Holy shit -- the cognitive dissonance and denial in that sub is so thick you could close a window and suffocate them with their own absolute retardation.
I stand with President Trump.
Of course you do, u/pray4America. The Sunk Cost fallacy is an ice cold bitch, isn't it?
Holy shit -- the cognitive dissonance and denial in that sub is so thick you could close a window and suffocate them with their own absolute retardation.
I stand with President Trump.
Of course you do, u/pray4America. The Sunk Cost fallacy is an ice cold bitch, isn't it?
They are already mental gymnastics saying it is a master plan to prevent WW3. That he has to scare Kim Jong so that they know he is serious. Also proves that Russian collusion did not happen.
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 76%. (I'm a bot)
"I ordered the United States armed forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapon capabilities of Syrian dictator of Bashar al-Assad," Trump said from the White House Diplomatic Room.
Trump said the strikes were in coordination with France and the United Kingdom, adding that the purpose of the campaign is to "Establish a strong deterrent against the production, spread and use of chemical weapons."
Trump indicated the strikes would continue until the Syrian regime's use of chemical weapons ends.
No need to panic, boys. This is the same thing that happened last year. "Strike" Syria, and miss everything to such a degree that you don't even hit the airstrip.
He warned the Russians, like, a week ago, and then the Russians warned Assad.
1 SnapshillBot 2018-04-14
Now with added cancer!
I am a bot. (Info / Contact)
1 Shark_life 2018-04-14
Weapons of mass distraction.
1 loli_esports 2018-04-14
Press 1 to be drafted
1 SAC-Lawn_Gnome 2018-04-14
Fuck, I wanted to be drafted to go fight in North Korea, not Syria.😫
1 ioiidnsksi 2018-04-14
i wonder (((who))) was behind this
1 froibo 2018-04-14
Time to get a sex change
1 PantherChamp 2018-04-14
Didn't they change it so women are drafted too?
1 froibo 2018-04-14
Idonno about women, but trans got the boot from servingm
1 Strictlybutters 2018-04-14
I know I’m retarded and I could be completely wrong but didn’t Daddy say less than 2 weeks ago he was going to withdraw from Syria?
1 ioiidnsksi 2018-04-14
this is daddy, hes mentally ill
1 Riley_Conway 2018-04-14
It's the (((Deep State))) messing with Daddy's mind!
1 AlveolarPressure 2018-04-14
Is that what he's calling his Alzheimer's plaques now?
1 Strictlybutters 2018-04-14
1 AlveolarPressure 2018-04-14
Gussy privilege strikes again
1 Strictlybutters 2018-04-14
T_D already on suicide watch
1 Anarcho_Autism 2018-04-14
Holy shit -- the cognitive dissonance and denial in that sub is so thick you could close a window and suffocate them with their own absolute retardation.
Of course you do, u/pray4America. The Sunk Cost fallacy is an ice cold bitch, isn't it?
1 Anarcho_Autism 2018-04-14
Holy shit -- the cognitive dissonance and denial in that sub is so thick you could close a window and suffocate them with their own absolute retardation.
Of course you do, u/pray4America. The Sunk Cost fallacy is an ice cold bitch, isn't it?
1 IAmAN00bie 2018-04-14
The REEEEEEEing from T_D will be glorious
1 cheeZetoastee 2018-04-14
"wtf we love neocons now"
T_D, probably.
1 Hellkyte 2018-04-14
These are the same people who rebranded Bolton as anti-neocon
1 babybopp 2018-04-14
They are already mental gymnastics saying it is a master plan to prevent WW3. That he has to scare Kim Jong so that they know he is serious. Also proves that Russian collusion did not happen.
1 PantherChamp 2018-04-14
The ones left after the latest banwave, for sure
1 CantWakeUpJPG 2018-04-14
Prepare to be drafted again, Amerimutts.
1 JamesRobotoMD 2018-04-14
Drafts are for suckers, we just undereducate our poors and they join right up. Saves a lot time on draft dodging for the quality people.
1 babybopp 2018-04-14
Those right wing fanatics love their gun only to shoot at tin cans, call them to war and they will all develop bone spurs.
1 yetanothercfcgrunt 2018-04-14
It's a shame I'm too old for flagrant draft dodging.
1 Strictlybutters 2018-04-14
Does Vegas have any open bets on WWIII yet?
1 Shark_life 2018-04-14
No, but if you'd like to make money off this you can always speculate on oil, gold, or defense stocks like $RTN, etc.
I'm personally balls deep in oil futures since January this year.
1 autotldr 2018-04-14
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 76%. (I'm a bot)
Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Trump#1 chemical#2 weapon#3 Syrian#4 strikes#5
1 FedoraWearingNegus 2018-04-14
Good goy
1 alibix 2018-04-14
FUCK YES! Thank God that the internet doesn't run the military Jesus fucking CHRIST.
1 TeenagerFanatic 2018-04-14
I welcome world war 3
1 UnexpectedLizard 2018-04-14
This is going to confuse the fuck out of the alt right.
1 JamesRobotoMD 2018-04-14
Well most of the people we are bombing are Muslims, that'll cheer them up a bit.
1 accounttttttttt 2018-04-14
nuclear war soon please
1 wwaalleess 2018-04-14
>tfw ur 26
1 C881 2018-04-14
Tears on both side of the political spectrum, the best kind of drama.
1 arandomloser21 2018-04-14
Thank god Killary didn't drop some miss-wait Daddy nooooo. 😭😭😭
1 MrAlphonzo 2018-04-14
I could've sworn Hillary was going to start WW3.
No need to panic, boys. This is the same thing that happened last year. "Strike" Syria, and miss everything to such a degree that you don't even hit the airstrip.
He warned the Russians, like, a week ago, and then the Russians warned Assad.
Another publicity stunt out of desperation.
1 PantherChamp 2018-04-14
I'm just glad we went with the anti-war candidate who doesn't want to get involved in more unnecessary quagmires
1 shitpost953 2018-04-14
Sorry fam one of the mean mods' directives