/r/pics hambeast celebrates going from super morbidly obese to just morbidly obese.

14  2018-04-13 by IAintThatGuy


This is not the time or place for another black-dick joke


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r/pics is now either for recovering drug addicts/siblings of people with autism/people who have lost weight.

Also cancer. Cancer posts. Fuck those posts especially.

You forgot pictures of trashcans that vaguely resemble Trump.

And "drumph oz dum" signs

It’s only good when there are protest signs.

It's been like that literally the entire 7 years I've been here.

Reddit was never good.

/u/pkrevecki you didn't need to get surgery. Have you ever heard of not eating? It's easy. Just don't put food into your fat fucking face. Repeat for a few hundred days and your body will burn the fat. Water and vitamin pills are OK.

/u/pkrevecki you didn't need to get surgery. Have you ever heard of not eating? It's easy. Just don't put food into your fat fucking face. Repeat for a few hundred days and your body will burn the fat. Water and vitamin pills are OK.