shouldn’t garner 2700+ upvotes. But it did.

The awesome part of this is the fact that such an everyday comment get votes like this, and hundreds of replies. I’m not gloating, if anything, this is a facepalm because I added a small amount of local specific knowledge that a copy and paste writer couldn’t, and it got way more attention than it probably deserves. Point is, someone, somewhere might have thought about their coverages, or lack thereof.

If that helps get someone back on their feet, well, I guess I deserve the cringe.

Just like they are all into cuck porn

Providing a Community Safe from TITrCJ's Sexual Advances Since October 2015.


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Oh Jesus Christ. Duck and cover!

someone hold me plsss 😭


Hopefully under water until the bubbles stop

Oh it just got real.

Radical centrism may become radical cross burning.

We're a radical centrist Nazi sub now! Gas the jews, but not the blacks or the Mexicans.

Omnicide now?

We're a radical centrist Nazi sub now

I mean, for half of the subs here that's already true

Gas the jews,

“Zionists”, Adolf. Think of the optics.

Dress up in black robes and Lynch mayos.

aww man where will I get my sheets from now?

Why are u on stormfront? 🤔

Internet historiography, you of all people should understand!😭

suuuuuuuure. <.<

not ddiving for nazi drama

I'm disappointed snallyv

It's not worth it. I visited once or twice for drama and to read threads about how they're infiltrating online communities, and the only thing remotely dramatic I found was a thread discussing DIY dental treatment. I'm sure there's a lot in there, but it's just not worth combing through imo. It's probably just the same shit you'd find on /pol/ but with a slightly older and less tech-savvy demographic.

/pol/yps and stormoids are prone to so much low quality drama, too; make a thread about how you're breaking up with your qt azn gf to preserve mayokind is /pol/ flamebait 100% of the time. Exploring that end of the horseshoe is like diving in a dumpster of low quality drama.

Why are you on furry subs? 🤔.edjpg

Weren't a lot of prominent posters Jewish or FBI?

Wait I thought the mayocide thing was a joke and we’re all rabid racists.

What, stormfront .onion? Will (((they))) never stop?

Yes the (((jews))) will never stop

Schwulland, Schwulland überalles...

What are you talking about? and r/stormfront are still there.

Heil Bussy


There was actually a bit of a bump late last night. Was that when it went down?

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme | deletthis

Totally unrelated, but are you able to add SnapshillBot quotes? Someone sent me a link to the revisions for the wiki and you were in it. I wanted to try to get the quotes from bussyshillbot in it.

Yeah but you have to link me the wiki because I always forget where it is. What are you asking exactly? You want me to add new quotes to snapshill bot that were being used on bussybot?

Yup. I'll find the link and quotes and send them to you.

Can confirm, am a Stormfront refugee. I'm just looking for a place to shitpost and bully people. You have no right to deport me.

How does it feel to have your opinion developed and engineered by a foreign government?

Pretty good. It's exotic. Other countries have a lot to offer in terms of new ways to hate foreigners

Smells like vodka



btw, I can't believe I actually went there to check it, what am I even doing with my life^

I did see that they're running low on donations though. Wonder how long they'll last?

This sub is far from centrist. It's getting more and more left leaning as the SRDings migrate over here.

everytime nazis get das boot from somewhere, why do they think that they can come here with their message of hate! Our message of hate is the onlt message of hate! #nolivesmatter