MAGA: Make A Gringo Asleep

29  2018-04-13 by newcomer_ts


Your condescending, contradictory bullshit isn't attractive to anyone except your frothing, basement-dwelling, virgin army.


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Eww, second to top comment is sticking up for the mayo

Sad! If you're going to bring the racist bantz to your fight, you can't lose to the untermensch. Mayo fragility just got 10 feet higher.

It is funny that all your complaints depend on overuse of the term "racism", since national borders are inherently good and right.

Found the mayo.

Being a mayo man is cool because women of every color want to fellate your privilege.

Remember that while you prep the bull

Sorry, pal. It's just me, committing sexual imperialism against objectified brown bodies.



The less ironic subset of your right wing buddies would put you in the ground the second you outlived your role as a useful idiot.

Luckily, it isn't 1895 so there aren't significant numbers of Democrat cross-burners for me to fear. :-D

FWD: FWD: FWD: FWD: "liberals are the real racists"

Tru tru

Why were your accounts /u/BigLordShiggot and /u/SocialistEphebophile suspended?? Was it the Jewish tricks? 🤔🤔🤔

I have insider information from the mod team indicating that he was suspended for advocating violence at least once. I'm just going to assume that the other suspensions were for the same reason.

Violent mayos, smfh

the mod team

This sub? Also lol @ (((insider))) information 😂

Look, everyone, it's a normie conservative trying to prove that he's down with Al Trite. After Zodiak lost he needed to fill the void in his heart and Daddy was all he had to work with.

Seriously, this is sad. Watching people like you try to "go with the flow" set by T_D reminds me of a 7th grade substitute teacher trying to prove to the kids that he's "cool" by spitting hip-hop lingo from 1996. Are you one of /u/chabanais's alts?

I didn't like the Zodiac at all during the primaries, actually. I was all Trump Train from the beginning.

However, Lion Ted has really won my respect since then, and I will be voting for him in 2024.

put more effort in.

Like, imagine how wrong you must be to need to pull out "racism!" to prop up your arguments.

ur posts are low effort nobody cares.

It isn't working. Try calling people racist a few times.

You’re a racist and your type is losing and/or dying out. Even if you try to change your ways, it’s too late. You’ll die stupid

Imagine a Connecticut prep school liberal calling anyone racist, lol

☐ Connecticut

☑ prep school

☑ liberal

Also what does that even mean? Imagine a Tennessee home school racist trying to be slick

☑ prep school

☑ liberal

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I knew it. Some lily-white fuckface tryna play White Man's Burden. Crawl back up your own ass.

I'm Indian tho

So you've got even less of a clue of about race in America. Trying to latch onto the history of black people with diluted Newspeak words like "person of color" lolololololol

fuck off.

I was born in America tho. Probably been a citizen longer than you. You think all Indians are immigrants? Your racism is showing

I was born in America tho.

So was every other ignorant Yankee liberal. Run along now.

Lol you were wrong about everything and you're acting like you had me stumped the whole time. Go eat some cake fat boy

Prep-school Yankee liberal with no knowledge of black America trying to virtue signal. That's you in a nutshell. I bet you even refer to yourself unironically as a Pee Oh Cee.

What a fucking joke you are. Shoo, and don't come back.

You keep saying prep school for some reason. Is it because you're in high school and that's how you classify people?

I bet you even refer to yourself unironically as a Pee Oh Cee.

Wrong again. You didn't deny you're a little piggy fat boy lmao

Is it because

It is because I know damn well you did not go to a largely black public school and you move in largely white liberal circles. Bitch.


I’m a conservative too, but holy shit, kill yourself.

Safe and armed, safe from harm!

Your meltdown is glorious. Also lol at all the fly over states mayos.

Imagine being such a drain on Western civilization that your only source of perverse pride is celebrating how little you have to do with the places and institutions that make said civilization worth caring about to begin with.

If you actually are proud of your boyhood civilization and care about its future, I suggest that you remove yourself from it. The West needs intellectual leadership more than ever, and your people can't provide it.

Thank G-d for fentanyl.


Hmm, yes. What we need is more Zuckerbergs and gender professors. Indeed.

Mark Zuckerberg (and the Winklevii) launched a multi-billion dollar industry. What have you achieved? You're not even a terribly good lolcow.

And we all wish had not

this was still racist

The only racism I give a shit about is directly related to the history of black slavery in America. Everything else is just whining.

Kill yourself

Why would I do that? I am at the peak of privilege.

I think you'll find that keeping yourself safe is a much more practical choice for people like yourself.

Kill yourself

lol triggered

Look man I clearly dont put effort into /r/drama comments but that one was low effort even by my strandards.


act to end your own life

No bullying please

sorrry fren

/u/leftist_degenerate i take everything back. you're an attractive person with great prospects in life

ur racist

No u

Be nice.

Imagine posting right-wing doctrine on /r/Drama but being so sickeningly earnest about it that you get downvoted by the crypto-haters here.

Let me tell you, /r/drama is one of the most malevolent, cruel, coldhearted online communities you'll ever find.

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Asleep Asphyxiate


Clearly racist.

I have to say, there's a certain other kind of 'tism going on in this thread.

I think wearing a wall pattern on your shorts when fighting a Mexican pushes it a bit past patriotism

isnt that how americans say 'hello'?

It is how we say YOU HAVE TO GO BACK

I'm confused. Did this Mexican not have a valid visa? I thought you were complaining about illegal immigration. Don't tell me, could it be that you're actually... racist?

Don't know, don't care.

Finally, a DDF member says what we all know they've been thinking.

I don’t give a shit about your horseshit.

I am picturing your surprise.

Well, patriotism happens to be the most socially acceptable outlet for retards.

big AND tru